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Reporting Hierarchical Regression Results in Abstract

I did a hierarchical regression test in a social science study looking at how two variables (A and B) and their interaction term can predict variable C. My mentor told me to write in the abstract that ...
kangaroo123's user avatar
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Moderation in linear mixed model

I ran a Linear Mixed Model in R with 2 centered predictors and a Group variable. fit1a <- lmer(DV ~ Predictor1*Group + Predictor2*Group + (1|...), data) One of ...
KayAnn's user avatar
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Can I disentangle an interaction in a multilevel model by reordering factors?

I have a multilevel model with two factors (factor A - 2 levels; factor B - 3 levels) and continuous covariate, all of which interact. There is a random effect of participant and random slopes on the ...
Hu12345's user avatar
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how to use graph_model in reghelper correctly

I spent so many hours trying to create bargraph for lmer in R but I cant find a way to get each condition group mean to vary. I want to plot the following model ...
numpynp's user avatar
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can i compute an interaction variable by multiplying a standardized variable and a mean centered variable?

I need to do a multiple hierarchical regression analysis for my master thesis. my continues independent variable is: online exposure to cannabis use. I used five items/questions/variables to compute a ...
shAreena S.'s user avatar
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How to interpret interaction becoming non-significant after removing one non-significant main effect from model?

I am interested in an between-within interaction in a hierarchical logistic regression. I start my analysis with a model including all theoretically relevant predictors, including the between factor A,...
Max J.'s user avatar
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How to interpret interaction in the absence of main effect? Multilevel Modeling

What is the substantive interpretation of an interaction in the absence of a main effect? Statistically I understand that the interaction modifies the main effect, but how to interpret this from a ...
Brigadeiro's user avatar
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Interpreting an interaction in a mixed effects regression

Magenta Sunrise's user avatar
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Multi-level / mixed-effect / hierarchical linear regression. Model and interpretation advice? [closed]

I want to run and then report a multi-level model on the ChickWeight data in R. I have done several analyses of which I have a few questions. I've been told the AIC is a good way to test a model's ...
Magenta Sunrise's user avatar
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Cross levels or interaction term for repeated measures multilevel model?

I'm new to both regression and multilevel modelling, and I'm having trouble with the analysis for my experiment design. For my study, we are having subjects come in and solve 2 problems. Each problem ...
Devjeet Roy's user avatar
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interactions involving two continuous predictors with emtrends

Let's say I have a model with two continuous predictors (nitrogen and temperature) and one categorical variable (variety). <...
locus's user avatar
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How to model and measure cross-level interaction among multiple levels of data

I have a weekly data at Brand Level, Sub Segment level and Segment level (the other two are derived from rolling up the Brand level data). The data includes product characteristics, sales, marketing ...
Satwik's user avatar
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Multilevel Binary Logistic Instrumental Variables Regression

Context I have hierarchical data where individuals ($i$) are nested in groups ($j$) and am interested in examining the degree to which a continuous group-level variable ($X_j$) moderates the effect ...
user122095's user avatar
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What is the difference between bi-level linear models and models with interaction terms?

My question is triggered by this question. I can't see that it has been asked here before, even though it looks like a natural enough question. Suppose I have hierarchical data. The Wikipedia article ...
user3697176's user avatar
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Data Analysis Question from a Stats Novice (Hierarchical Multiple Regression and sample size assumptions)

I'm working on my dissertation and have only a very basic knowledge of stats. I am assuming all of you have a much better understanding and I need some clarification: I am comparing two groups (...
nshewey's user avatar
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Hierarchical Regression Moderator Analysis

I ran a 2-block hierarchical regression to test for moderation. In the first block I entered the centered IV and centered moderator variable (MV) and in the second block I entered my centered ...
user74089's user avatar
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Some Terminology in Multilevel Analysis

What is the meaning of the following terms in multilevel analysis: cross-level interaction; micro level; macro level?
ABC's user avatar
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Multi level regression with interaction using R lme4

I'd like to do a regression analysis with interactions, my data has two levels (school classes and pupils). My variables are: Predictor = dummy variable on Level 1, dependent Variable = metric on ...
Stefanie Brimmers's user avatar
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Differenence between hierarchical linear regression and moderated multiple regression

What is the difference between hierarchical linear regression and moderated multiple regression? If I have one and two moderator variables and my models are: model 1- IV model 2- adding two ModVs ...
JOEY's user avatar
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Evaluating effect sizes of interactions in multiple regression

I have been running 3-level multilevel models with HLM, and my main interest is in some cross-level interaction effects that I am finding. My concern is that the effect sizes of these interactions ...
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