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How do I correctly formulate the random effects with repeated measures in a paired design

Sorry if this is a cross-posting, but I haven't found the exact solution for my problem yet. Let us assume I have an experiment with 20 households, with 2 people each (1 female + 1 male). Over the ...
quak's user avatar
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2 answers

Appropriate Linear Mixed Model for nested data

I'm asking for help with the structure of a linear mixed model I'm trying to run. Here is the description of my study: I am studying the effect of different stand types (Oak pure, Pine pure and Mixed) ...
Barcik's user avatar
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Mixed effect model for two levels of repeated measures

I have a repeated measures dataset that I am attempting to analyze using linear mixed effects regression. I would like to compare the effects of different products (A and B) on a dependent variable (y)...
andrew2165's user avatar
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Describing data structure and specifying a linear mixed model in nlme with nested and crossed effects

I am trying to specify a linear mixed model to analyse data with the following structure and have several questions about correctly describing the structure of the data and how to specify the model. ...
Pratorum's user avatar
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How to deal with this very nested data

I have run so many models and am so, so confused. I've attached an image of sample data that matches my structure. I have a single score per conversation (score is ...
user5826447's user avatar
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lmer (lme4) nested random structure gives singular fit

I'm running the following model on some reaction time data: ...
Brechje van Osch's user avatar
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Nested effects in lmer model

I have the following data structure: ...
hilberthotel's user avatar
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How to specify a model with multiple treatment groups, measured twice, repeatedly across a time period (lme4)?

I have 30 animals (factor: animal_id, 30 levels) which have been treated with a drug or a vehicle (factor: treatment, 2 levels). ...
doesnotcompute's user avatar
3 votes
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Linear Mixed Models: Accounting an effect as a random intercept or slope

My goal is to test whether reaction is significantly different between tasks (a, b, and c). However, the order in which I run the tasks in my experiment may affect the reaction. But I'm not interest ...
Trudy's user avatar
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Random Intercept vs. Random Slope Linear Mixed Effects Model with Nested Data

I have read a lot about random intercepts vs. random slopes in linear mixed effects (LME) models, but I am confused on how to think about them when it comes to nested data. I have looked at other ...
rhingo3's user avatar
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Equivalence test with random effects

I am designing an experiment where I will test different subjects’ multiple times under two different conditions (lab and real life) My hypothesis Is that that the subject will perform equivalent in ...
Simen Leithe Tajet's user avatar
7 votes
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Mixed model with nested and crossed random effects

I'm new to mixed effects models and am trying to use the lmer() function from the lme4 R package to specify a random effects ...
Tim's user avatar
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Nested data correction with mixed models

We have collected data from n patients, with each patient having one eye treated and the other untreated. We would like to see if the treated eye progresses differently to the untreated eye using ...
JP1's user avatar
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Simulation Study for a Nested Random Effect Model

I am trying to simulate data based on two random effects and no fixed effects. The simulated data table contains nP projects and within each project ...
Mexx's user avatar
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How does the REML fitting procedure know when a predictor is nested

Consider an experiment with two categorical predictors, A and B, where the levels of B are nested within those of A, and thus described by the following design information: A B 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 ...
Chris Science's user avatar
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Double nested lmer [duplicate]

On island biology I am currently doing a research on the difference in seed fall the between island. For this research I collected plants on the islands and dropping 5 seeds for eacht plant. This ...
sam gebruers's user avatar
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Mixed model with two fixed effects, with repeated measures for only one of them

I am using linear mixed effect models to study the effect of a physical therapy treatment on two different populations of patients (Adolescents and Adults). The treatment is the same for both ...
Cristiano's user avatar
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How to deal with the rank deficiency in lmer for nested variable

Data and background of the study: The data is a repeat measurement of metabolite levels in responses to 2 types of stimuli. The data measured in 4 sessions— ...
Noach's user avatar
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mixed-models in "nlme" package using lme() - nested data structure - error in model fitting - system is computationally singular

Cross-posting from stackoverflow I am working with a dataset having the following structure (download data here). The variable resp is a physiological response measured once for every subject during ...
StatisticsFanBoy's user avatar
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How to deal with nestedness of fixed factors in a linear mixed effects model (lmer in lme4)?

I am new to analyzing complex datasets using mixed models in R, so please forgive me if I am asking something very basic. I'm currently trying to write a linear mixed model using the ...
Anis's user avatar
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lme4 mixed model analysis based on sum of count data

I have a dataset with pupils (1000+) that are nested within school classes (100+). Pupils were either in group1 or group2 (different treatments) and had two measurement time points (time0, time2). The ...
Blubbb's user avatar
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Using multilevel modeling to test differences in the ability of trait and state measures to predict outcomes

I'm currently trying to test whether trait is better at predicting overall/mean job performance than state anxiety and whether state anxiety is better at predicting daily job performance than trait ...
user360342's user avatar
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diference between nested and crossed random effects within my study [duplicate]

dear. How are you. There is long since I have been trying to solve a doubt about diference between nested and crossed random effects within my study. So I am here to ask and seek for some information. ...
Rodrigo Cabrera da Silva's user avatar
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Grouped/Nested data in logistic regression

Update: Added more meaningful example data Setting: In my study, each of three randomly chosen readers (A, B,...
ava's user avatar
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LMER random effects

I have a question regarding a linear mixed-effects model, specifically the random effects. I have taken one core in each zone (three Zones (U,L,P)) across five transects (T1-T5) and three ...
Maria R's user avatar
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specifying random effects in an intensive longitudinal design

I conducted a study where participants made 15 decisions (which could be correct or incorrect) per trial (or block). There were 10 identical trials (so the same 15 decisions were made 10 times). All ...
Zach H's user avatar
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Mixed effects model specification lmer

I am quite new to mixed effects modelling but am starting to explore more complex designs for hypothesis testing using lmer in R. The model specification is ...
sandytoast's user avatar
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How to interprate random effects in an lme model in R [closed]

I am having trouble understanding the results of my lme model. Could someone tell me how to understand the random effects? Here is my model: ...
Dale Perkins's user avatar
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Crossed random effects: how do we model multiple reciprocal transplants in lme4?

