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Would this way of evaluating this probability be correct?

Suppose I have a discrete variable $S_t$ and a continuous variable $X_t$. Further, suppose I wish to evaluate $P(S_t=s_t)$. Would the below derivations be correct? \begin{align} P(S_t=s_t)&=\int P(...
Carl's user avatar
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Mapping Parametric Curves with auxiliary variables

The image below displays an approach of using an auxiliary variable to map the parametric curves of a standard normal pdf and cdf. In Equation (1), z as r.v. is clearly one-dimensional. However, after ...
Blackforest95's user avatar
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Esitmate of minimal of a function changed after transforming the variable

I want to perform MCMC or HMC for solving minimization problem of a function $f(x)$, then define the corresponding density $$g(x) = \exp\left(-f(x)\right)$$ Because the function of the future apply is ...
Lei Pan's user avatar
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Area between two probability density functions as distance measure

I have two distinct probability density functions, and I would like to find a synthetic measure of how different the two distributions are. Intuitively, it would make sense to me to compute the area ...
user362018's user avatar
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Estimate at which point a linear model hits a certain value (including probabilities)

I have a simple 1D set of datapoints with a trend, I want to estimate at which point $X_t$ (i.e., at which point in the future) the model will hit a certain threshold $Y_t$: I can fit a trendline to ...
Raphael Roth's user avatar
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What is the probability mass function of Rock, Paper, Scissors?

I was curious about the statistics behind the game of rock, paper, scissors. Let's say n people are playing, where n is greater than or equal to 2. If when all n people reveal their play and only 1 ...
Monolo Juan's user avatar
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Kernel Density: How do the terms 'global' and 'pilot' translate?

I nearly most of the articles on kernel smoothing or concepts that use kernel density estimations, authors speak of 'pilot' and 'global'. &...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Problem on Discrete Random Variable

Please kindly give a pointer to this question. Generating the discrete variables seems unlikely! Entrance to a country can be denied for a number of reasons. When someone arrives by air, and their ...
user353313's user avatar
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Method for selecting points from a dataset with known distribution A, so the selected points have known distribution B

I have a dataset (10K points) that was sampled from distribution A (the pdf of distribution A is known). I want to select a subset of the data (1k points), so the selected points have distribution B (...
Adam's user avatar
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What are examples of symmetric copulas $f(x,y)=f(y,x)$ having relative minima for $f(x,x)$?

In a previous posting on this site RepulsiveBehavior I attempted to detail a quantum-information-theoretic separability/entanglement problem I am pursuing. Detailed issues of sampling sizes for a data ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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Conventions for pmf/pdf

The way I usually see the conventions: for a continuous random variable $X$, the pdf is denoted $f_{X}(x)$ or $f(x)$,where $x$ is an instance of $X$. And for a discrete random variable $X$, the pmf ...
a12345's user avatar
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Need help interpreting an answer about the Cauchy distribution and Huygens principle

I'm trying to understand the answer here, which provides a physical interpretation for why the Cauchy distributions mean doesn't exist makes the following statement: If a unit light source is located ...
ryu576's user avatar
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Conditional Density Function on Underlying Exponential

Problem Statement: Suppose $Y_1, Y_2,\dots, Y_n$ are a random sample from an exponential distribution with mean $\theta.$ Let $\displaystyle U=\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i.$ Find the conditional density function ...
Adrian Keister's user avatar
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A parameter to differentiate multimodal density plots

I am trying to find a parameter that would summarize the shape of a density plot where: an insight into the symmetry is given (not a priority); and how regular/irregular the multi modals are For ...
jack kelly's user avatar
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Dealing with Tall, Thin, Skewed Data

I'm working with a dataset that shows particle movement. There are three broad cases that I see in my data, when they are negatively skewed, approximately normal, or positively skewed. My end goal is ...
delion19's user avatar
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joint and conditional density function

Let $f(x,y,z)$ be the joint density function. I found a reference that this joint density can be written as $f(x,y,z) = f_1(x|y,z)f_2(y|z)f_3(z)$ I'm wondering if there are alternative forms to ...
user0131's user avatar
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Probability distribution over a variable? What does it mean?

In this document at the very first page, it says: Moreover, uppercase P(X) denotes the probability distribution over ...
Vaaal's user avatar
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KL divergence from a family of distributions

The KL divergence between two probability measures $q,p$ is $$KL(q(x)||p(x)) = - \int_{\mathcal{X}} q(x) \log\frac{p(x)}{q(x)} dx.$$ What's the KL divergence between a measure and a set of measures? ...
900edges's user avatar
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What is the pdf of the square of the product of two correlated normal distributions?

