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25 votes

What statistical model or algorithm could be used to solve the John Snow Cholera problem?

Not to give a complete or authoritative answer, but just to stimulate ideas, I will report on a quick analysis I made for a lab exercise in a spatial stats course I was teaching ten years ago. The ...
whuber's user avatar
  • 334k
19 votes

What statistical model or algorithm could be used to solve the John Snow Cholera problem?

In [1,§3.2], David Freedman suggests an essentially negative answer to your question. That is, no (mere) statistical model or algorithm could solve John Snow's problem. Snow's problem was to develop a ...
David C. Norris's user avatar
7 votes

How do I calculate the proportion of smaller squares covered by a larger circle?

This question asks how to construct a rasterized two-dimensional kernel for a circular uniform distribution. The underlying mathematical problem is this: given a planar circle $R$ and a rectangle $X,$...
whuber's user avatar
  • 334k
4 votes

Can Moran's I results be compared against each other in different geographies?

As there is no answer here, and really no reliable answer in the searchable internet, let me provide some information, that would be at least partly useful in this context. Global Moran's I statistic ...
cure's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create training data for CNN using remote sensing imagery

This looks like a good application for semantic segmentation. In fact, there have been contests in the past that address something very similar to your problem (e.g.
scherm's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get the density estimate for the whole region based on data from several locations?

There's lots of options out there for doing two-dimensional interpolation or regression. One attractive approach in this case would be to use a Gaussian Process model because: a) You may have ...
grge's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I calculate the proportion of smaller squares covered by a larger circle?

My suggestion is to use sampling. Create a matrix of your squares. Take samples from two uniform variables, interpret those as x and y values. Keep them only if they fall in the circle. Count those ...
Gijs's user avatar
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2 votes

Given a set of addresses, pick a geographically even subset for sampling

In order to be able to calculate estimates based on the typical design-based survey sampling paradigm (that is, using estimators based on the Horvitz-Thompson estimator), it's important to have a ...
RoryT's user avatar
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2 votes

Population Modeling Statistics on a Map

If I understand what you want to do, it is not really a statistical issue per se. As I understand it, you have a map of piecewise-constant areal population density (i.e. $\frac{\text{people}}{\text{...
GeoMatt22's user avatar
  • 13.1k
2 votes

Can I use data with different temporal scales in a random forest?

(EDIT: I am answering with the assumption that in the future you want to be able to predict the bird population based on their movements. Otherwise, as mentioned in the comments, the use of RF might ...
Davide ND's user avatar
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1 vote

Spatial analysis / kernel density in R, what kernel describes this distribution of points?

I think I now understand how you generate the sample points in a simulation. However, it seems that all parameters are known except possibly the location of the center point. So I'm not ...
JimB's user avatar
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1 vote

reflectance value ranges from -3.40282e38 to 3.40282e38 in qgis

The standard way to map into the range $[0,1]$ is by using the sigmoid function, however, such a large range will lead to very similar values.
Leibniz's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Predict crowded areas based on time series data points of latitude and longitude

If the radius would vary it would lead to too many problems: There's an infinite number of solutions, your algorithm needs to consider a radius as small as 1 centimeter and as big as the whole earth. ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 141k
1 vote

Predict crowded areas based on time series data points of latitude and longitude

This is a very interesting problem. I would propose the following approach: Build a regression model that predicts the lat/long coordinates of a user given a history of lat/long coordinates e.g., a ...
David Nelson's user avatar
1 vote

Metric for spatial auto cross correlation?

Doing this in a time-space context is another barrel of monkeys (that I am not sure about), but it sounds to me like wavelet coherence (or wavelet covariance) might be worth looking into. Wavelet ...
coreydevinanderson's user avatar
1 vote

What is the best method to statistically test two areas?

I would start with a Poisson rate regression, it is generallt better to model counts than the rates directly. Assuming you have counts on ward level, the response is count of obese children and the ...
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar

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