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Distinguishing two Gaussians

Assume we have two Gaussians $N_0 = \mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma_0)$ and $N_1 = \mathcal{N}(0,\Sigma_1)$ where $\Sigma_0$ and $\Sigma_1$ are two $n\times n$ covariance matrices. What are the optimal test ...
efsdfmo12's user avatar
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Paramaterization of the Normal Distribution in Hypothesis Testing

When looking at how a z-statistic fits into the normal distribution $f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi} } e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^2}$ my intuition was always that it was just ...
brzig's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible for some p-values to be impossible? (because statistic generated by parametric bootstrap is mostly the same value.)

I am using a parametric bootstrap/monte carlo hypothesis testing method to generate the null distribution of the log likelihood ratio statistic. However, I am worried I might be doing it wrong ...
A Friendly Fish's user avatar
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Testing for Gaussian Mixtures

Suppose I observe data from a univariate distribution $\mathcal{D}$ with zero mean, and unit variance. We know that either $\mathcal{D} = \mathcal{D}_0 = \mathcal{N}(0,1)$ is standard Gaussian or $\...
Claudio Moneo's user avatar
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Testing difference between regression coefficients for different greoups

I am aware that this questions was addressed several times in this site and that there are certain papers discussing this issue for instance 1, 2. USING THE CORRECT STATISTICAL TEST FOR THE EQUALITY ...
Chaos's user avatar
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Questions on Basic Data Cleansing For Linear Regression

I'm following some tutorials on doing some linear regression and as I was building my notebook, I'm working on outlier detection and amongst the techniques described for doing outlier detection, one ...
joesan's user avatar
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Detect rare high-value measurements in a series of measurements

We do a measurement on 1000 samples to detect if a chemical element A is present, and for each measurement, two cases can happen : the element A is not present, and the values we get are a "...
Basj's user avatar
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4 answers

Distribution of $Z^2 \cdot I(Z > 0)$ where $Z \sim \text{N}(0,1)$

When using the Likelihood Ratio test for testing particular hypotheses and attempting to obtain an size-$\alpha$ test, I run into the expression $$ \mathbb{P}\left( Z^2 \cdot I(Z > 0) > c \right)...
YessuhYessuhYessuh's user avatar
0 votes
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Binomial Test for data with normally distributed messurement error

I have a series of measurements and I want to perform a binomial test to see if the chance of exceeding some value $a$ is less or equal to some $p_0$. The measurement has some error which is normally ...
Adrian 's user avatar
7 votes
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Power of two-sample z-test

In a pilot study with two groups, the control distribution has the Mean1 = 90, SD1 = 5 and the treatment distribution has Mean2 = 85, SD2 = 5. The null hypothesis of the test is that the sample ...
Christian's user avatar
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Sample size required for normal approximation - null hypothesis or estimate?

Consider a simple hypothesis test with a binomial distribution $Bin(p,n)$: $$ H_0: p = p_0, \\ H_a: p \neq p_0 $$ and my estimate for $p$ is $\hat{p}$. If I wanna do a normal approximation, a common ...
aaa's user avatar
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How to establish what distribution to compare my statistic to

Apologies for this poorly titled question, but I've been taking some statistics courses and sometimes when you try to learn too many things in too little time you want to take a step back to check if ...
javier's user avatar
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Difference between F-test and confidence intervals on variance estimates

Given n samples from a normally-distributed variable X, we estimate variance as $s^2=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum{(x_i - \bar{x})^2}$. We can also get a confidence interval for such a variance estimate as: $$...
feetwet's user avatar
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Hypothesis testing of normal distribution, unknown mean unknown variance

Suppose that we make measurements of an effect, and we know that the values that we obtain follow a normal distribution. But we don't know the mean nor the variance. The hypothesis is that 95% of the ...
Adrian 's user avatar
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Hypothesis testing - Newbie blockers - Update and more

Brief : I'm from manufacturing industry, a processing machine in our production line used to do pressing, polishing and QA one after the other. Now we have a new machine that will perform these at the ...
AKK's user avatar
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How is it possible to compare powers of normality tests?

The famous paper [1] compares the power of several normality tests. Regardless of its result, my immediate question is, "How is that even possible?" Well, the definition of power in this ...
Student's user avatar
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normality testing [duplicate]

Good day, I am a medical student currently working on a thesis focused on metabolic syndrome. My sample size is 45 individuals. I have encountered multiple challenges in assessing the normality of my ...
Momn Ahmed's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is it the convention to take equal tails in a two-tailed test with a statistic following a symmetric distribution?

