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Kernel Density Estimation - Comparison Between different sets of samples

Is there a way for compare the distribution of different set of samples? For example, I have three sets, for example: X1 = N(0, 1); X2 = N(0.5, 1); X3 = N(1, 1). Each set is drown with a specific (...
Luca's user avatar
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Formalism to cope with probability density functions defined piecewise (in the second dimension)

I'm not sure how to pose this question, as I lack the correct terminology. Actually, my question tries to obtain insight on the terminology and notation to cope with the following problem: I have a ...
Pythonist's user avatar
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How to choose sample size from probability density for computing mutual information based on continuous variables

I need to compute mutual information gain based two continuous variables $X$ and $Y$ $I(X|Y) = \int_X\int_Y p_{x.y}(x,y) \log(\frac{p_{x.y}(x,y)}{p_{x}(x)p_{y}(y)})$. I have used Kernel Density ...
Jarryh's user avatar
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Conditional density under conditional indepencence?

Let $X,Y,Z$ three random variables such that the joint density can be factorized as $$f(x,y,z) = f(x \mid z) f(y\mid z) f(z).$$ This is, I am assuming conditional independence of $X$ and $Y$ given $Z$....
Dense's user avatar
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Roulette Wheel for sampling user defined pdf

Following is the pdf from which I want to sample so, I used roulette wheel sampling Code to generate pdf ...
Pranay Lawhatre's user avatar
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Compute $E(X_1|X_1+X_2)$ $X_1, X_2$ both iid $Exponential(1)$

I recently stumbled across this question on CV: Conditional expectation conditional on exponential random variable And really liked the answer provided by @Rush, but I wanted to try to compute this ...
StatCurious's user avatar
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Group comparison for bivariate distributions

For two groups A and B that consist of n and m individual samples. Each individual sample has a unique 2-dimensional joint probability density functions (PDFs)of two variables. These PDFs are ...
Arash's user avatar
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Probability question in Mat

My teacher give me this question: Using MATLAB, generate 10000 Random Vectors of size 500 with the PDF of Gamma distribution. Find the PDF of maximum and minimum of the generated Random vectors. (Use ...
Pedram's user avatar
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PDF transformation for y=|x|

Suppose I have the random variable X with a pdf: $$f(x)=exp(-(x+1)) u(x+1)$$ where u is the unit step function; such that u = 0 for x<-1 and u=1 for x>-1 $$y= |x|$$ for $$-1<x<1$$ ...
HaneenSu's user avatar
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Viewing PMF as an instance of a PDF

I'm having difficulties in thinking about the probability mass function (PMF) as a special case of the probability density function (PDF). I understand that PMF's are used in discrete examples, but ...
asantos's user avatar
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Best way to model the dependency of these two random variables (copula?)

I'm modelling the joint PDF of two variables that looks like this , where vt and vr are the random variables. The dashed line shows the joint pdf assuming they are independent (the product of its ...
florpi's user avatar
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Applying assumptions about marginal and conditional PDFs

We are given $0 < x_2 < x_1 < 1$. What assumptions can you make about $f_1(x_1)$ and $f_{2|1}(x_2|x_1)$? I know that $f(x_1) f_{2|1}(x_2|x_1) = \frac{1}{x_1}$. I know the expression can be ...
czoo's user avatar
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Generating random correlation coefficients (Pearson $r$)

I'm trying generate some random correlation coefficients ($CC$) using the Fisher's $z$ transformation. An R implementation is shown below. However, it looks like ...
rnorouzian's user avatar
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Getting shape parameters from a beta probability density

Is there a way to calculate the shape parameters $a$ and $b$ of a beta distribution having only its probability density function? This small example might clear a bit what I want (I work on Python): <...
N. Doe's user avatar
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Generating more samples of a random vector by convex combinations

I am not sure if my question is reasonable but I am wondering if there's someone who has seen a familiar idea elsewhere. Consider a random vector $X$ and let $x_1,\dots,x_n$ be $n$ realizations of $X$...
user1237300's user avatar
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Left "tail" of one-tailed distributions

I think of the "tail" of a probability distribution as the behavior of its PDF $f(x)$ as $x\rightarrow +\infty$. For some PDFs with complicated expressions, it is sometimes easy to study their ...
ToniAz's user avatar
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Expectation of the inverse of $\textbf{z} \textbf{z}^{H}$ where $\textbf{z}$ is a complex Gaussian vector

Considering the vector $\textbf{z} \sim \mathcal{CN}(\textbf{0}_{M},\Theta_{M \times M})$, what would be the expectation of $\frac{1}{\textbf{z} \textbf{z}^{H}}$, i.e., $\mathbb{E} \left\lbrace \frac{...
Felipe Augusto de Figueiredo's user avatar
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Any trick to swap order of determinant and matrix inverse operation?

