I cam across these two old blog posts on displayed error bars and tried to work through the result. I believe I am making a mistake somewhere, but I'm not sure where. Let me describe the scenario first, and lay out my reasoning.
First, the scenario:
Suppose that we have a plot with the measurements of a particular quantity $x$ for two different populations, $A$ and $B$. Let us assume that $x$ is Gaussian distributed.
We find that the two measurements have means $\bar{x}_1$, $\bar{x}_2$.
We make a plot of both measurements with their $2\sigma$ confidence limits. For simplicity, let us say that both datasets have the same standard deviation $s$.
The confidence limits overlap to some extent. The posts ask: to what extent do they overlap so that this result significant at the $\alpha = 0.05$ level?
My attempt at answering this
Let us construct the statistic $z = \frac{\bar{x}_1 - \bar{x}_2}{2 s}$.
The standard deviation of $z$ is then $\sigma_z = \sqrt{\left(\frac{\partial z}{\partial \bar{x}_1}\right)^2 s_1^2 + \left(\frac{\partial z}{\partial \bar{x}_2}\right)^2 s_2^2} \quad = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$, since $s_1 = s_2 = s$.
Now, we can rephrase our problem as the search for a value $z_{\star}$ such that $p(-z_{\star} \leq z \leq z_{\star} )= 0.95$, given that $z \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_z = 0, \sigma_z = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}})$ -- i.e. the null hypothesis is that $z$ is normally-distributed about a mean of $0$ and standard deviation $1/\sqrt{2}$.
Going to Mathematica, I find that $z_{\star} \approx 1.386$.
To try to interpret what this means, let us now re-write $z = \frac{\bar{x}_1 - \bar{x}_2}{2s} = \frac{\Delta \bar{x}}{w}$, where $w$ is the length of the $2\sigma$ "error bars".
Reaching statistical significance when $|z| > 1.386 \; z_{\star}$ implies that we can have $|\Delta \bar{x}| \leq 1.386 \; w$, so the "error bars" can significantly overlap.
This seems at odds with the statement here that the error bars "can overlap by as much as 25% of their total length and still show a significant difference."
So: where is the gap in my reasoning? (Is it in the interpretation of the standard deviation/standard error in the $t$-test?)
(Btw, I don't think the definition of 95% CLs in these posts is technically correct, with the usual mixing up of Bayesian and Frequentist interpretations. I've tried to avoid this in my question, but let me know if I can be clearer.)