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11 answers

How to obtain the p-value (check significance) of an effect in a lme4 mixed model?

I use lme4 in R to fit the mixed model lmer(value~status+(1|experiment))) where value is continuous, status and experiment are factors, and I get ...
ECII's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

How to get an "overall" p-value and effect size for a categorical factor in a mixed model (lme4)?

I would like to get a p-value and an effect size of an independent categorical variable (with several levels) -- that is "overall" and not for each level separately, as is the normal output from ...
user3288202's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Comparing mixed-effects and fixed-effects models (testing significance of random effects)

Given three variables, y and x, which are positive continuous, and z, which is categorical, ...
user9171's user avatar
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Conflicting results of summary() and anova() for a mixed model with interactions in lmer+lmerTest

I recently came across what I think may be a problem in how the anova() function from the lmerTest packages computes its F-...
James S.'s user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Different p-values for fixed effects in summary() of glmer() and likelihood ratio test comparison in R

I'm using glmer() with a binomial response variable. My optimal model has two fixed effects (flow and DNA) which in summary() show a non-significant p value but ...
Ines's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Comparing a mixed model (subject as random effect) to a simple linear model (subject as a fixed effect)

I am finishing up some analysis on a large set of data. I would like to take the linear model used in the first part of the work and re-fit it using an linear mixed model (LME). The LME would be very ...
MudPhud's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Obtaining p-values in a robustlmm mixed model via Satterthwaite-approximated DFs of the equivalent lme4 model?

I've used lme4 to fit a mixed model and could obtain p-values by using the lmerTest or afex packages. However due to heteroskedasticity (Levene Test) I also fit a robust model (rlmer command in the ...
Julian's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can I obtain z-values instead of t-values in linear mixed-effect model (lmer vs glmer)?

I am wondering why in my lmer model the summary() only yields t-values rather than z-values, such as here: ...
Ping Tang's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Big difference between a t-test and a F-test in a mixed model (anova vs summary in lmerTest)

While helping someone else with their analyses, I've run into a question regarding the difference between t-tests and F-tests for linear mixed models in lme4 for R, as provided by lmerTest. I'm aware ...
Ishisht's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

I want to use pvals.fnc() to get p-values for a lmer() model but cannot get rid of correlations between random factors

My problem can be summarized very simply: I'm using a linear mixed-effects model and I am trying to get p-values using pvals.fnc(). The problem is that this ...
Sol's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Contrast for hypothesis test in R (lmer)

I'm running a lmer mixed effects model with a four-level factor (levels "0","10","100","1000") as the fixed effect. lmer(free ~ reward.f + (1|S), longdata) I ...
Marianne's user avatar
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0 answers

Testing Fixed and Random Effect of Mixed Model

This pdf illustrates nicely how is to test the random effect of multilevel model . But I am simulating data from a two-level model and estimating the parameters of the model for various combination of ...
user81411's user avatar
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Mixed effect modelling with multiple, nested random variable

Goal: comparing pitch (Hz) on three types of words Dependent variable: Hz Fixed predictor variable: word-type, points (measurements taken from five points on each token, to capture Hz change within ...
Yang's user avatar
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Satterthwaite degrees of freedom in lmerTest for a 3x2x2 mixed model vs. mixed ANOVA dfs

I have traditionally been running my analyses using aov and would like to switch to lmer. My questions is whether or not this is ...
mat's user avatar
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Which of the (two) conflicting p-values should I use when estimating lmer using R

I've recently started using LMM which possibly gives me better insight into my DV. Only I got some contradictory data regarding whether some variable is significant or not. The Us and Hed variables ...
Mischa's user avatar
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