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Romke Bontekoe's user avatar
Romke Bontekoe's user avatar
Romke Bontekoe
  • Member for 1 year, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Maximize Likelihood in Machine learning

5 votes

How to calculate the error on the ratio of a counting experiment?

3 votes

What is likelihood actually?

3 votes

KL Divergence, which pdf is which?

3 votes

Analysis of Alzheimer data

2 votes

Why are these file sizes not normally distributed?

2 votes

What theories, papers, or books examine low-probability events, particularly as the number of trials approaches infinity?

1 vote

How to properly put lower/upper limits on a Bayesian posterior

1 vote

Looking for a mathematical book on probability and statistics

1 vote

Why does Jaynes' multi-dimensional $A_p$ distribution take this form?

0 votes

Who are some famous statisticians from the 20th or 21th century, who didn't have a formal training in statistics?

0 votes

regarding generating synthetic data simulating the real data

0 votes

Estimating the Distribution of the data

0 votes

In Bayesian linear regression Advantages of predictive posterior compared to posterior of model coefficients

-1 votes

Are “Data are fixed” in Bayesian viewpoint and “Data are random” in frequentist viewpoint talking about the same thing mathematically?

-1 votes

Independence and conditional independence in probability

-4 votes

iid data (Bayesian) vs iid random variables (Frequentist)?