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Results for triangular matrix
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1 vote
2 answers

How to use gsl_linalg_cholesky_ decomp to composite the lower triangular matrix?

I tried to write a simple function to decompose the lower triangular matrix $L$. I know there is a C++ function of GSL/gsl_linalg_cholesky_ decomp that can do it. …
user40596's user avatar
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0 answers

Does the Cholesky decomposition of a covariance matrix lead to a lower triangular matrix wit...

is a lower triangular matrix. … If the above holds true, suppose an $N\times p$ matrix $X$ generated according to $N(0,I_{p\times p})$ and is then set as fixed. …
Carl's user avatar
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Irreducible Markov chain and transition matrix

We know that a matrix is irreducible if it is not similar via a permutation to a block upper triangular matrix. Is the transition matrix of a irreducible Markov chain irreducible? …
MathIsLove's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why use upper triangular Cholesky?

It seems that it is more natural to represent a covariance matrix by it's lower triangular Cholesky factorization. … What are the uses of the upper triangular part? …
yong's user avatar
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33 votes
1 answer

If I generate a random symmetric matrix, what's the chance it is positive definite?

The question is: Suppose I randomly (say standard normal distribution) generate a $N \times N$ symmetric matrix, (for example, I generate upper triangular matrix, and fill the bottom half to make sure … it is symmetric), what is the chance it is a positive definite matrix? …
Haitao Du's user avatar
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How to draw estimates based on variance covariance matrix?

I would realize this: draw length($\beta_s$) independent $\mathcal N(0,1)$ values to create a random vector $z$, then $\beta^*$=$\hat{\beta}+Az$ where $A$ is the upper triangular matrix of the Cholesky … decomposition matrix ($\hat{V}=A'A$). …
David Z's user avatar
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Creating DLM object in R : Non symmetric W (error matrix in state equation)

In my model it is recommended to have W as a lower triangular Matrix....Any idea about the appropriate way to handle this issue providing R code for the reference Build.dlm.corr.dns =function(param) … #correlated factors { G= matrix(param[1:9],3,3) #3X3 matrix I= diag(3) zero= diag(10^1-10,3,3) G= rbind(cbind(G,I-G),cbind(zero,I)) #16 X3 matrix W1= matrix(c(param[10],0,0,param[11],param …
Sudarshan's user avatar
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1 answer

In transformer architecture, Why does Masked Self Attention layer uses additive masks not mu...

matrix with elements value $-\infty$ . … However, we could achieve the same with a multiplicative mask with the output of softmax as follows, $$\alpha = Softmax(QK^T)*LTMask$$ where $LTMask$ is the Lower triangular matrix with elements value …
Arun prakash's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Multilinear regression relation to univariate regression

Hence $\hat{\beta} z = \hat{\beta} \Gamma^{-1} x$ where $\Gamma^{-1}$ is a lower triangular matrix. … Hence the regression of $y$ on $x_i$ $\sum\limits_{i=p}^{n} \eta\hat{\beta}_i$. where $\eta$ is obtained by inverting $\Gamma$ and the fact the inverse of an upper triangular matrix is a lower triangular
Lost1's user avatar
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1 answer

Bounds on entries of Cholesky factors?

Let $\Sigma$ be a positive-definite matrix whose diagonal entries are identically 1. (i.e. $\Sigma$ is a correlation matrix.) … If $L$ is an lower-triangular matrix such that $L^T L = \Sigma$, can the entries of $L$ be bounded? (i.e. do there exist real numbers $l, u$ such that $l \geq (L)_{ij} \leq u$?) …
charles.y.zheng's user avatar
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What statistical analysis tests if two matrices are different?

This generated a triangular matrix (M1) where the diagonal is 1 because A1 = A1, A2 = A2, etc. All other comparisons are between 0 (no similarity) and 1 (identical). … I then did the same thing for protein B, comparing the 5 protein B homologs (B1..B5) to generate a second triangular matrix (M2). …
amprebel's user avatar
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1 answer

Choleski decomposition of the covariance matrix

I have a process described as $r_t = \mu + \Sigma_t^{1/2}z_t$ where $z_t$ is let's say a standard normal distribution residual and $\Sigma_t$ is the conditional covariance matrix. … So my question is whether the matrix $\alpha_{i,j,t}$ is the upper triangular matrix as obtained by f.e. the chol(x) function in Matlab or does it stand for something else? …
Masher's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Cholesky decomposition lower triangular in Gaussian process sampling

I understand it as as the square root of the covariance matrix being the multivariate generalization of taking the sqrt of the variance and then transforming a standard normal variable. … $\mathbf{L}$ is a lower triangular matrix, so when I sample a GP with a vector of standard normal variables (like this, the first output …
Joff's user avatar
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When should we decompose the precision matrix as opposed to the covariance matrix to generat...

We can take a covariance matrix $\Sigma$ and decompose this into a lower and upper triangular matrix $\Sigma = U^T U$ where $U$ is the Cholesky matrix. … decomposition of $\Sigma^{-1} = L^T L$, the procedure that the authors have used to enforce this dependency is simply to take the two standard normal variables $X$ and $Y$ and multiply them by the lower triangular
Chris C's user avatar
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Transform random numbers into a valid covariance matrix [duplicate]

$C=L \cdot L^*$, where $L$ is a lower triangular matrix. So I basically populate the diagonal and the lower triangular part of $L$ with my random numbers and compute $C$. … $\mathrm{corr}$ is the correlation matrix and $\mathrm{diag}(\Sigma)$ is a diagonal matrix holding the variances (see also Wikipedia article on covariance matrix). …
Joerg's user avatar
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