Been thinking through fitting a kind of Gaussian mixture model in more of a neural network style (kind of similar to RNADE or RMADE by Larochelle, without going into details) and see that this could ...
JPJ's user avatar
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Combination of probabilities for probability densities

Say, I have the following experiment: I have a large bucket of some material and I am trying to determine the melt temperature. So I take small samples and put them on a burner and note the ...
atapaka's user avatar
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Are there useful pmf/pdf factorizations if a subset of n random variables are mutually indepenent?

Example: Consider 3 discrete random variables X,Y,Z with pmf's denoted by P. If X and Y are mutually independent, then P(X,Y)=P(X)P(Y). Is there a useful way to factor P(X,Y,Z) using the info that X ...
user3731622's user avatar
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Find PDF and CDF for bivariate distribution in R

I have a bivariate data with A=log-logistic B=weibull distribution; ...
Rosbert's user avatar
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Test for multidimensional uniform density and representing lack thereof?

$Scientist_1$ seeks to maximize pumpkin size. They suspect that there are 6 key variables, that there are likely interactions between variables, and that there are kinks in the causal model. One ...
jtd's user avatar
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Empirical Density in R given posterior distribution

I am trying to solve the problem where I have calculated posterior distribution f(p|x) = Be(23,8) and prior f(p) = Be(1,1), given the n = 29 and x = 22. representing the comparison by using ...
Yousaf's user avatar
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Can the count data be used to calculate Kernel Density Estimate?

I have the number of amino acids in cytoplasmic domain for enzymes and non-enzymes for CD proteins. I want to generate a probability density distribution for enzymes and non-enzymes using their ...
Pramir KC's user avatar
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How to get the likelihood function of the following situation?

Consider a population with three kinds of individuals labeled, say, $1$, $2$, and $3$ occurring in the following proportions: $p_1$ = $p^2$; $p_2 = 2p(1- p)$; $p_3 = (1 - p)^2 \ ,(0 < p < 1)$. ...
CoolKid's user avatar
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Need to know pdf of "x/z+sqrt(y^2-x^2)/z" , or any idea about its upper/lower bounds

I need to know the pdf of the following equation or any upper/lower bound would help. Let $X, Y, Z \sim N(0, \sigma^2)$. Then what is the distribution of: $$A=\frac{x+ \sqrt{\mid y^2 - x^2 \mid}}{z}$$...
Sonic's user avatar
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Composition of probability densities

There is a similarly worded question here but it doesn't quite answer my question. I have three variables, $x, y, \text{and } z$, each with their own unique probability density functions. I want to ...
NothingQuenchier's user avatar
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How can I find the probability distribution function from the observed data to use in a Monte Carlo Simulation?

In exploring a data set, I think I've found an interesting instance where using a Monte Carlo method to plot a simulated group of points could yield somewhat accurate results. The plotted data looks ...
daOnlyBG's user avatar
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Posterior Predictive Density of Linear Regression

I'm trying to derive the Posterior Predictive Density of a Linear Regression Model with a diffuse, uninformative prior such that we have: $y_{i} = x_{i}'\beta + \varepsilon_{i}$ with $\varepsilon_{i}...
adrian1121's user avatar
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Expected value with piecewise probability density function (PDF)

I am continuing the prepare for an exam by reviewing handouts from an old statistics course I took. The handout came with a set of solutions prepared by the instructor, but I suspect that one of the ...
StatsStudent's user avatar
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Change of variables for a PDF of angles (circular/wrapped data)

I have a PDF with angle $\theta$ as the independent variable: $R(\theta)$. $\theta$ is defined up to mod $\pi$ -- accordingly, $R(\theta) = R(\theta + \pi)$. I need to express this PDF as a function ...
S E Clark's user avatar
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Calculating the PDF of the monotonic function of a Random Variable results in error

