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Is it possible to run MANOVA without adjusting the Alpha level?

I have 11 dependent variables and two independent variables. I need to see the differences between the gender and academic level concerning the 10 most frequent grammatical errors and the total number ...
Halima Nasser's user avatar
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Why does factor appear significant in 2-way ANOVA but not by inspection (mean +/- sd or error plot)?

I am puzzled about the result of a 2-way ANOVA analysis. The factors are categorical and non-random and the sum of squares used is constrained type III (the choice of categorical or SS type does not ...
Buck Thorn's user avatar
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Which stats test--MANOVA or Mixed Effects?

I need to see if there's a statistical difference for each ID between CHLA, CWBA, and CH and what that difference is, AS WELL AS, if Species Type is a factor. Which R package would do this? I have the ...
Kate's user avatar
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All Individual DVs significant, but overall MANOVA not significant

I'm getting a weird result. Please check out the SPSS output below for CONDITION. All the DVs are showing significant results individually but the MANOVA is not significant. I've never seen this ...
Terry's user avatar
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What to do when I have insignificant results in one-way MANOVA?

I am currently in a blind fury attempting to write up a dissertation on the effects of positive and negative coaching on the performance of Rocket League players. As far as I can gather, a one way ...
joseph kennedy's user avatar
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Statistical significance of distance between difference of vectors (LDA)

I have an output from Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) which sums up the corpus of about 2,000 documents into 50 topics. The 2,000 documents belong to a category each (in total there are 4 categories,...
blackmamba's user avatar
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Which statistical test is correct to compare two groups of very different sizes?

I have two groups that consist of the tree fraction and elevation. The sizes of the groups are very different, and the mean of tree fraction and elevation are included in the table, below. They are ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Set of Social Values of different Samples: ANOVA?

I have been collecting data for 10 consecutive years. One survey each year, different subjects (samples between 105 and 120), Likert scale 1-5 for each of 30 social values. What is the most ...
Nikola's user avatar
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What statistical test (using R) can reveal relationships between 5 factors in randomized block design?

I'm at a loss as to how I can efficiently obtain p-values in R for the relationships I am interested in exploring in my dataset. Here is a picture summarizing the block design. Various response ...
Mythee's user avatar
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Determine DVs (dependent variable), IVs, and test objectives

I'm doing a practice problem which goes something like this. It is homework-style but not exactly. I'm doing some practice problems myself. Envato is a loyalty solutions which rewards their customer ...
b2bt's user avatar
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Statistical analysis of amino acid profiles, quantitative vs qualitative methods?

I work on a study comparing the amino acid profile of 5 sample groups with 3 replicates in each group. This is how the data looks like except that there are 17 columns (one for each amino acid) in ...
Drosof's user avatar
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Insignificant two-way MANOVA results - what do I do next?

I am very very new to stats. I decided to try and do a MANOVA in SPSS, my between-subjects IV is gender and my within-subjects IV is the two conditions in which all participants took part. My DV is ...
jascantdostats's user avatar
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Stratify the analysis if Levene's test fails

I have a question about the correctness of a statistical analysis. I have a variable called L, which is the log of the number of bacteria present in some foods. L is a function of the treatment T (...
Lukas's user avatar
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Are my PCA groups significantly different?

I am studying the feeding behaviour of deep sea fishes, and have produced a dataset containing percentages for 20 different fatty acids (totalling 100%) for 32 individual fish. I have performed PCA (...
Kristian_Copenhagen's user avatar
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Why does adding a dependent variable to a MANOVA remove significance?

We designed an experiment with 2 discrete independent variables (IV), 1 (measured) confounding variable, and 2 dependent variables (DV). We hypothesize that the two IVs interact on both DVs. Right ...
FirefoxMetzger's user avatar
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odd insignificant results using pairwise.perm.manova

I am trying to complete pairwise comparisons of 9 forest communities. Communities were significant at p < 0.001 using adonis. However, when I use the same bray curtis matrix with the pairwise.perm....
Douglas Putt's user avatar
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Find significantly differences between multi-variant groups

I have 11 groups, each consist of about 200 observations, and each observation has 2 variables (which are actually the first two PLS components if it makes any difference). Each group is a substance ...
user88484's user avatar
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How to compare gender proportions in a population? [closed]

I want to test if more women are graduating from high school than men, the last ten years. I want to use percentages, not raw data. (2007-2017 percentages of women who graduated from high schools ...
New's user avatar
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How to compensate for unequal sample sizes in multivariate tests?

I have several linear and geometric cranial variables of specimens sampled from about 20 different localities. The sample sizes per locality range between 9 – 100. What would be the best multivariate ...
Kennott's user avatar
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ANOVA on IQ Study Involving Gender, Volume of Brain, and cross section of Corpus Callosum

I've got a study and I'm trying to use ANOVA to determine how the variables are related to each other. Here's what the format of the data is: ...
Shaniqua's user avatar
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How to run Repeated Measures to find difference between gender (without change of condition)?

I would like to test for the difference of measures between genders. Repeated measures were carried out. What test would you suggest is best for this and what would be the degrees of freedom ...
offthehook's user avatar
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Why does MANOVA report values of F-statistic in addition to Pillai/Wilks/Hotelling/Roy?

I'm conducting some multivariate analyses and I'm wondering why MANOVAs have two test statistics. For example, pasted below is an image of output usually produced by (I think) SPSS software. From what ...
user2917781's user avatar
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Difference between multi-factor ANOVA and Cox proportional hazard model?

I am wondering what is the difference between multi-factor ANOVA and Cox proportional hazard model? As I understood both of them test the significance of some independent factors on a dependent factor....
Fera's user avatar
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How can MANOVA report a significant difference when none of the univariate ANOVAs reaches significance?

I would just like to ask if it is normal for the values from my multivariate tests to be significant but for the values from my univariate tests of between-subjects effects table to be insignificant. ...
kea's user avatar
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Test(s) For Comparing qPCR results / ΔΔCт values

To be clear, I'm talking about real-time polmerase chain reaction (qPCR), not Principle Component Regression. Though from a company selling qPCR reagents, here is a good walk-through of the ...
Atl LED's user avatar
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ANOVA shows no significant interaction effect, but Tukey's Test shows significant differences between groups?

I am a PhD student but I am having a hard time understanding certain aspects of statistics. I just ran an ANOVA and I got no significant interaction effect between Density (0 and 20) and Species (...
user42040's user avatar
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How do I compare two groups by several dependent variables and get 1 p-value as a result?

Suppose I have two groups and several dependant variables. I would like to show statistically whether the two groups are different or not, based on the combination of these dependant variables. The ...
Scott's user avatar
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How to interpret the overall statistically significant effect of a MANOVA (In words)?

I have the following analysis: I ran a MANOVA with two DVs (both empathy scales) and an IV (gender). Now the $p$-value (.03) tells me that there is a significant difference between men and women. ...
Clara's user avatar
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Why is it possible to have a non-significant MANOVA but multiple significant univariate ANOVAs?

The only source I have for this being possible is this wikiversity page on MANOVA, but it does not explain why it is possible.
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar