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Questions tagged [fourier-transform]

The Fourier transform decomposes a signal (a function of time) into frequencies, giving the energy at each frequency.

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2 answers

How to identify a non-periodic time-series?

I am working on a problem where I have to first classify whether a time-series is periodic or not and then, if it is periodic identify its period(s) (the time-series could have multiple periodicities, ...
Hari's user avatar
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Functional PCA for stationary signal

I just came across this technique: As far as I understand, if projects a signal onto a functional subspace that describe the "...
Thomas's user avatar
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Finding autocorrelation coefficients given PSD values at 2 frequencies

Assuming that $S_X(w)$ denotes powers spectral density function at frequency $w$, we are given $$S_X\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)=10+3\sqrt{2},\quad S_X\left(\frac{\pi}{6}\right)=11+3\sqrt{3}.$$ We also ...
User32563's user avatar
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Uncertainty principle in probability theory

In probability theory, there is the covariance inequality $$\operatorname{Var}(Y) \geq \frac{\operatorname{Cov}(Y,X)^{2}}{\operatorname {Var} (X)}.$$ In signal processing, there is a similar ...
displayname's user avatar
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Model specification for seasonal ARMA-GARCH model using rugarch

TL;DR: I'm trying to find an adequate model for time series data that exhibits multiplicative seasonality and volatility clustering by identifying an ARMA-GARCH-model with Fourier terms using ...
Christopher Arnold's user avatar
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Are people still researching the use of spectral decomposition on finite groups for data analysis?

In A GENERALIZATION OF SPECTRAL ANALYSIS WITH APPLICATION TO RANKED DATA (Diaconis 1989), the author discusses a dataset of election results. There were 5 candidates, and each voter was asked to rank ...
Syllabear's user avatar
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Using Cross Validation for Highly Seasonal Data with small sample

I'm having trouble getting good scores on cross validated metrics on time series regression models. Essentially, I am trying to model product purchases based on amount of money spent on different ...
Matt Curry's user avatar
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A space of functions and their Fourier Transforms?

Conjugate variables and the Fourier transform are often used to analyze different states of a single object. For example in Quantum Mechanics it can be used to describe changing information about ...
Flowy Poosh's user avatar
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Characteristic function and Fourier transform for a discrete random variable!

Let $\phi_{x}(t)= E [ e^{itx}]$ be the characteristic function If X is a continuous random variable, then: $\phi_{x}(t)= E [ e^{itx}] = \int e^{itx} f(x)dx$ (being $f(x)$ the probability density ...
Ilya_Curie's user avatar
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Method to calculate optimal nbasis (K) for fourier basis

Is there any method to calculate the optimal K for fourier basis transformation? For example if I were to use RMSE, it seems that as K increases RMSE keeps going lower. I'm thinking of the elbow-...
Afiq Johari's user avatar
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Estimating Fourier spectrum from multiple time series of a system

I have a set of N time series, each of length T, that describe separate realisations of a single physical system. For each series, I can compute an FFT to find the Fourier spectrum up to a period 2/T, ...
JoshD's user avatar
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Spectral analysis in R, how to interpret periodogram

I'm relatively new to spectral analysis and have been working through some online tutorials. I have some time series data that I would like to examine for periodicity / repeating patterns. When I ...
Permafrost's user avatar
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Why SARIMA has better accuracy on weekly dataset than on daily one?

I am studying time series right now. So, I have this dataset. My aim is temperature prediction. I've found out that ARIMA can't work with long period seasonality. So, I've resampled daily dataset ...
Yoskutik's user avatar
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Fourier analysis to retrieve components of individual spectra

I have a basic, simple question, I am a physics student, and searching internet gives me a lot of signal processing theory but couldn't find this basic answer, which I plan to implement in my speech ...
Ayan Mitra's user avatar
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Log-likelihood function for a filtered Fourier spectrum

I have time series data from which I am trying to infer parameters using MCMC. I normally infer parameters about the data in the time domain, using a Normal log-likelihood. However, I now have to ...
FTACV's user avatar
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Measuring weather impact on sales as a crossed random effect

