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tchakravarty's user avatar
tchakravarty's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Mumbai, India
84 votes

How to tune hyperparameters of xgboost trees?

63 votes

What is the difference between GARCH and ARMA?

61 votes

Replicating Stata's "robust" option in R

59 votes

Logistic Regression: Scikit Learn vs Statsmodels

52 votes

How do I interpret a probit model in Stata?

39 votes

How are the standard errors of coefficients calculated in a regression?

28 votes

Calculate coefficients in a logistic regression with R

26 votes

Which Dickey-Fuller test for a time series modelled with an intercept/drift and a linear trend?

24 votes

I know the 95% confidence interval for ln(x), do I also know the 95% confidence interval of x?

16 votes

Count the number of each unique row in a data frame?

15 votes

Logistic regression with LBFGS solver

11 votes

Applying Frisch-Waugh-Lovell theorem to IV regression in R

11 votes

Using an example, show that $C$ does not have to be a field

10 votes

Interpret regression coefficients after WLS

10 votes

Fuzzy regression discontinuity design and exclusion restriction

10 votes

Within model with plm package

10 votes

Identify the parameters of the model $Y=\exp(\beta_0 + \beta_1 X + \beta_2 Z)+u_i$

10 votes

Is such transformed beta a known distribution?

10 votes

Who invented profile maximum likelihood estimation?

9 votes

Looking for a OLS-Equation if one Regressor is correlated with the error

9 votes

Linear regression with constrained coefficient

9 votes

Deletion residuals

9 votes

Feasible Generalized Least Square in R

9 votes

Simulating Multinomial Logit Data with R

8 votes

Asymptotic chi square tables?

8 votes

Stepwise regression in R with both direction

7 votes

How to express a Poisson regression as an equation

7 votes

How can I pool bootstrapped p-values across multiply imputed data sets?

7 votes

IV estimator: efficient implementation?

7 votes

Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (LIML) estimation in R?