You can just use the fact that the correlation at any time $t$ of two series in the DCC GARCH
model, $Y_{1t}, Y_{2t}$ is just $\tfrac{\mathbb{C}(Y_{1t}, Y_{2t})}{\sqrt{\mathbb{V}(Y_{1t})\mathbb{V}(Y_{1t})}}$.
You can compute this manually as in the following example
webuse stocks, clear
// fit the DCC GARCH model
mgarch dcc (toyota nissan = , noconstant) (honda = , noconstant), ///
arch(1) garch(1)
// predict the conditional covariances
predict condvar*, variance
// generate the correlations
g condcorr_nissan_toyota = condvar_nissan_toyota/ ///
g condcorr_honda_toyota = condvar_honda_toyota/ ///
g condcorr_honda_nissan = condvar_honda_nissan/ ///
// plot the conditional correlations
tsline condcorr_nissan_toyota condcorr_honda_toyota condcorr_honda_nissan, ///