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Questions tagged [search-theory]

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Using a Markov Network to match similar names between lists

I have a problem where I am trying to match people between two datasets--meaning it is the dataset but captured during different year ranges. The problem is that the data was manually entered, so ...
krishnab's user avatar
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Has there been any research work done on stochastic display of search engine results?

When using search engine query logs to make use of click-through data to order search results, there is a well-known position bias. This position bias gives search engine users a tendency to click on ...
Joebevo's user avatar
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Unconventional optimization over the space of combinations $C(N,n)$

I have an unconventional optimization problem. At least for me. PROBLEM: $$ \max_{c \in C(N,n)} F(c) $$ where: $C(N,n)$ is the space of the combinations of $n$ objects, out of $N$; $F: C(N,n) \...
Gabriele Pompa's user avatar
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TF-IDF vector contents when computing cosine similarity for document search

Say you're trying to find the most similar document in a corpus to a given search query. I've seen some examples create TF-IDF vectors that are the length of the given query, and some create TF-IDF ...
Tim S's user avatar
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Capturing an Escaping Prisoner? (Something I thought about in my car)

So, I was in my car listening to the radio when I was listening to a story about the captured New York prison escapees, and it had me thinking: In a hypothetical large fixed area of land, let us ...
Alvin Nunez's user avatar
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How to find a cost function with only a statistical measure of success?

Using the U.S.A. as a loose analogy, we have search algorithms that find the names and number of States adjacent to a given State (containing a selected city). The goal is to minimize the number of "...
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Pairwise Learning to Rank - detecting detrimental changes

The idea behind Pairwise Learning to Rank is that if you have a set of search results then a clicked on result can be used as training example to indicate that it should rank more highly that the ...
Ben McCann's user avatar
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How to apply Bayes' theorem to the search for a fisherman lost at sea

The article The Odds, Continually Updated mentions the story of a Long Island fisherman who literally owes his life to Bayesian Statistics. Here's the short version: There are two fishermen on a ...
mlai's user avatar
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A/B split/bucket testing with three or more variants

Let's say I have three search engine e.g. search engine A, search engine B and search engine C. Each search engine is given a set of queries Q (e.g. apple,banana,carrot....), this set Q remains the ...
statman's user avatar
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Citation for Continuous Space Hill Climbing Algorithm pseudocode on Wikipedia?

Can anyone provide a reference for the Continuous Space Hill Climbing Algorithm pseudocode in the Wikipedia article on Hill Climbing? The Russell and Norvig text is cited, but they only provide the ...
aljaca's user avatar
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How many user interactions do I need to perform search relevance experiment?

I know similar questions have been asked many times here. But I still don't get simple formula or idea how estimate this. I have site with traffic and I want to split portion of it to test new search ...
yura's user avatar
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Thoughts on model self-penalization amidst difficult parameter estimation

It is well accepted that one should account for model complexity when performing model comparisons, and the general procedure is to penalize more complex models more strongly. While this makes sense ...
Mike Lawrence's user avatar
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Optimal stopping from an unknown distribution

The Secretary problem has an algorithm for fixed N and immediate accept/reject (that is, reject reject ... accept one, stop). There are several variants; in mine, secretaries or samples come from a ...
denis's user avatar
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Use of Bayesian Search Theory in geological interpretation

I was having a look round a few things yesturday and came across Bayesian Search Theory. Thinking about this theory led me to think about a problem I was working on a few years ago regarding ...
Ian Turner's user avatar