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Which ones of $n$ random variables have the largest mean (non-parametric way)?

Let us have $n$ random, mutually independent variables $X_1,X_2,\dots,X_n$. Let us have some samples of them such as $x_{i,j}$ where $i=1,\dots,n$. I want to know the maximal variable(s) based on ...
Karel Macek's user avatar
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Calculating the distribution of maximal value of $n$ draws from a normal distribution [duplicate]

According to normal probability distribution theory which says that for $n$ independent, identically distributed, standard, normal, random variables $\xi_j$ the expected absolute maximum is $E(\max|\...
K-1's user avatar
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Repairable system and the sum of GEV random variables

We know that $X\sim {\mathrm {GEV}}(\alpha ,\beta ,0)$ and $Y\sim {\mathrm {GEV}}(\alpha ,\beta ,0)$ then $X+Y\sim {\mathrm {Logistic}}(2\alpha ,\beta )$. I am wondering, what will be $X+Y+Z$ ...
CT Zhu's user avatar
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Certainty estimate for prediction of largest of several converging variables

Problem I want to have an estimate for the certainty which of several (3-4) variables is the variable with the largest value, given some sample values which should eventually converge to different ...
robintibor's user avatar
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Given n iid Pareto distributed random variables, find the UMP one sided test of the first moment

Given $X_1,...,X_n$ ($n\geq 2$) are iid and each have density: $f_X(x) = \frac{c^\theta \theta}{x^{1+\theta}}\mathbb{1}(x> c)$ for known $c$ and $\theta > 1$ then we can easily find the first ...
s l's user avatar
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Confidence intervals for extreme value distributions

I have wind data that i'm using to perform extreme value analysis (calculate return levels). I'm using R with packages 'evd', 'extRemes' and 'ismev'. I'm fitting GEV, Gumbel and Weibull distributions,...
Fernando's user avatar
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Probability that the Maximum of Many Normal Draws from Multiple Classes is of one Class

Given a set of $N=n_i+n_j+n_k$ draws from distributions $N(\mu_i,\sigma_i^2), N(\mu_j,\sigma_j^2), N(\mu_k,\sigma_k^2)$, what is the probability that the maximum drawn value was from distribution $i,j,...
Dromna's user avatar
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Mean & Variance after applying a Maximum function n-times [closed]

I am trying to solve a statistics problem with very little statistics theory. I can determine a solution to my problem by writing a simulation program, but I really need to have the proper formula ...
Tom's user avatar
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Random Forest Regression - Coping with extreme values [duplicate]

I'm not sure if I used the concept "extreme values" right. Anyhow, I'm trying to produce a model that estimates maximum tree heights / $\text{km}^2$. I have a database of around 24000 points ($\text{...
JEquihua's user avatar
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two-parameter Pareto distribution with known A [duplicate]

I am trying to solve the following problem. Any help would be great: Scores are distributed as a two-parameter Pareto distribution with a=3 Scores for 3 groups are as follows: Group A has expected ...
D. Henry's user avatar
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Problem computing population quantiles with survey micro data

All the major federal surveys come (American Community Survey, Current Population Survey, others) come with survey weights, such that the individual household observations times the population weights ...
andrewH's user avatar
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modelling minimal threshold line

I am examining the relationship between population density and incidence of a disease (calculate by count of number of cases / population) in a geographical area sub-divided into adjoining districts. ...
Richard Wood's user avatar
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Is my data fit "extreme value distribution" or "normal distribution"?

I have a large data.frame in R. I would like to double if its distribution fit normal distribution or extreme value distribution better Here is my simplified data.frame. ...
a83's user avatar
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Pearson 5/Inverse Gamma/ Double Pareto

My current research deals with landslide size frequency distribution which has been fit to a three-parameter inverse gamma function and a double Pareto function by previous researchers. I am trained ...
Kent Thomas's user avatar
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Parameters of response distribution , response expectations

What is the meaning of this sentence? ...
Ty Voss's user avatar
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expected shortfall and value-at-risk [closed]

I once read a R example of computing Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall as follows ...
user3125's user avatar
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Convergence in Probability of the minimum

This is a homework question. I think I have the correct answer, but I am not sure. Also, the wording sounds very awkward. Is there a better way to show this (or better way to word this)? Let $X_1,\...
bdeonovic's user avatar
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One sample $t$-test with range values