I'm trying to model sales of a clothing brand having longitudinal data (unbalanced panel: 20 stores with 50 - 157 weeks of datapoints). There are many regressors in my analysis, but I believe that ...
Freejack's user avatar
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Periodicity of random kitchen sink feature mappings

In various papers, e.g. Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines, Rahimi and Recht introduce the now popular methodology wherein a "low rank" approximation to a stationary, PSD, ...
blackbird's user avatar
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Fourier series question I need help with

For the case of $a_n$ I am confused how my notes say we have 1 for the case n = 0. When calculating this integral for sin(nx) when n=0, we should also get zero as at x=0, sin(x) is 0. I must be ...
InvestingScientist's user avatar
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How to efficiently find spikes in 2D data projected to 1 axis

I have the following points: My goal is to find the be able to differentiate the yellow points from the purple ones. We can assume that the yellow points are aligned on the vertical axis. We cannot ...
Adrien Nivaggioli's user avatar
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Multitaper F statistics

I'm having some problems interpreting the F-statistics output from multitaper analysis. To illustrate, the following code-snip in R performs multitaper analysis on the same sine-frequency but with ...
tbhmbi's user avatar
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How to discard the first spike after auto-correlation and handle sloping auto-correlation output [closed]

Disclaimer: I am not very mathematically inclined and am mostly looking to be pointed in the right direction. I have various signals that I am putting through an auto-correlation function that uses ...
Kevin Montambault's user avatar
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How to search for irregular signals: Fourier, DWT or k-means?

See my notebook here I want to search for irregular time signals in a data set of ~3 500 000 time signals. I can't give a clear definition of irregular signal, but it must fulfil the criteria of: not ...
NeStack's user avatar
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What is the difference between machine learning approaches and Fourier series to fit a curve to data graph?

As I know machine learning(at least in some problems) tries to fit a curve to data graph. And I think Fourier transform tried to do it. But machine learning use a hypothesis curve with the formula ...
user3486308's user avatar
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Fast Non-uniform DFT in R

So, if I want to compute discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in R, I can create my own functions like so: ...
JonnyRobbie's user avatar
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Why is spectral density only defined for stationary processes?

I read Brockwell and Davis(2016), Shumway and Stoffer(2016), and Stoica and Moses(2004). However, none of them laid out clearly the reasoning behind the presumption of stationarity when conducting ...
stucash's user avatar
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Probability of sparse spectrum

Consider a vector $v$ such that $v \sim \mathrm{Unif}(\mathbb{S}^{d-1})$, the uniform distribution on the unit sphere in $d$ dimensions. Question: is there an upper bound on the probability that $v$ ...
VHarisop's user avatar
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K in Fourier series - How to find value of K to use it in ARIMA?

I am using the forecast library for doing some time series forecasting. I need to forecast number of sold items. I am planning to add holidays as xreg in auto.arima. The holiday will be a 0/1 list, ...
Ritesh Sinha's user avatar
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Continuous time Fourier representation

I have learned that the Fourier transform of a continuous-time unit-periodic stochastic process is: $$x(t) = \sum\limits_{k=-\infty}^{\infty} a_k e^{i2\pi kt} \quad \quad \text{ where } \quad \quad ...
Joy's user avatar
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Inverse Fast Fourier Transform in R

plot(fft(fft(1:100),inverse = "true")/100) plot(1:100) In the above example, I was expecting the plots to be identical. The first, however, returns: while the ...
BayesIsBaye's user avatar
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Frequency analysis of categorical/binary data

I want to do frequency analysis with a data set of consecutive binary values, such as "Rainy - Sunny - Rainy - Rainy - Rainy - Sunny - ...". Using this data, I want to extract the frequency (= the ...
nomex's user avatar
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Maximum number of Fourier terms in forecast package

I am using the forecast package in R to get some Fourier components - namely, function fourier(ts, K, ..). For a time series <...
Artem Moskalev's user avatar
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Adaptive knot selection for B-spline fitting

When fitting a B-spline for regression purposes I've seen a lot of cases where knots are fixed uniformly ,but in some situations this could lead to poor estimations because the behaviour of the curve ...
Chaos's user avatar
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Non-linear regression. Obtain B.spline coefficients using Fourier Transform?

