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48 votes

Can AUC-ROC be between 0-0.5?

I am sorry, but these answers are dangerously wrong. No, you cannot just flip AUC after you see the data. Imagine you are buying stocks, and you always bought the wrong one, but you said to yourself, ...
rep_ho's user avatar
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40 votes

Can AUC-ROC be between 0-0.5?

A perfect predictor gives an AUC-ROC score of 1, a predictor which makes random guesses has an AUC-ROC score of 0.5. If you get a score of 0 that means the classifier is perfectly incorrect, it is ...
Hugh's user avatar
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35 votes

What is the formula to calculate the area under the ROC curve from a contingency table?

In the general case: you can't The ROC curve shows how sensitivity and specificity varies at every possible threshold. A contingency table has been calculated at a single threshold and information ...
Calimo's user avatar
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34 votes

Is the Dice coefficient the same as accuracy?

The Dice coefficient (also known as Dice similarity index) is the same as the F1 score, but it's not the same as accuracy. The main difference might be the fact that accuracy takes into account true ...
Dvir Berebi's user avatar
34 votes

Is my model any good, based on the diagnostic metric ($R^2$/ AUC/ accuracy/ RMSE etc.) value?

This answer will mostly focus on $R^2$, but most of this logic extends to other metrics such as AUC and so on. This question can almost certainly not be answered well for you by readers at ...
mkt's user avatar
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23 votes

Where in the ROC curve does it tell you what the threshold is?

Each (FPR, TPR) point on a ROC curve is associated with a threshold. However, the thresholds are not typically drawn on the curve itself. It is possible to reveal them, either adding extra annotation ...
Calimo's user avatar
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22 votes

How to derive the probabilistic interpretation of the AUC?

From Measuring classifier performance: a coherent alternative to the area under the ROC curve : First thing, let's try to define the area under the ROC curve formally. Some assumptions and ...
alebu's user avatar
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22 votes

Comparison of two models when the ROC curves cross each other

A ROC curve visualizes TPR and FPR for all possible thresholds. If you plot two ROC curves 'A' and 'B' and they do not cross each other, then one of your classifiers is clearly performing better, ...
Laksan Nathan's user avatar
20 votes

What does AUC stand for and what is it?

The answers in this forum are great and I come back here often for reference. However, one thing was always missing. From @Frank's answer, we see the interpretation of AUC as the probability that a ...
ryu576's user avatar
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20 votes

How to derive the probabilistic interpretation of the AUC?

@alebu's answer is great. But its notation is nonstandard and uses 0 for the positive class and 1 for the negative class. Below are the results for the standard notation (0 for the negative class and ...
Lei Huang's user avatar
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19 votes


ROC AUC is the area under the curve where x is false positive rate (FPR) and y is true positive rate (TPR). PR AUC is the area under the curve where x is recall and y is precision. recall = TPR = ...
Sam Weisenthal's user avatar
19 votes

Determine how good an AUC is (Area under the Curve of ROC)

From the comments: Calimo: If you are a trader and you can get an AUC of 0.501 in predicting future financial transactions, you're the richest man in the world. If you are a CPU engineer and your ...
19 votes

Area under the ROC curve when there is imbalance: is there a problem, and if not, why does this rumor exist?

This is actually a very simple issue. The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) equals the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-Somers concordance probability, a $U$-statistic, i.e., take all possible pairs of an ...
Frank Harrell's user avatar
18 votes

Statistical significance (p-value) for comparing two classifiers with respect to (mean) ROC AUC, sensitivity and specificity

Wojtek J. Krzanowski and David J. Hand ROC Curves for Continuous Data (2009) is a great reference for all things related to ROC curves. It collects together a number of results in what is a ...
Sycorax's user avatar
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17 votes

AUC and class imbalance in training/test dataset

It depends how you mean the word sensitive. The ROC AUC is sensitive to class imbalance in the sense that when there is a minority class, you typically define this as the positive class and it will ...
David Ernst's user avatar
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17 votes

Can AUC-ROC be between 0-0.5?