Let $x$ and $y$ denote a bivariate normal random vector with zero means, unit variances and correlation coefficient $\rho$. Then, the pdf of $z=xy$ is known to be \begin{equation} f(z) = \frac{1}{\pi\...
POC's user avatar
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exponential parameter estimtion from the smallest k-th order statistics

Assume $X_1, X_2, X_3,\ldots,X_n$ are i.i.d. samples from Exp($\lambda$). Assume that the integer $k<n$, is it possible to find a an unbiased estimator for $\lambda$ from the k-th smallest ordered ...
Anas Alhashimi's user avatar
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If I have N1 samples from PDF p1 and N2 samples from PDF p2, what PDF describes the combined distribution?

If I have (for example) normal distributions $p_1(x)$ and $p_2(x)$, what PDF (if any) will describe 1000 samples from p1 and 500 samples from p2? i.e. is there a PDF describing the green histogram $...
Rich L's user avatar
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Generating random variates knowing the density function

Let's consider a random variable that is following the distribution with the density function as below: $$f(x) = \begin{cases} \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} 3.5i(0.3)^{i-1}e^{-5ix} & \text{for $x>0$} \\ ...
bajun65537's user avatar
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PDF of function of gamma distribution

If $X = {X_1, \dots, X_n}$ is a sample of independent and identically distributed random variables, each following a Gamma distribution $\Gamma(2, λ)$, with unknown scale parameter $\lambda$, then, ...
Zach4831's user avatar
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Sampling from an density raised to a non-integer power (also, is this a reasonable thing to think about?)

I have a density that can be written as follows, $$ p(\mathbf{z}) = \frac{1}{H_f}\prod_iq_i(\mathbf{z}) $$ I want to sample from the density $p(\mathbf{z})$ using samples from each of $q_i(\mathbf{z})$...
Pablo's user avatar
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histogram vs. kernel in density estimation

Assume we have a problem of estimation of a density $f(x)$ over an interval $[0, 1]$. Can a regular histogram (i.e. with equal-sized bins) be viewed as some kind of a kernel?
ABK's user avatar
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Find the Probability density function of a mean random variable

lets say $Y_{1},\ldots,Y_{n}$ are simple random samples with the PDF: $f_{\theta}(y)=\theta y^{\theta - 1} \mathbb{I}(0 \le y \le 1) $ How can I find the PDF of $\bar{Y}$? is it even possible?
Abdallah Barghouti's user avatar
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Get Continuous Distribution from Discrete Variable: Problem 6.77 of Wackerly, Mendenhall, Schaeffer, 5th Ed

Problem Statement: $\newcommand{\szdp}[1]{\!\left(#1\right)}$ Let $v$ denote the volume of a three-dimensional figure. Let $Y$ denote the number of particles observed in volume $v,$ and assume that $Y$...
Adrian Keister's user avatar
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Conditional Probability involving condition on two RVs

Suppose X,Y~exp(2) and are independent. Let W=X+Y. How do I set up integrals to calculate the following: f(W|X>Y) E(W|X>Y) Thanks!
Michael's user avatar
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How to calculate confidence interval of the CDF of a non-normal distribution?

For a non-normal distribution, how to calculate the confidence interval of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of such distribution? Are there any approximations to calculate confidence limits ...
Eric94's user avatar
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Is skewness visible in the cumulative distribution function (cdf)?

The following two figures are the pdf's of four parametric distributions and their corresponding cdf's. The most left-ward blue line is clearly not skewed, while the most right-ward orange line is ...
develarist's user avatar
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Conjugate Prior Distribution with a Normally distributed marginal distribution?

The Normal-Inverse-Gamma distribution $(X,\mu,\sigma^2)\sim NIG(\mu_0, \nu, \alpha, \beta)$ is the conjugate prior for the Normal distribution. However, this would correspond to the marginal ...
chausies's user avatar
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How do I evaluate this Integral?

I’m reading Glen Cowan’s book on statistical data analysis and was stuck on an integral that has to do with crv transformations. I’m not able to evaluate the integral $$ g(a)da = \int_{x(a)}^{x(a)+|\...
Kareem Arab's user avatar
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Where does $X_n$ converge to?

Let $ X_1, X_2, X_3, \ldots $ be independent random variables and let $ X_n $ have a probability density fucntion (PDF) defined by $ f_{X_n}(x) \quad=\quad \frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{\nu+1}{2}\right)}{\...
Jena Rayner's user avatar
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PDF of Beta Distribution written as exponential family form

I am trying to write the pdf of a beta random variable in its biparametric canonic form such as: Function 1 $$ f_Y(y; \theta, \phi) = exp \{ \phi[y \theta - b(\theta)] + c(y, \phi) \} \mathbb{1}_A(...
motipai's user avatar
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If $Y$ is continuous and $X$ is discrete, how to write the joint density of $(Y,X)$?

