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user215517's user avatar
user215517's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

AUC for someone with no stats knowledge

5 votes

Dunn test and specific comparisons

4 votes

Name of study design for 2 samples measured at different times

3 votes

Distinguishing Bad Leverage Points from Vertical Outliers

2 votes

Is there a way to work out the final mean±sd from the baseline mean±sd and change in mean±sd?

2 votes

Normalizing/Scaling a dataset does not have any effect on r2 score?

1 vote

What means a log-odd very close to 0?

1 vote

Sample size needed for a survey with multiple questions

1 vote

Multiple linear regression: p-value=0.25 pre-filter variable selection

0 votes

Identical Random Variables

0 votes

What are the rules on when it is acceptable to use a paired t-test?