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carlo's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years
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36 votes

Famous statistical wins and horror stories for teaching purposes

15 votes

Detect if there is actually two populations in a sample

11 votes

Effect of nonlinear transformations on the mean

10 votes

Is there a name for the midpoint of a sum (not a mean or median)?

10 votes

Can a neural network work with negative and zero inputs?

9 votes

Why is skewed data not preferred for modelling?

7 votes

Use of expression "statistically significantly positive"

7 votes

Can the split of an AB test be different than 50-50?

6 votes

What are the assumptions in bayesian statistics?

5 votes

Why Lasso or ElasticNet perform better than Ridge when the features are correlated

5 votes

Does there exist a Frequentist or Non-Bayesian solution to Gull's Lighthouse Problem?

5 votes

"It was the correct play even though I lost"

5 votes

Problems, which are difficult for SGD

5 votes

XGBoost - Can we find a "better" objective function than RMSE for regression?

4 votes

Is "degree of freedom" singular or plural?

4 votes

Can a missing independent variable from a regression model produce a flawed analysis?

4 votes

What does it mean to "renormalize" the density of a kernel distribution?

3 votes

What is the correlation between Y and $\epsilon$ in a linear regression?

3 votes

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic interpretation with large samples

3 votes

Why does the Kolmogorov distribution table have entries for $n$?

3 votes

Why does machine learning work for high-dimensional data($n \ll p$)?

3 votes

Finding similarity between two datasets

3 votes

How to classify new data point for Kernel SVM?

3 votes

In linear regression why does the response variable have to be continuous?

3 votes

Standard errors of parameters in IRT

3 votes

Hypothetical question about dispersion

3 votes

Simulation of logistic regression's accuracy

3 votes

Minimize $f(A,B)$ s.t. $\text{exp}(A)^T \text{exp}(B)=J_K$

3 votes

Test if function "raises faster then linear"

3 votes

Range of $R^2$ of the model with two predictors given the $R^2$s of univariate models of each predictor

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