Is there a particular reason for conventionally dividing the tails equally in a two-tailed test? Consider an $\alpha$ level test with a statistic following standard normal distribution. Then, why do ...
zaira's user avatar
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What is the substantive meaning of one statistical test is more powerful than another?

There are some research claims that one statistical test is more powerful than another. For example, a highly cited study states: Results show that the Shapiro-Wilk test is the most powerful ...
wei's user avatar
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Interpretation of Anderson–Darling test

Assume that I am using Anderson–Darling test to evaluate whether a given sample of data is drawn from a normal distribution with some mean and standard deviation. If you accept the null hypothesis in ...
Barbab's user avatar
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Papers or documents about the central limit theorem and its possible extensions: what happen when the sample size is big? [closed]

The central limit theorem in its most popular form states that (without being too formal) for a set of random variables $X_1,X_2,...,X_n$ independent and identically distributed with mean $\mu$ and ...
lulufofo's user avatar
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Testing correlation coefficient of two bivariate gaussian

I have datasets from two bivariate normal distributions, $\mathcal{N}(\mu_x, \Sigma_x)$, and $\mathcal{N}(\mu_y, \Sigma_y)$ respectively. Now we know the correlation coefficient for these two ...
CuriousS's user avatar
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Can I use the Z-Test with estimators for mean and standard deviation?

I'm trying to select feature columns in a binary classification model. I'd like to remove near-constant columns that don't predict the target column values very well. One way of defining this is the ...
Connor's user avatar
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About the statistics for the hypothesis test of the mean of two normal population

Let $X = (X_1, ..., X_n)$ be an independent sample from $N(\mu_1, \sigma_1^2)$ and $Y=(Y_1,...,Y_m)$ an independent sample from $N(\mu_2, \sigma_2^2)$. Consider the following hypothesis test given ...
SungManhin's user avatar
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Calculating the probability my observation, $Y_i$, is drawn from a random variable $X$?

If I sample a population distribution 2,000 times and get an estimator for the population mean, $\mu$, and the standard deviation, $\sigma$, how can I use these to get the probability that an ...
Connor's user avatar
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Bayesian AB Testing and Normal Distribution: How to Implement Posterior Variance Samples

I'm running an bayesian AB test to compare a normally distributed metric with unknown mean and variance between two groups. My goal is to compare the average value of the metric between the two groups,...
intern's user avatar
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Sampling from either a known or unknown Gaussian

Suppose I have two Gaussian distributions $N(\mu_0, \sigma), N(\mu_1, \sigma)$ with identical variance, where $\mu_0, \sigma$ are known and $\mu_1$ is unknown. Suppose I realize a sample $x$ from one ...
eTerIMA's user avatar
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Which distributions are valid for Student's t-test?

When I read Wikipedia - Student's t-test I can see it assumes that: The sample mean follows a Gaussian distribution. The sampled mean follows a chi square distribution. Samples of Gaussian ...
Mark's user avatar
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Fiding the test statistic, using wald test

Given the random sample $X_1,...,X_n \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$, I want to perform a Wald test for: $\mathrm{H}_\mathrm{0}: \mu = \mathrm{\mu}_\mathrm{0}$ $\mathrm{H}_\mathrm{1}: \mu \neq \mathrm{\mu}_\...
CORy's user avatar
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Frequentists tests to check for normality

Let $X_1,...,X_n\sim X$ be $n$ i.i.d. random variables. I want to to test if they follow a normal distribution, in other words, check if their distribution belongs to the Gaussian family. These are ...
pecer10012's user avatar
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Confusion on using Z-distribution or Chi-squared

I have two questions in front of me, first is : A random sample of size 35 is selected from a population that is normally distributed. If the mean and the standard deviation of the sample is 75 and 8....
Işıl Berfin Koparan's user avatar
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Can we compare statistically z-scores? Isn't their mean is always zero?

