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3 votes
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Statistical test for whether two methods of measuring community composition produce the same distribution?

I'm measuring community composition (i.e., the distribution of abundance) of 30 taxa as captured in 3 samples at 1 site. For each of my samples, I've measured community composition using 2 different ...
Skirnir314's user avatar
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Is permanova indicated for one factor with two levels?

I have some permanova tests results. One of them evaluated lead (Pb) concentration between males and females, and the other between three other variables. When I searched about non parametric tests, I ...
Michelle N's user avatar
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Determining Which Variables Drive Group Differences After a Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance With a Post-Hoc Means Separation Test

I have a data frame with several different columns of variables (there are categorical predictor variables and several different numeric response variables). I've done a permutational multivariate ...
David Moore's user avatar
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Nested studydesign - Necessary to restrict permutations in betadisper?

I have the following study design: 8 locations, 5 forest types (Plots) per location (D,DB,B,FB,F). In every plot I sampled spiders and identified them. I did an NMDS with Morisita-Horn index. ...
Jenny s.'s user avatar
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test for significant differences in communtiy composition between habitats? required PERMANOVA sample size?

I sampled spiders in 5 different forest-stands. I originally had a sample size of 32 per forest-type, but as I had to pool the data I now just have 8 samples per forest type. I did an ordination with ...
Jenny s.'s user avatar
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Are fixed effects not being evaluated by the model?

I have a mixed effect model that includes some variables as fixed effects and some as random effects. All of them are defined as factors, and I set appropriate reference levels. ...
gbt's user avatar
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What is a good p-value adjustment for a permutational analysis like pairwise PERMANOVA?

I am comparing plant community responses to experimental treatments using the pairwise.permanova function in R. However, there are no clear answers regarding which ...
Reesamu's user avatar
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Repeated measures microbiome data with baseline measurement: comparison of two treatments

I am interested in any advice I can get on different ways I might analyze multivariate ecological community (fecal sample microbiome) data that come from a "before after control impact" ...
qdread's user avatar
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1 answer

PERMANOVA with vegan (adonis) for three factors and repeated measures?

I have three factors (Status, Time.Point, Treatment) each with 2 levels. Time.Point factor is "before" and "after" (the repeated measures). The data is unbalanced though (e.g. some ...
DS14's user avatar
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Why is the order of samples in my metadata changing my PERMANOVA results with adonis?

I've trying to preform a PERMANOVA using adonis2 on a dissimilarity matrix. My code looks like this. ...
CassandraRegine's user avatar
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PERMANOVA to calculate cytokine variation explained by species composition

I am trying to calculate the cytokine variation explained by species composition within my data set based on figure 2D in the following paper (Schirmer, M., Smeekens, S.P., Vlamakis, H., Jaeger, M., ...
AWillz's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can you perform a PERMANOVA analysis on nested data?

I've found no answer in the papers I have read regarding PERMANOVAs or on the web so I'm really hoping someone could help me answer this question. An example would be testing PERMANOVA on ...
ziab_m's user avatar
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10 votes
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adonis in vegan: order of variables or use of strata

I am using the adonis() function in in the vegan package to determine 1) if co-occurring host species vary in their microbial ...
Carly MW's user avatar
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