I am given the PDF of a random variable X and I am asked to calculate the PDF of the random variable Y = g(X) = 1/X (Y's domain is the interval [0,1]). By observing that g is monotonic I apply the ...
rf7's user avatar
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How to show that a particular density is not a normal density

Let $\phi_{1}(x_{1},x_{2})$ and $\phi_{2}(x_{1},x_{2})$ be two different normal density functions with zero means, unit variances and different correlation coefficients $\rho_{1}$ and $\rho_{2}$ ...
tattybojangler's user avatar
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Sufficient condition on variance of RV for solution to equation

Let $\tilde{\theta}$ be a non-negative random variable drawn from a twice continuously differentiable CDF $F(\theta) := \Pr\{\tilde{\theta} \leq \theta\}$ over the support $[0, \overline{\theta}]$, ...
Martin's user avatar
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Differences between these representations of classification problems in probability terms

Say that $\mathcal{X}$ is the set of observations, and $\mathcal{Y}$ is the set of classification labels. Also say that $X$ is a continuous random variable that takes values in $\mathcal{X}$, and $Y$ ...
caveman's user avatar
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probability density function of a cumulative density function

I was reading that the probability density function (pdf say $f(x)$) of a cumulative distribution function (cdf say denoted as $F(x)$) is uniformly distributed from 0 to 1. Basically this is what I ...
john_w's user avatar
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formulating pdf from supports

for a pdf which is triangular, with support over (b, 2b) and a peak when x = 5b/3, what would the pdf be? How do you determine a pdf from supports and a given shape?
gorge's user avatar
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Density estimation for points regularly spaced on a grid? Infer spacing between pdf peaks?

Due to a fundamental characteristic of the data, points are clustered together on a 1-D grid-like structure with equal spacing. Plotting these points in a histogram shows a pdf with several ...
ShanZhengYang's user avatar
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Find the density of a function of a random variable with known distribution

For example, if $X$ is a normal r.v than the distribution of $Z=X^{2}$ is (F is the CDF): $$F_{Z}(z)=P(Z<z)=P(X^{2}<z)=P(-\sqrt{z}<X<\sqrt{z})=F_{X}(\sqrt{z})-F_{X}(-\sqrt{z}) −P(X=\sqrt{z}...
Toney Shields's user avatar
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Joint Density and Covariance between Two Random Variables with the same Mean and Variance

This seems like a deceptively simple question, (and it perhaps is and I am missing something) but I could not find anything on this. Q1) Are there any general results / relationships to get the Joint ...
texmex's user avatar
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Is the following integral of a pdf an identity, i.e. always true?

I am reading a paper and the author starts a proof with this $$ p(\hat{R}|R) = \int p(\hat{R},\theta|R)d\theta $$ p is the density function. Is this something that is always true? Can you help me ...
Chechy Levas's user avatar
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Calculating risk for a density estimator

I am trying to solve a textbook problem in Wasserman's "All of Nonparametric Statistics." I have run into a lot of messy integration and am confident that the crowdsource can show me what I am missing....
PandaProtector's user avatar
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What are these "hyper-distributions" called?

This may be an elementary question. Say we have a univariate continuous random variable $X$ with unknown pdf $p(x)$, $ \forall x \in X$. Presumably we can assign a second probability measure $Q(p)$ ...
user157969's user avatar
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Likelihood of a Poisson-described event to occur in the next second

Consider a recurring event for which the time periods between consecutive events is exponentially distributed. For argument's sake, I'm waiting for a taxi on a busy street. How might one calculate the ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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Absolutely continuous probability distribution and its probability density

A Wikipedia article states: A random variable $X$ has density $f_X$, where $f_X$ is a non-negative Lebesgue-integrable function... $F_X$ is the cumulative distribution function of $X$... $...
Eddy Chen's user avatar
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beanplots: plus sign?

I would like to draw bean plots using the statsmodel package for Python. In the example provided on the documentation, I see a red plus sign in each beanplot: What does it represent?
Ricky Robinson's user avatar
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Multiplication of two random distribution

I am trying to find the resulting PDF , when two random functions are multiplied. First function obeys normal distribution and second function obeys cauchy distribution. Can anybody tell me how to ...
Anjan Tripathi's user avatar
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Plot pdf of Random Variables

"Let x and y be independent random variables, which are both uniform in (-2,6) If z=x+y find and plot its pdf." How can I draw this pdf? My working:
kubicwerke's user avatar

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