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3 votes

Testing Hypothesis with Time series and Location Data

While Ert's and Ben's answers are excellent, they rely on the assumption that you understand how to perform statistical modelling on time series, which is not a trivial topic. Entire books are written ...
Xavier Bourret Sicotte's user avatar
3 votes

Testing Hypothesis with Time series and Location Data

How exactly I can use the lat-long (since this is more granular than just cities) of data to check whether prices of house are dependent on location? Rather than using the ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 votes

Correlation Between Locations

First of all, to compute distance between two latitude-longitude points refer to this stackoverflow question. Here are two ideas for your question: For each point $(X,Y)$ in $A$, find the $k$ points ...
Hossein's user avatar
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Averaging predictions from two different models

Yes, averaging models is a good approach! This is a consequence of the convexity of most loss functions (log-loss, MSE...). Recalling Jensen's inequality for a convex function $f$ : $$f(\lambda x + (...
RUser4512's user avatar
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2 votes

Averaging predictions from two different models

It is a valid approach: this is a model ensemble, averaging being the basic ensemble method. If the base model prediction results are not highly correlated, and their prediction is not very bad, then ...
wolfe's user avatar
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1 vote

Index of spatial variability

You're looking for a model that includes an estimate for spatial correlation. I googled for some sources, and via, which directly addresses your question, I also came ...
Gijs's user avatar
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Fitting a von Mises Distribution over the Global Population

Fitting the distribution is not so difficult. For the sphere you can use the von Mises-Fisher distribution) which expresses the probability in terms of the 3d Cartesian coordinates and the estimation ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
1 vote

Testing Hypothesis with Time series and Location Data

Considering you have a number of features and you are looking to understand how the features affect the price, one straightforward way of doing this would be a regression method, with the following ...
ERT's user avatar
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