I have two equations to estimate on two different datasets.I want to test if the coefficient for x are the same. The two equations are $Y_{1t} = \alpha_{11}*X_{1t}+ \alpha_{12} * X_{2t} $ and $Y_{1t} = \alpha_{21}*X_{1t}+ \alpha_{22} * X_{2t} $. The two equations are estimated using two samples of the same dataset. In the first data set , $Z==1$, and the second, $Z==2$. But since the populations is a panel , and $Z$ changes over time. so the same individual could appear in both samples. I am estimating the two equations using fixed effects model.
I have two questions for the procedure.
- How is the test statistics constructed for constraints $\alpha_{11}=\alpha_{12}$
- Issue in implementation. Some has suggested using suest in stata. But I am running a panel regression. And suest does not work with xtfeg. I know there is a routine xtsur . But it constantly gives me an error message. And others seem to run into the same problem. So my question is What is the proper way to implement this in a statistical software (Stata, R ,etc).
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