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3 votes

What is the "sensible default" for the Kest function of the spatstat package?

The answer is in spatstat's FAQ: How are the r values determined in Kest(X) ? The default r values for Kest are computed as follows: The maximum r value is ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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2 votes

Limit of Ripley's K function as r goes to infinity?

It indeed diverges to infinity. Imagine an infinite point process with constant intensity. You can then pick one of the points at random and declare this as the origin of your coordinate system. Then ...
Ege Rubak's user avatar
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2 votes

Simulation envelopes for Foxall J not containing the line y=1 (fully reproducible example)

No. No. No. A simulation envelope is constructed by finding the largest and smallest values of the simulated summary functions. The simulated function values are random, so there is no guarantee that ...
Adrian Baddeley's user avatar
2 votes

pointwise envelopes not including Theoretical line Foxall J

Please provide a minimal working example. Pooling of objects (such as simulation envelopes) is only justified when the individual objects (envelopes) were created under identical conditions. In your ...
Adrian Baddeley's user avatar
2 votes

spatstat::plot.envelope observed line longer than shading

This behaviour is correct. The shaded region is the envelope of 39 curves which were each computed by generating a completely random pattern and computing the estimate of Foxall's J function ...
Adrian Baddeley's user avatar
1 vote

spatstat::plot.envelope observed line longer than shading

I'm on my phone so can't check any details, but my best guess is that the upper bound of the envelope (hi) is NA when the ...
Ege Rubak's user avatar
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