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14 votes
2 answers

Why use a beta distribution on the Bernoulli parameter for hierarchical logistic regression?

I'm currently reading Kruschke's excellent "Doing Bayesian Data Analysis" book. However, the chapter on hierarchical logistic regression (Chapter 20) is somewhat confusing. Figure 20.2 describes a ...
user4733's user avatar
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9 votes
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Estimating Multilevel Logistic Regression Models

The following multilevel logistic model with one explanatory variable at level 1 (individual level) and one explanatory variable at level 2 (group level) : $$\text{logit}(p_{ij})=\pi_{0j}+\pi_{1j}x_{...
ABC's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Interpretation of variance in multilevel logistic regression

Please help me to interpret the findings of my model. The specifications of the model are: Dependent variable: treatment (1) or no-treatment (0). Independent variables: age, number of drugs used, ...
Gregory's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to specify Bayesian mixed effects model in BUGS

I posted this earlier in the week then retracted the question when I found a good source, not wanting to waste people's time. I haven't made much progress I'm afraid. In trying to be a good citizen ...
Ross Dunne's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Puzzling predicted values in generalized multilevel model

I ran a multilevel model with a dichotomous variable as the outcome using the logistic link function. I did this with the lme4 package in R. An approximation of my ...
Mark White's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to subset alternatives in nested multinomial logistic regression?

I am trying to predict whether or not captains in a particular groundfish fishery choose to fish on any given day and what variables may influence that decision. Originally I had planned on using ...
Trevor Gratz's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Why do we need Multi-Level Models when we have Logistic Regression?

I am an MBA student taking courses in Statistics. I attended a seminar hosted by the Statistics faculty in my university in which students present the research they are doing. The students had data (e....
stats_noob's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Multilevel model with responses only at level 2

I have hierarchical data of individuals nested into families. For each individual, I have independent variables such as age, gender, education, and familiarity with product. For each family unit, I ...
Amw 5G's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to do binary logistic regression on people (couples) clustered within homes?

I am looking at the relationship between housing characteristics and a health outcome. To make the example simple, I have data for a continuous predictor (exposure) collected from 1000 homes and ...
N26's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Stepwise model selection, Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics and prediction success of model in nested logistic regression in R

is it possible to do stepwise (direction = both) model selection in nested binary logistic regression in R? I would also appreciate if you can teach me how to get: Hosmer-Lemeshow statitistic, Odds ...
Richard Muallil's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Should I weight points in a mixed model to account for groups having different numbers of points?

My research investigates the carriage of Salmonella by raccoons captured on multiple occasions. I am interested in modelling the relationship between sampling interval (number of days between two ...
NadineVogt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Difference between multilevel logistic regression and a logistic regression with lower levels aggregated

I have a question about the differences between two forms of logistic regression. Let's say that I have data that is collected with some nesting. For concreteness, we'll say that I've got data across ...
triddle's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Multilevel logistic regression : Simulation Study

I have written R codes for simulating data from Multilevel logistic regression model . I focus on the following multilevel logistic model with one explanatory ...
ABC's user avatar
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multilevel logistic regression with rare events

I am running a multilevel logistic regression with a dichotomous outcome. The outcome variable measures protest participation. About 10 percent of the overall sample reports positive answers, which ...
Erdne Htábrob's user avatar
4 votes
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Does it change anything in a multilevel model when the predictor is a higher-level variable?

I am working on a project where I have to study the link between hospital competition and mortality (but also the duration of hospital stays). More precisely I want to determine whether the more a ...
Seydou GORO's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Multilevel logistic regression with a random slope(s)

I would like to specify a two-level logistic regression model with random intercept and random slope. Dependent variable: hospitalization (1) or no-hospitalization (0). Independent variables: age, ...
Gregory's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

GLMM with time-series covariance and binary response variable?

I have a binary response variable that was measured at irregular time intervals for a number of individuals. I want to fit a GLMM that accounts for the time-series covariance within individuals. I ...
SlowLoris's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to conduct a multilevel (hierarchical) binary logistic regression (in SPSS, R, or other software)?

