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Questions tagged [pivot-table]

A pivot table shows a summary table of data from a larger table generally with an interactive graphical interface; it is seen in software such as spreadsheets.

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How to test for difference between table of weighted proportions

Though Python is used for generating the examples this is not a Python question, links to literature/theory are welcome. I'm wondering how one would go about determining whether there was a ...
baxx's user avatar
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Permutations in pivot table

Let's assume a pivot table $P$ of shape $m\times n$ where $p_{i,j}$ is number of coincidences of $i$ and $j$. I would like to have to permute the columns and rows to see some blocks of similarity. ...
Karel Macek's user avatar
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Is there a stats tool for this analysis I run in excel?

I am trying to find a statistical or machine learning tool that replicates this analysis I am doing manually in excel. Each row in my data set is a user. ...
Jason Schwartz's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the difference between the 'Pivot table' and 'Contingency table'?

Is there any difference? Or they are basically the same? Just Excel users call it 'pivot table' and statistically-minded people call it 'contingency table'?
Bogaso's user avatar
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Terminology of two different tabular representations of aggregated data

think of a group of people aged from 21 to 35 years. Then we can show the number of persons regarding gender and age groups 21-25, 26-30 and 31-35 in (at least) two different ways: Type A Type B ...
Raffael's user avatar
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How can you summarize growth in the "production" rate per person?

I have been reading the book, Good to Great by Jim Collins. It says that you should focus on information that "cannot be ignored," and that you should focus on the right "denominator." I thought it ...
Scott's user avatar
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Excel pivot table with multiple total columns

Is there a way in Excel to create a pivot table with multiple column totals? Here's column names to demonstrate what I'm trying to do: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | 6 Month total | Jul | Aug | ...
ak112358's user avatar
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9 votes
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What are pivot tables, and how can they be helpful in analyzing data?

What are pivot tables, and how can they be helpful in analyzing data?
Rizwan Kassim's user avatar