I saw the previous post on "Crossed vs nested random effects: how do they differ and how are they specified correctly in lme4?" with a very nice descriptive response from @RobertLong (...
Christina Richards's user avatar
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Modeling nested data using linear mixed modeling (specifically lme4)

I'll appreciate your help with conceptually understanding the models below. I have data for 150 subjects who completed a cognitive task. Each subject responded to four types of stimuli (A, B, C, D), ...
OnY's user avatar
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lmer applicable for nested unbalanced experimentel design?

My experimental design causes me some headache. It consists of three sites (A, B, C). Each site contains two treatments (Treat1 and Treat2). Obtained data (resp1 and resp2) were recorded at eight ...
Timo's user avatar
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Choosing between nested and crossed design

I'm looking to use a linear mixed effects model. Each participant will rate a given item using 9 scales, 1 of which is the outcome variable. There are 6 items in total. The aim is to determine which ...
Green44's user avatar
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How to go about nested random effects if model yields convergence problems?

I've built a mixed effects logistic regression model using glmer(). I'm trying to measure clause transitivity (2 possibilities: transitive/intransitive) Each observation is a clause and clauses are ...
Leandra's user avatar
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Mixed model with nesting

I am new to working with mixed models in R and am hoping someone can tell me if this syntax is correct. m <- lmer(y ~ maturity * type + (1|run/block)) Where ...
yaynikkiprograms's user avatar
5 votes
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Glmer with count data, nested design and repeated measurements

Currently I try to fit a model for counted Individuals (response variable, integer numbers) in Different types of traps (factorial explanatory variable). I have two different Biotopes, and three ...
J_Biology's user avatar
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Interpreting nested random effects

I was playing around with some data and had hard time to understand the meaning of nested effects. Here's an example of a dataset (selfesteem2 from package datarium)...
User33268's user avatar
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How do I analyze bimodal distibuted data with a linear mixed model

The experiment I am working on has the following design: A B C D E F B A D E F C A B E F C D B A F C D E Each Letter represents a different level of the single factor called “...
Thomas Baumgartner's user avatar
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ANOVA represenation of mixed model with crossed random effects and uncorrelated variance structure

I was expecting this to be simple when I started, it seems to not be the case. I am trying to model yield of bean genotypes. There were only 6 genotypes included. 3 trials were carried out in separate ...
dd_rookie's user avatar
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Hierarchical linear model in the context of an experiment

In an experimental study, I randomly assign participants to one of two conditions: Condition A (which they read Text A), and Condition B (in which they read Text B). After reading their assigned text, ...
Oriane's user avatar
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Two factorial time series mixed effect model using lmer

I'm facing a problem regarding the the selection of an appropriate model and right synthax using lmer()-command (lme4-package). But first let me explain the design of the study: Study design: I ran an ...
XEZ's user avatar
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Nesting random effect within fixed effect, with additional nested random effect. Nominal logistic

Very new to R so please pardon my naivety. I am trying to run a sort of mixed effects nominal logistic regression model with my insect response data. I have 2 rearing treatments (hot and cold) and 3 ...
Anthony Macchiano's user avatar
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linear mixed effect models: random intercept, no fixed intercept interpretation

I'm learning about linear mixed effect models and I'm having a hard time interpreting a repeated measures model that has a random intercept, but no fixed intercept. As an example: ...
r_user's user avatar
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Does linear mixed effect models fit to analyse nested data?

I am searching for correlations between symptoms severity and the parameters of neural activity in a disease model. As predictors, I have two (slightly collinear) measures of disease severity on each ...
Elena Belova's user avatar
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Cross-classified mixed models in lme4: How to code cluster variables when there are >2 random intercepts?

Let's suppose that I have a dataset where individual responses to a questionnaire are cross-classified within two grouping variables, G1 and G2. Based on this very informative post, it seems that ...
Benmind's user avatar
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Should repeated measures be included as a nested or a crossed random effect in glmer?

I have a field experiment looking at the effect of a seed-mix treatment on moth abundance and I am struggling to define the correct random effects structure. My experiment is structured like this: I ...
Dan's user avatar
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nested mixed effect ANOVA (lme4): can a factor be a fixed effect AND a nesting term for a random effect? [duplicate]

I study fish in a single large river and want to know if fish length differs between 3 large sampling 'sections' of the river. To answer this question, I measured hundreds of fish lengths within five ...
stupid_grad_student's user avatar
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Need help: nested fixed effects in nlme()

I have two fixed effects in a nonlinear mixed effect model. One is nested in the other, as the case here: "Specie" is nested in 'category'. ...
kickshark's user avatar
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Model specification in nlme: Random effects

My design has a total of 20 sites. 5 sites belong to each of four land covers: A, B, C and D. In each site, I have 5 sampling locations, 2 metres from each other. From each sampling location, I ...
Manaswi Raghurama's user avatar
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Should I be using a three-level or two-level MLM?

I am running the following study, and I am unsure about the best analytical approach. I have two ideas, but I'm not sure either one is correct. I am grateful for any feedback. I am conducting a study ...
Zach H's user avatar
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Multiple Nested Random Effects affecting a Mixed Model

I have a quite complex psychophysiological data dependant of different nested data in a repeated measures experiment. The first nested structure comes from the data collection were there are several ...
Unai Vicente's user avatar