Linked Questions

12 votes
1 answer

"Accept null hypothesis" or "fail to reject the null hypothesis"? [duplicate]

I'm trying to conduct a Student's t-test for a table of values while trying to follow the explanation and details found on this website. I understand that if the p-value is <.01 then it's really ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 answers

Can a null be inconclusive? [duplicate]

My Null for the T-test is h0: -tcritical < Tstat < +tcritical I would like a confidence level of 95%. If my empirical result satisfies the null, but not my confidence requirements (the p ...
Harry's user avatar
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Hypothesis Testing terminology [duplicate]

I am studying now Hypothesis Testing. I use for it book High-Yield Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health and videos of Brandon Foltz (recommending these ...
vasili111's user avatar
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If p=0.999 why can't I conclude that there is zero or near-zero effect? [duplicate]

I have been doing statistics as part of my job for a few years now. But now I have to try and explain the logic of Null Hypothesis Significance testing to a statistically naive audience. Say I have ...
llewmills's user avatar
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Why we do not accept the null hypothesis [duplicate]

Let's take an example (Taken from "Naked Statistics by Charles Wheelan") : Null hypothesis - Substance abuse treatment for prisoners does not reduce their rearrest rate after leaving prison ...
figs_and_nuts's user avatar
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Can the null hypothesis be **more** true than the alternative hypothesis or vice versa? [duplicate]

As the title says, my question is can the null hypothesis ($H_0$) be more true than the alternative hypothesis ($H_1$) or vice versa? For example, if the statistical power is really high (extremely ...
Math is like Friday's user avatar
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Confidence interval for odds ratio only just containing 1 [duplicate]

If I have an odds ratio of 1.2 say between group A and group B but a confidence interval of (0.99,1.5) which only just about contains 1. Can I make the conclusion that there is no association between ...
therunningman's user avatar
1 vote
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How to test hypotheses properly? [duplicate]

I have a homepage which I would like to change in some ways. I would like to place a commercial banner on it Ha. In this regard, I dont want the change to affect ...
Mamba's user avatar
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Accepting vs failing to accept the null hypothesis? [duplicate]

In this paper the authors state the following regarding a null hypothesis significance test: If P-value < critical value, reject null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis (difference ...
sonicboom's user avatar
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Setting the conventional null hypothesis as the alternative? [duplicate]

I am a bit confused on assigning null and alternative hypotheses. For example in comparing 2 interventions, conventionally, null hypotheses are usually stating that there are no differences in ...
Melody's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to use paired t-test for comparing two means from the same sample obtained from two different methods? [duplicate]

I want to determine if method A provides the same results as method B. I obtain 2 sets of measurements using both method A and B. I therefore have 2 means that I want to compare using the paired t-...
Robert's user avatar
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67 votes
14 answers

If we fail to reject the null hypothesis in a large study, isn't it evidence for the null?

A basic limitation of null hypothesis significance testing is that it does not allow a researcher to gather evidence in favor of the null (Source) I see this claim repeated in multiple places, but I ...
bkoodaa's user avatar
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39 votes
7 answers

Why is the null hypothesis often sought to be rejected?

I hope I am making sense with the title. Often, the null hypothesis is formed with the intention of rejecting it. Is there a reason for this, or is it just a convention?
Prometheus's user avatar
40 votes
8 answers

Is it possible to prove a null hypothesis?

As the question states - Is it possible to prove the null hypothesis? From my (limited) understanding of hypothesis, the answer is no but I can't come up with a rigorous explanation for it. Does the ...
Pulkit Sinha's user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

Justification of one-tailed hypothesis testing

I understand two-tailed hypothesis testing. You have $H_0 : \theta = \theta_0$ (vs. $H_1 = \neg H_0 : \theta \ne \theta_0$). The $p$-value is the probability that $\theta$ generates data at least as ...
xyzzyrz's user avatar
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