I have a model with occurrence of a disease represented by a binary dependent variable (DV) and 8 independent variables (IVs) at different levels. I need to create a multi-level model, in which the ...
Vic's user avatar
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Logistic regression model comparison

I want to use logistic regression to look at how a continuous variable that I have measured for a sample of participants (how long they looked at a product) is impacting a dichotomous variable (...
axeman's user avatar
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VPC for a three-level logistic regression

I am building a mixed effects logistic regression model to explore whether or not someone is diagnosed late with a specific infectious disease. My outcome is late diagnosis (yes/no). My data includes ...
jaspy87's user avatar
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Implications for sample size of multilevel/mixed-effects model when level 1 units are participant decisions and level 2 units are participants

I am planning a study that will use a hierarchical design. The study has participants engage in a decision-making task, wherein they make 40-50 decisions between 'Choice A' and 'Choice B' (I won't ...
cjfcjf's user avatar
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Lack of within-cluster variability

I am working on patients' data. I want to do multilevel logistic regression. The cluster is hospital, exposure variable is treatment (A, B, C), and independent variables include sex, age and others. I ...
W Ramadi's user avatar
3 votes
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Ordered logistic multilevel regression in imputed dataset

Is there any way to calculate an ordered logistic multilevel regression in an imputed dataset? I have tried Stata’s GLLAMM (Generalized Linear and Latent Mixed ...
mzuba's user avatar
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0 answers

Best approach for (weakly) informative priors and variable-scaling in hierarchical logistic regression? [closed]

I am a PhD student using logistic regression to investigate mental health epidemiology. Since participants in my cohort study have a diagnosis or not (coded 1 or 0) - I'm using logistic regression to ...
statneutrino's user avatar
3 votes
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Can this be solved using a binary logistic multi-level model?

Is it possible to solve the following task by using a binary logistic multi level regression? If not, how can you solve it? The concept as a diagram: I have the location of individual stores and ...
Anony Mouse's user avatar
3 votes
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Predicting the winner of a contest

This is just a general question, but I ran into a few situations lately with this same framework and I'm not sure what to do with it. Suppose we have 100 contests worth of data each with 8 ...
Tony's user avatar
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0 answers

Estimation Procedure of Multilevel Logistic Regression

I know the estimation procedure for logistic regression is the iterative weighted least squares method. In the book An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models written by Dobson & Barnett, in ...
ABC's user avatar
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Modeling pass rates for departments and courses within a school

Suppose I have a regression model, for example a logistic regression model, which provides a score between 0 and 1 reflecting whether or not that a student will pass a course given certain variables: ...
enrico's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

conditional three-level model and repeated measures using glmer in R

I have been trying to find out the most adequate formula for my data but I found no example that reflects the structure of my data, as pictured in figure above. My data is dichotomous [correct/...
Acer acer's user avatar
2 votes
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Comparing statistical measurements of several countries

In a study, an outcome variable has three categories. There are several factors in the study. We are determining how these factors influence the outcome variable.We have fitted multiple logistic ...
user232597's user avatar
2 votes
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High value of B is a matter of concern or not?

I want to ask if the higher value of B is a matter of concern for the health of the hierarchical logistic regression model or not? I have a categorical variable and for two of the categories, I have ...
Muhammad Shahzad Hanif's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I do a t-test to compare t-statistics?

I was trying to fit a 2-level "hierarchical model" all in one go, in MATLAB. But then realised it might be better to do the lower level first, then the higher level. Simply, I have 80 subjects, from ...
Sanjay Manohar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Choosing a regression model for proportion data at the school level

I am working on a dataset where I have the percentage of students who passed at a test for each 189 schools in my sample. The data is aggregated, so I have the total number of student who sat the test ...
Perrine's user avatar
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2 votes
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Interpeting multilevel logistic regression

I ran a multilevel logistic regression, and I rescaled the variables using the scale function. The variables in my data set are centered around the mean and ...
Keith's user avatar
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Is there a minimum number of observations needed to justify the use of random slopes in a logistic regression model?