I came up with a idea to estimate the coefficients of a B-spline fit by using the Fourier Transform but I don't know if it makes any sense to estimate them in this way. Given that $$s(x)=\sum_kc(k)\...
Chaos's user avatar
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How to fit a model to both daily and weekly periodic data using linear regression and fourier transform

I have a variable, y, in 30 minute intervals, and is highly dependent both on the time of day and the day of the week - mainly Sundays. It is also dependent on bank holidays, which could by any day of ...
zola25's user avatar
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R forecast multiple seasonality optimal model search using fourier and msts objects

Hi I have hourly data (one obs one hour) with multiple seasonality. I would like to fit an ARIMA model using forecast R package taking into account the multiple seasonality, maybe taking also in ...
Giorgio Spedicato's user avatar
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Fourier Output Meaning

I just ran a fourier series on weekly sales data for 3 years worth of data. I optimally chose the number of k-terms based on the AIC. First 6 lines of my data: ...
nak5120's user avatar
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RKHS norm and Fourier transform link

In the notes here, it is stated that norms of some reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces can be written in terms of Fourier transforms, and this is often used to argue that a higher RKHS norm implies a ...
WeakLearner's user avatar
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Is there a concept of weakly periodic in stats? If so, what is it called?

Ok, say we have a signal that reoccurs within every T+x time where T is a constant and x is a random number small in size compared to T. We know that a function is actually periodic if F(x) = F(x+T), ...
Sean SJ Newham's user avatar
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Need help understanding output of a periodogram

In my effort to understand the output of a periodogram I created a series (s) where 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,10 is repeated 100 times and then created a periodogram of this series using the following R code: ...
BobL's user avatar
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Discrete Fourier transform of an exponential decay

I have a vector with an exponential decay signal, using Numpy: t=np.arange(128) a=0.1 decay=np.exp(-a*t) I would like to compute the discrete Fourier transform (...
Brenlla's user avatar
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Forecasting with ARIMA ( Training and Test Data split)

I have an hourly time series of the average parking occupancy with data available from September 2017 up until June 2018. I would like to use the ARIMA model with external regressors to produce a ...
Chaos's user avatar
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Fourier transform of a Gaussian process

I would like to discuss and ask a question regarding the Fourier transform of a Gaussian process, if it makes sense. For that purpose, let me describe the following situation. Let $z(s)$ be a ...
LeFlan's user avatar
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Sampling from characteristic/moment generating function

Suppose I am given a probability distribution only via its characteristic or moment generating function and I want to sample from that distribution to generate paths in a Monte Carlo simulation. Is ...
lbf_1994's user avatar
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Fourier Transform based imputation

Fourier Transform based imputation Can any body please assist me in understanding the Fourier Transform based imputation algorithm shown in Figure. I am struggling to understand ts and te. Link of ...
Muhammad Akmal's user avatar
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Linear regression on circulant matrices

I am reading the paper on High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters and I am a bit stuck on the equivalence of Ridge regression in the frequency domain. Minimizing the typical equation ...
Pavlin's user avatar
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Time series/ ARMA Simulation

Given: I have a question, given a continuous real spectral density f(w), -infinity my idea: I would folding, discretize and truncate the spectral density to get a real (one-sided) discrete spectral ...
user204081's user avatar
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Calculating right values of Periodogram using Fourier Analysis

In the book, Economic Cycles: There Law and Cause By Henry Ludwell Moore, he plots Periodogram of rainfall of Ohio valley. He uses 72 years data (1839-1910) and tries to find the most dominant cycle ...
Ausar's user avatar
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tbats() model not capturing seasonality (weekly data)

I have below 4 years of weekly data which has complex seasonality of varying seasonal length. I have assigned the first 160 data points as training and the rest as test with frequency=52. It seems ...
Arsa Nikzad's user avatar
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Proof of Herglotz Theorem in Time Series Analysis

I am studying time series, following Time Series Theory and Methods by Brockwell and Davis. I am reading the proof of the Herglotz Theorem, I have the following questions. First, the proof given in ...
Boris's user avatar
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Kernel density estimation with FFT for a univariate non-parametric regression

The non-parametric regression model to be estimated looks like the following x_t = b(x_t-1) + epsilon_t Forfinding the optimal bandwith h in the kernel ...
InDubio's user avatar
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