I need to compare an average value for an experimental group ($n=5$) with a reference value given by legislation. But this reference value in given as [min - max] range. Do I have to compare my ...
Terenz's user avatar
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Distribution of Extreme Spread for n, sigma

Simple form provided by WHuber: What is the distribution of the diameter of n points in the plane drawn iid from a bivariate Normal distribution? (Diameter is the greatest distance among any pair of ...
feetwet's user avatar
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KL divergence minimisation equation

I am looking at some literature on KL divergence minimisation and am having trouble understanding the derivation of the second order moment. So, if we have a distribution from the exponential family, ...
Luca's user avatar
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Tangency portfolio in R

I am trying to solve for an efficient portfolio in R. How do I translate my constraints for a tangency point for 2 risky asset portfolio, and a given risk free rate to R solve.QP function? So ...
user862's user avatar
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Uniform distribution & generation of extreme values in R

I'd like to generate a new point which should be uniformly distributed on the interval [a, b) (i.e. including the left extreme value - a and exluding the right extreme value - b). The ...
John Manak's user avatar
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Asymptotic distribution of a recursive statistic

I have a (time series related) test statistic which is asymptotically normal. I would like to know what is the asymptotic distribution of its maximal value obtained by a recursive estimation. For ...
icaspi's user avatar
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How to use the Pareto distribution in fitting survival curves?

I have a series of numbers, which are some survival probabilities that form a decaying curve. I would like to fit them with a "Pareto" distribution. I expect to have a smooth fitted curve, thus I can ...
ChangeMyName's user avatar
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Lévy stable vs. extreme value distributions

I'm trying to understand the advantages (if any) of employing the Generalized Extreme Value distribution (GEV) vs. a stable distribution in the context of understanding the probability of crossing a ...
rbatt's user avatar
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What is the maximum value in a finite selection of a normally distributed variable?

A parameter of an object is normally distributed with a mean m and a std. dev. s. If r such ...
Shashank Sawant's user avatar
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Evaluate goodness-of-fit of estimation of Pareto-like distribution

I would like to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of the following (Pareto-like) distribution: $$ f(r) = \sigma \centerdot r^{-\rho} $$ The function estimates the population of cities given the rank $r$ in ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to extract 20-80 relations from data (Pareto principle)?

There are certain input-output processes that display a "20-80 relation". That is, given Y depending on X, there are subsets of X consisting 20% of the input set that generate 80% of the output. For ...
user106091's user avatar
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Predicting a maximum value with little data

My problem is i'm trying to figure out how many servers might be required to handle a theoretical maximal load of data requests. To do that I need to know what the maximum number of requests in a ...
Neil's user avatar
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Why is it that it is self-defeating to use the posterior mode as the bayes estimator in this case?

I am reading through an applied statistics book and in it, it makes a very luminous statement for a posterior case where the likelihood was taken from $X_1,...,X_n$ iid random variables from a ...
user123276's user avatar
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Probability of a random variable to be the largest among others

Let us have $N$ random variables generated by uniform distribution. That is, $$u_i \sim \mathcal{U}(0,1),\quad i=1,\ldots,N$$. What is the probability of $u_N$ being the largest? I.e., how can I ...
Helen's user avatar
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Extreme Value Theory Data Scaling

I have a data set available of almost thirty years of data, with for each month the number of occurrences of a certain event and the total number in the set available. What I would like to compute is ...
Pelotas's user avatar
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Assign each sample in B to each element of a matrix A

I've measured the distance between 100 brain regions and 5 "core" brain regions. This led me to a 100x5 matrix (A) of empirical distances. Now, I have a second 100x5 matrix (B), where the distances ...
smndpln's user avatar
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Is the variability index valid for the Pareto distribution

The Pareto distribution is defined from the CDF: $$ F^{-1}(p) = \frac{b}{(1 − p)^{1/a}},\ 0 < p < 1, $$ where, $b$ is the scale parameter and $a$ is the shape parameter. In the Gaussian ...
user113486's user avatar
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Cov(y,z)? when z=min(Y)