If $Y$ is continuous and $X$ is discrete with a finite number of points in the support, how to write the joint density of $(Y,X)$? For example, to write the joint density function evaluated at $(Y,X)=(...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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Approximate PDF function from "how many in each range" data

I have the following data which represent how many graduates (out of 578) have an average grade in each range: $58$ with average grade in the range $[5, 5.99]$ $336$ with average grade in the range $[...
michalis vazaios's user avatar
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How to compare two set of PMFs?

I'm facing some challenge and I don't know the correct approach for this. I'm having two sets of PMFs $S_1, S_2$ and I need to compare (distance like Jensen–Shannon) $S_1$ with $S_2$. What's the best ...
Iago Chaves's user avatar
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Are the following model assumptions on a data stream too restrictive?

Suppose that you were to model a "generic" continuous-time real-world data signal $X$ taking values in a bounded continuum $K\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ (e.g. the body temperature of a patient or ...
fsp-b's user avatar
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If I want to model a bivariate distribution that is symmetric about (0,0) using copula, what copulas can I use?

If I want to model bivariate data $\{X_i,Y_i\}_{i=1}^{n}$ using copula. The true joint density of $(X,Y)$ denoted as $f_{XY}(,)$ is unknown, but I know it's symmetric about (0,0) in the sense that $f_{...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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PDF of squared random variables

i have complex gaussian random variable given as $h\sim\mathcal{C}\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^{2})$. And i had $Y = |h|^{2}$. So what should be pdf of $Y$. I understood that $Y$ is exponential random ...
charu's user avatar
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How to define and plot a distribution function in python?

I want to define a distribution function (gaussian or skewed,...), the X axis is from 0 to 255. I have the mode which is located at the point 100 and i have two points (40, 170) that i consider ...
khadoudj's user avatar
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Find $x_0$ that satifies $\mathbb{P}(X \leq x_0) = 0.75$

Suppose that $X$ is a continuous random variable with probability density function: $$\begin{cases} x & 0 \leq x < 1, \\[6pt] 2-x & 1 \leq x < 2, \\[6pt] 0 & \text{otherwise}. \\...
Geralt's user avatar
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bivariate conditional joint sensor model

I am struggling to find $P\left( V_t | z \right)$ from $P\left( V_t | z , V_p \right)$. Here $z$ and $V_p$ are independent variables. ...
Onur Kadem's user avatar
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Can I perturb a sample drawn from a certain gaussian such that it becomes drawn from another gaussian?

Given known $v_1$ and $v_2$ such that $v_2 > v_1$, and an unknown $\mu$: I have a single sample drawn from the distribution $\mathcal{N}(\mu, v_1)$. Can I somehow perturb this sample in a sound ...
Beginner's user avatar
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PDF of sum of stationary processes

I would like to obtain formulas for the sum of random processes $U(\omega,t), V(\omega,t)$: Sum of two signals: $G(\omega,t) = U(\omega,t) + V(\omega,t)$ Case 1: $U,V$ are also jointly stationary $...
bonanza's user avatar
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Integrate out the binary indicator variable in a two-sample ANOVA

I have two sets of data, A and B, that have unequal sizes, and I want to compare their means. The standard approach would be to do a t-test. Getting a little more sophisticated, we can think of that t-...
Dave's user avatar
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Can we sample from the wrapped normal distribution and evaluate the density of the sample simultaneously?

In a computer program (written in C++), given $x\in[0,1)$ and $\sigma>0$, I need to sample $y$ from the wrapped normal distribution $\mathcal W_{x,\:\sigma^2}$ with mean $x$ and variance $\sigma^2$ ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Conditional and density probability (normal distribution)

I am trying to solve the following problem: Suppose that $\mu\sim N(1,4)$ and $Y|\mu\sim N(\mu,1)$. Show that: $$\begin{bmatrix}Y \\ \mu \end{bmatrix} \sim N\bigg(\begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix},...
Teodoro Bevilacqua's user avatar
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Calculating a baseline probability model for images

I'm a newbie to statistics, so I apologize if this question is trivial. I'm trying to build a distribution that can predict a specific set of images. But first, I need a baseline - so, I decided to ...
Nico A's user avatar
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Uniqueness of change of variable function

Let $X$ and $Y$ be continuous random variables with probability density function as $p_x(X)$ and $p_y(Y)$. If $X$ and $Y$ are related by an invertible function $f$ as $f(X)=Y$, then using change of ...
abcd's user avatar
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