Let's say I have two variables of any distribution for which the population average and variance is assumed/known/fixed for some topic (common in psychology). Using this I can calculate z-scores for ...
KarthikNamarayan's user avatar
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Proof Maximum likelihood ratio test to be a $\chi^2$ distribution

I have been struggling with this demonstration and I can not finish it, I want to demonstrate that for Gaussian samples (of $\sigma$ and $\mu$) the maximum likelihood ratio test holds for a $\chi^2$ ...
Euler's user avatar
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Test linear regression coeficient significance if the residuals are not normally distributed

I have a linear regression with 51 data points, and I would like to get the confidence intervals and to test the coeficient's significance, but the problem is that the residuals are not normally ...
njhkugk6i76g6gi6gi7g6's user avatar
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Testing the difference between two ratios of Poisson variables

I have two ratios of four independent Poisson variables $R_1=\frac{\large Po(\mu_1)}{\large Po(\gamma_1)}, R_2=\frac{\large Po(\mu_2)}{\large Po(\gamma_2)}$. The Poisson variables are tallies, they ...
Luke's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to check the data is generated by machine or human?

I have a bunch of data points (about 300 samples in total), each sample is a number from 1 to 3 (from {1, 2, 3}). These numbers are supposed to come from a survey. Are there any statistical methods to ...
wrek's user avatar
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Compare single observed value to simulated distribution

I have a distribution of values that I have simulated for a null hypothesis data generating process. I have a single real-world observation that is wayyyy outside the percentiles of this distribution. ...
Ellen's user avatar
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Normal and non-normal distribution of data?

I am quite an amateur in statistics. I have data where I would like to test if I can perform parametric or non-parametric testing depending on if the data is normally distributed or not. The data has ...
Muhammad Usama Ashraf's user avatar
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forming confidence ellipse versus using contrast

Suppose I am testing a hypothesis on data that is bivariate normal, $(x,y)\sim N(\mu,\Sigma)$ where $\Sigma$ is known but $\mu$ is not. My null hypothesis is a contrast $a^T\mu=a_1\mu_1+a_2\mu_2=0$. ...
kara890's user avatar
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Which statistical Test should I use/ Comparing 2 groups

I am new to statistics, can someone guide me regarding the test I should use to compare the foot dimensions of 9 subjects to footwear dimensions (we have 2 footwear brands). So, to simplify, I have ...
user365200's user avatar
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Does Central Limit Theorem (CLT) apply to Regression Coefficients? [duplicate]

The way I learned about Central Limit Theorem in school is illustrated in the following example: Suppose you have a population of 100,000 basketball players. You are interested in knowing the average ...
stats_noob's user avatar
1 vote
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In standard normal distribution table how I deal with value of Z greater than or equal to 5

How can I deal with sample distribution table when Z is greater or equal to 5? For example:(-2.04 <z<-5.96) Sample distribution table value for -2.04 will be 0.2018 then what will be the sample ...
Mariam arshad's user avatar
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Testing for constant mean (stationarity)

I have a grayscale digital image with noise and I would like to test for uniformity in small neighborhoods. One hypothesis says that the mean is independent of the spatial coordinates, against the ...
Yves Daoust's user avatar
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Proof of the Student t-test for independent samples drawn from the same normal distribution when $\mu \neq 0$

I'm following the proof in Cramer's book Mathematical Methods of Statistics, $\S 29.4$. There it is assumed that we have two independent samples $x_1,\ldots, x_{n_1}$ and $y_1,\ldots,y_{n_2}$ drawn ...
Alex Provost's user avatar
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Significance test for accuracy - normal assumption

I have a dataset with pre-defined labels. I trained two machine learning classifier methods A and B to predict the labels and calculated the accuracy for each. I varied the dataset a bit and thus got ...
Make42's user avatar
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Why use normality tests if we have goodness-of-fit tests?

What are the reason/s to use a nonparametric normality test (, Shapiro-Wilk, Jarque-Bera) instead of generic, parametric goodness-of-fit tests (good for any distribution including but not limited ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Showing that the given critical value (?) gives a test with significance level 0.05

So I have a maths problem that I'm struggling to understand... The original language isn't English, but I have done my best to translate the necessary background information into English. Assume that ...
hexa's user avatar
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t- test for non normally distributed sample

I am doing a statistical test (analysis) for the following case: As part of a product aimed at improving the quality and speed of code writing for developers, we have implemented a new feature that ...
lincoln65's user avatar
4 votes
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Prediction interval: but instead, the probability that the next datum is above a fixed threshold?

I've been struggling with this problem, and I think I must be missing some important conceptual step. Imagine we observe $\theta_1 \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$, with unknown $\mu$ and known $\sigma^2$ (for ...
Ziddletwix's user avatar
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Using z test or t test when $\sigma$ is unknown

Note: I realize similar questions have been asked here before but I couldn't find my specific doubt addressed (not in so many words, anyway). In testing a large sample for the population mean if the ...
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