I'm using R to fit a neural network to data generated by the formula $y = x^2 + \frac{\epsilon}{2}$ where $x \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 2)$ and $\epsilon \sim N(0, 1)$ (very simple, right?). The following plot shows the plot of function $x^2$ and the generated data:
Now, I take the average error for $10$ runs for a Neural Network model of size $k$ for all $k \in \{1, \ldots, 50\}$ getting the following plot:
What I find rather strange is that from ~$10$ to ~$30$ and from ~$40$ to ~$50$ it is $\approx 0$ and stable but from ~$30$ to ~$40$ it is volatile and $>> 0$. I've also tried several other functions getting the same effect. Is that normal? Can you provide an explanation for it?
The plot above was generated by the following R code:
f<-function(x) 2 + x^2
error <- rep(0, 50)
for (k in 1:50) {
for (z in 1:10) {
fx <- f(x)
y<-fx + 0.5*rnorm(300)
error[k] = error[k] + mean((fx - pn)^2)
error[k] = error[k] / 10
plot(error, xlab = "k", ylab = "Error")