They can, if the system you're analyzing performs below chance level. Trivially, you could easily construct a classifier with 0 AUC by having it always answer opposite to the truth. In practice of ...
Ruben van Bergen's user avatar
16 votes

logloss vs gini/auc

Whereas the AUC is computed with regards to binary classification with a varying decision threshold, logloss actually takes "certainty" of classification into account. Therefore to my understanding, ...
Nikolas Rieble's user avatar
15 votes

optimizing auc vs logloss in binary classification problems

As you mention, AUC is a rank statistic (i.e. scale invariant) & log loss is a calibration statistic. One may trivially construct a model which has the same AUC but fails to minimize log loss w.r....
khol's user avatar
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15 votes

AUC and class imbalance in training/test dataset

(a 3-years late answer, but maybe still useful!) ROC is sensitive to the class-imbalance issue, meaning that it favors the class with larger population solely because of its higher population. In ...
Azim's user avatar
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15 votes

Does a logistic regression maximizing likelihood necessarily also maximize AUC over linear models?

It is not the case that $\beta_{MLE} \equiv \beta_{AUC}$. To illustrate this, consider that AUC can written as $P(\hat y_1 > \hat y_0 | y_1 = 1, y_0 = 0)$ In otherwords, the ordering of the ...
Cliff AB's user avatar
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15 votes

Logarithmic loss vs Brier score vs AUC score

The choice depends on how you plan to use the model. There are many potential strictly proper scoring rules (AUC isn't one). They effectively put different weights on different parts of the ...
EdM's user avatar
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14 votes

AUC and class imbalance in training/test dataset

I think it is not safe to say that the AUC is insensitive to class imbalance, as it introduces some confusion to the reader. In case you mean that the score itself doesn't detect class imbalance, that'...
KareemJ's user avatar
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14 votes

Determine how good an AUC is (Area under the Curve of ROC)

This is a complementary to Andrey's answer (+1). When looking for a generally accepted reference on AUC-ROC values, I came across Hosmer's "Applied Logistic Regression". In Chapt. 5 "...
usεr11852's user avatar
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14 votes

Is higher AUC always better?

AUC is a simplified performance measure AUC collapses the ROC curve into a single number. Because of that a comparison of two ROC curves based on AUC might miss out on particular details that are left ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
13 votes

How can we calculate ROC AUC for classification algorithm such as random forest?

Although the randomForest package does not have a built-in function to generate a ROC curve and an AUC measure, it is very easy to generate in a case of 2 classes by using it in combination with the ...
M. Warden's user avatar
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13 votes

When is an AUC score misleadingly high?

One possible reason you can get high AUROC with what some might consider a mediocre prediction is if you have imbalanced data (in favor of the "zero" prediction), high recall, and low ...
Bridgeburners's user avatar
13 votes

Sklearn Average_Precision_Score vs. AUC

AUC (or AUROC, area under receiver operating characteristic) and AUPR (area under precision recall curve) are threshold-independent methods for evaluating a threshold-based classifier (i.e. logistic ...
chang_trenton's user avatar
12 votes

ROC curve for discrete classifiers like SVM: Why do we still call it a "curve"?, Isn't it just a "point"?

Normally, the predicted label $\hat{y}$ from SVM is given by $\hat{y}=\mbox{sign}({\mathbf w^T x}+b)$, where ${\mathbf w}$ is the SVM-optimized weights of the hyper-plane, and the $b$ is the SVM-...
Raymond Kwan's user avatar
12 votes

How to improve F1 score with skewed classes?

Most of the classification problems I've tackled are similar in nature, so a large class imbalance is quite common. It is not clear whether you are using training-validation sets to build and fine ...
Sandeep S. Sandhu's user avatar
12 votes

Generate synthetic data given AUC

There are multiple ways to do it. One is to assume to transform AUC to cohen's D and then just sample data from 2 standard normal distributions D standard deviations apart. We can transform AUC to D ...
rep_ho's user avatar
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