For independently distributed normal random variables $y_i$ ~ $N(\mu_i, \sigma_i ^2 )$ Let $z =$ min$(Y) $, where $Y=${$y_1,y_2,y_3...y_n$}. How to calculate cov$(y_j,z)$ ? I tried to calculate it ...
Dpestar's user avatar
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Probability of exceedance and reliability of a sample range estimation

Consider that $P$ is the water pressure coming out of a valve $A$. Let $P_{dif}$ be the difference between the maximum and the minimum pressure of valve $A$: $$P_{dif}≔P_{max}-P_{min}$$ Now, what I ...
limp's user avatar
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Expectation of the Pareto distribution [closed]

I would like to know if my understanding of the following is correct. This has been tripping me up for a long time now. Compute $\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty}x^{1-\beta}$. This is part of a homework ...
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How can I apply a Pareto tail to a truncated distribution?

Many income surveys (especially older ones) truncate key variables, such as household income, at some arbitrary point, to protect confidentiality. This point changes over time. This reduces inequality ...
zaphod's user avatar
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New question based on an existing question on Minimum and Maximum of N(0,1) [duplicate]

This question is an additional question to the given posted here: Variance of Minimum and Maximum of 2 iid Normal Let $X, Y$ be independent $N(0,1)$ and let $M=Max(X,Y)$. In the previous problem, ...
user164144's user avatar
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Extreme value theory? [closed]

I am studying probability and finding hard to understand the following equation. $Pr[P_i \leq \min\{P_s;s \neq i\}]=\int_0^\infty \underset{s\neq i}{\prod}[1-G_s(p)] \, dG_i(p)$ where $P_i$ are ...
Alphabet's user avatar
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Correct variance for minimum detectable difference

I have a question regarding variance, paired testing and minimum detectable difference (MDD). Paired samples: $$ MDD (δ) = \sqrt{ \frac{σ^2}{n} (t_{(α/2,n-1)} + t_{(1-β, n-1)})} $$ I have a set of ...
Nordenskiold's user avatar
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Finding a global minimum of non-convex quasi-smooth function that is costly to evaluate

I have a bounded non-convex function in 10-dimensional space. The function is quasi-smooth, you can imagine a histogram, here is an illustration, it just shows the idea and not related to my ...
JohnnyBGoode's user avatar
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Subset of Pareto/powerlaw distribution

Given a set of random data generated using pareto-distribution, how can I get X% of this random data without losing pareto-distribution. In other words, how to select a subset of pareto-distribution ...
Amit's user avatar
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Exclude Some samples for calculating CDF

I am calculating the asymptotic cumulative distribution of $M_n = \max(X_1,X_2,\dots,X_N)$. My problem is $X_1,X_2,\dots X_p$ and $X_k,X_{k+1},\dots,X_N$ have non identical CDF for $p<<k$ and $p&...
upol94's user avatar
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Is there a distribution that covers Pareto's law?

Is there a distribution where (for example) 80% of the results come from 20% of the inputs? (i.e. Pareto's law). Hmm... there's a tag for Pareto Distribution ... is that the answer?
Scott C Wilson's user avatar
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Measurement error in maximum counts

I'm familiar with the concept of a mean value of data and the variation around the mean. Is it possible to quantify variation around maximum values? For example, take the below data collected across ...
luciano's user avatar
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Trouble using pareto levy stable distribution software [closed]

I'm using an arcane free program off the internet called "stable.exe" trying to fit a stable distribution curve to a dataset, but I'm having trouble entering the dataset file into the program. When ...
ben's user avatar
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relationship between rapidly varying tails and relatively stable distributions

Suppose a random variable X has cdf $F$ has rapidly varying tail $\overline{F} =1-F$, such that: $$ \lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{\overline{F}(x\lambda)}{\overline{F}(x)}= 0 $$ if $\lambda >1$, and $\...
WeakLearner's user avatar
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How to write the set of indexes of Pareto optimal reward set in formal methods

I denote that a reward vector of an item $a$ as $r_a$. Say there is a set of items denoted as $A_t$. I want to get a set $A^\prime_t$ of items from $A_t$ that has non-dominated reward vectors. For a ...
user77005's user avatar
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Optimizing while collecting data - optimization in a real world problem

I want to conduct a soil analysis using a different mix of let says Nutrition A, Nutrition B and Nutrition C. Since I can put for each nutrition multiple values, I cannot try out all the possible ...
WJA's user avatar
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