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Ghostpunk's user avatar
Ghostpunk's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Türkiye
2 votes

What is difference between and index and regression?

1 vote

How do we find probability of a binary event occurring in continuous space?

1 vote

Can I use 'mean ± SD' for non-negative data when SD is higher than mean?

1 vote

How to detect categorical data masquerading as continuous?

0 votes

standard deviation of the time-series

0 votes

Interpretation of results of a regression analysis

0 votes

Two way Anova Hypothesis Testing

0 votes

Statistical Comparison of Time Series

0 votes

Including both transformed and original data (untransformed) in a multivariable linear regression.

0 votes

Need advice on change point (step) detection

-1 votes

What is the difference between a Simple Random Walk and a Random Walk and why is one stationary, while the other is not?