Let $X$ denotes the observations and $\theta \in \Theta$ the parameter. In a Bayesian approach, both are considered random quantities.
The first step of modeling is to define a statistical model, i.e. the distribution of $X$ given $\theta$, which can be written as $X \mid \theta \sim p(\cdot \mid \theta)$. This is mainly done by expliciting a likelihood function.
Thus our statistical model describe the conditional distribution of $X$ given $\theta$.
From a Bayesian perspective, we also define a prior distribution for $\theta$ on $\Theta$: $\theta \sim \pi(\theta)$.
The prior predictive distribution
Before observing any data, what we have is simply the chosen model, $p(x \mid \theta)$, and the prior distribution of $\theta$, $\pi(\theta)$.
One can then ask to see what is the marginal distribution of $X$, that is, the distribution of $X \mid \theta $ averaged over all possible values of $\theta$.
This can be simply written using expectation:
p(x) &= \mathbb{E}_\theta \Big [ p(x \mid \theta) \Big ] \\
&= \int_\Theta p(x \mid \theta) \pi(\theta) d\theta.
The posterior predictive distribution
The interpretation is the same than for the prior predictive distribution, is it the marginal distribution of $X \mid \theta$ averaged over all values of $\theta$.
But this time the "weighting" function to be used is not $\pi(\theta)$ but our updated knowledge about $\theta$ after observing data $X^*$: $\pi(\theta \mid X^*)$.
Using the known known Bayes theorem we have:
\pi(\theta \mid X^*) = \frac{p(X^* \mid \theta) \pi(\theta)}{p(X^*)}
And thus, the marginal distribution of $X \mid (X^*,\theta)$ averaged over $\Theta$ is:
p(x \mid X^*) = \int_\Theta p(x \mid \theta) \pi(\theta \mid X^*)d\theta
Example: Gamma-Poisson mixture.
Suppose our observations are made of counts, $X$, and we define a Poisson model that is: $X \mid \lambda \sim \mathcal{P}(\lambda)$.
From a Bayesian perspective, we also define a prior distribution for $\lambda$.
For mathematical reasons, it is appealing to use a Gamma distribution, $\lambda \sim \mathcal{G}(a,b)$.
The prior predictive distribution
One particulariy of this Gamma-Poisson mixture, is that the marginal distribution will be distribution as a Negative-Binomial random variable.
That is, if $X \mid \lambda \sim \mathcal{P}(\lambda)$ and $\lambda \sim \mathcal{G}(a,b)$ then, $X \sim \mathcal{NB}\big (a,\frac{b}{b+1} \big )$.
Thus the prior predictive distribution of $X$ is a Negative Binomial distribution $\mathcal{NB}\big (a,\frac{b}{b+1} \big )$.
The posterior predictive distribution
Now, say we have observed $n$ counts $X =(X_1,\dots,X_n)$.
First, thanks to the choice of a Gamma prior for $\lambda$, the posterior distribution of $\lambda$ can be easily derived as being also a Gamma distribution:
\lambda \mid X \sim \mathcal{G} \bigg ( a + \sum_{i=1}^n X_i , b+n \bigg)
From what we saw for the prior predictive distribution, the posterior predictive distribution of $X$ will also be a Negative-Binomial:
\mathcal{NB} \bigg ( a + \sum_{i=1}^n X_i, \frac{b+n}{b+1+n} \bigg )
Here is an example where $a=100$, $b=2$ and we observe the vector of counts $X=(85,80,70,65,71,92)$ :
Here is the R code to produce the plot :
### Gamma-Poisson mixture: prior and posterior predictive distributions :
# Parameters of the prior distribution of lambda
# Vector of observations and posterior predictive distribution
plot1<-ggplot() + aes(x=x,y=y1,colour="Prior") + geom_line(size=1)+
scale_colour_manual(breaks=c("Prior", "Post"),
values=c("#cd7118","#1874cd"),labels=c("Prior Predictive",
"Postererior Predictive"))+
ggtitle("Prior and posterior predictive distributions for a=100 and b=2")+
labs(x="x", y="Density") +
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
colour = "white",
size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
axis.line = element_line(size = 0.2, linetype = 'solid',
colour = "black"),
axis.text = element_text(size=10),
axis.title = element_text(size=10),
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_blank(),
legend.key = element_blank(),
legend.position = c(.7,.5)