I have a mixed-effects logistic regression model with 584 observations, which models the outcome of a variable linguistic phenomenon. There are three predictor variables and I I used random intercepts ...
Namenlos's user avatar
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How to fit the correct multilevel (logistic) regression?

I want to study the link between hospital competition and mortality. The competition a hospital faces is measured by the Herfindalh-Hirschman index (HHI). So I want to know if a hospital's HHI is ...
Seydou GORO's user avatar
2 votes
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Multi-level logistic regression - probability received from the intercept is different from the original sample

I am running multi-level logistic regression in order to perform case-mix adjustment (corrected estimates) for 100 clinics. I got some results but they are somehow suspicious to me. I noticed that ...
Shkis's user avatar
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Multipliers on Top of Binomial Rate Estimates

I was wondering if anyone has come across a similar question to the following. I have data of the form $s_{x,y}, t_{x,y}$ (successes and trials) for varying groups with $x \in X, y \in Y$. I also ...
jlimahaverford's user avatar
2 votes
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How to model this data?

I have a dataset with the following structure: ...
Thomas Jensen's user avatar
2 votes
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C-statistic and measuring the contextual effect in multilevel logistic regression

I have a two-level logistic regression model where the outcome is "InfectedqPCR" (Plasmodium-infected as determined by qPCR) at the individual level. I have a range of individual- and ...
Trypanosoma's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Centering continuous variables in a multilevel logistic regression model [closed]

We are fitting a two-level logistic regression model with continuous variables in Level 1 and no variables in Level 2, except the groups. We considered only a random intercept in the model, but it is ...
Denise Aparecida Botter's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do Bayesian hierarchical models converge where frequentist models do not?

I am analysing an experiment looking at abstinence rates among participants in a clinical drug and alcohol trial. There were two groups, those who received the new treatment and those who received ...
llewmills's user avatar
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Interpreting ICC in 3-level logistic regression

I've run a 3-level logistic regression in STATA- level one is maternal health clinics (N=200), level 2 is the primary health care centres(N=41) which run the clinics and level 3 is the district(N=8). ...
Maddie's user avatar
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Comparison between outcomes in a mutinomial multilevel logistic regression model

I am using a multilevel regression model with a multinomial outcome (i.e., three unordered categories) as dependent variable, assigned the numeric values 0, 1, and 2. 0 being the reference category. ...
Kasper Dausel's user avatar
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Which analyses are most appropriate for answering the following questions about within-subjects data (with missing data)?

Suppose that I am looking at data from an N = 32, within-subjects study. There are three IVs - CL, PL, CPL - with two ordinal levels each (0 and 1). Every subject undergoes each of the 8 ...
genericity's user avatar
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Interpretation of results in multilevel logistic regression

I estimated a two-level logistic regression model with random intercept and random coefficients. The dependent variable is if someone participated in a demonstration (1) or not (0). My independent ...
Simon Dreyer's user avatar
2 votes
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Model validation for multilevel logistic regrssion?

I have designed a multilevel logistic model using PROC GLIMMIX in SAS 9.3 for hierachical data based on pupil attainment where level-two is the school the pupil attends. I'm quite sure that my model ...
jwb13's user avatar
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Modeling time in multilevel logistic regression

I conducted an experiment in which participants listened to sentences while looking at pictures about the sentences on a computer screen. Whether at a given time point a participant looked at the left ...
saccades's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I model a dependent variable that is a proportion?

Problem I am trying to test gender differences in the risk propensity of investors related to specific kind of stocks. More specifically, I want to the test the hypothesis predicting that female ...
SanMelkote's user avatar
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Reduced random effect variance by adding more covariates

I'm having a hard time understanding the situation where the variance for the random effect decreased as more predictors were included. For example, the model below has only two predictors, and its ...
KLee's user avatar
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