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I want to compare my data, which are comparisons the "trimmed means" of 3 groups in ANOVA. Is this possible in SPSS? [closed]

Comparing "trimmed means" of 3 groups in ANOVA. Is this possible in SPSS? if not, how can i do that. In "R" the codes are so confusing and does not work
Fatemeh Maghool's user avatar
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Factorial anova results differ in R and SPSS

I am trying to run factorial anova in both SPSS and R but got different results. I convered the iv's into factors too. Any suggestions? ...
Ramakrishna S's user avatar
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An contradictory negative edge

Recently I have conducted a experiment exploring the relationship between stress and mind wandering (MW). When I analyzed the data via SPSS, I found an unexpected negative edge between two variables. ...
Gangyuan's user avatar
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In a repeated measures ANOVA, is the pairwise comparison result still valid if sphericity is not assumed?

For the pairwise comparison, the p value is less than 0.001. However, the p value for Mauchly's test of sphericity is also <0.001. I believe that SPSS automatically applies the Greenhouse-Geisser ...
Jay Brooke's user avatar
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How to use repeated measure anova (within participants) if participants fill in likert scale daily for 10 days?

With the sample of people participating everyday in a diary study for 10 days. They fill in the same likert scale every day. How then I can use repeated measure anova after finishing the study?
Saher's user avatar
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Mixed factorial analysis in R

I have data that looks like this: Here the first column is a factor with 2 levels (0 and 1) that represents whether a person played 2d game first or 3d game first (basically order of play). The last ...
Vipin Verma's user avatar
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I am unsure about how to interpret the output box I get doing an ANOVA in SPSS. That's the "Tests of between-subject effects" box in particular. I had 2 groups (A and B), and 2 results (...
Rene's user avatar
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Repeated Measures ANOVA SPSS output

I had a question regarding the SPSS output of my RM Anova. I am conducting a RM anova with two time points pre and post which are my within group. My data is distributed in three conditions which is ...
Aron Golding's user avatar
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Which Levene statistic do I report?

I am writing a paper comparing quantitative values across $5$ groups. I have performed an ANOVA in SPSS 29 and have requested from the software the Levene statistic to judge if there is homogeneity in ...
user356816's user avatar
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Repeated Measures ANOVA with two covariates

I am doing a repeated measures Anova My variables are like this: Y - continues variable measured pre and post intervention Intervention - the between group variable with three levels in which ...
Aron Golding's user avatar
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ANCOVA in within-subject design

I have two questions regarding an ANCOVA analysis in SPSS in a within-subject (i.e., repeated measures) design (e.g., an experiment with 3 measurement timepoints): when checking ANCOVA assumptions, ...
Manuel Leitner's user avatar
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Two variables have different sample sizes. In this case, what method of differential analysis should I choose?

I have two variables:TreatmentandVariety.Both of them have different sample size. Treatment...
Chouette's user avatar
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How to analyse reaction times in SPSS?

I've learnt basic stats but I'm a bit confused on how I should so this, I'm gonna try and explain it as best as I could. So I had participants doing a driving simulation which includes two different ...
Moon Chan's user avatar
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SPSS: Zero df and no value in F and Sig

When I tried SPSS two-way ANOVA analysis, the result shows df is zero,and no value in F, Sig, and Mean square. Does anyone know why this happened? Does it mean I need to input more data to analysis?
RONG FU's user avatar
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What formula does SPSS apply to the data in an ANCOVA? Or exactly *how* does ANCOVA adjust the dependent variable?

The procedure for an ANOVA is really straightforward; you compute the between group variance and the within group variance, divide your results to get an F statistic, and compare it to your critical ...
Steph's user avatar
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What is the difference between Partial Eta Squared and Partial R Squared in factorial repeated ANOVA?

I carried out an repeated measures ANOVA in SPSS with two within subjects predictors, and requested for measures of effect size. SPSS provides partial Eta Squared as a measure of effect size, but I ...
Andre Dorini's user avatar
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Significant interaction in repeated measures ANOVA becomes insignificant with a covariate (SPSS)

I'm finishing my masters' project and have some results that are confusing me! I ran a repeated measures anova as 2 (valence - neutral or negative) x 4 (Task 1-4) This showed a positive main effect of ...
Penny's user avatar
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How to study the impact of time in a mixed-factorial design?

I ran a study to compare 2 different computer interfaces (say A and B) meant to be used in an unfamiliar environment. I want to compare: How much effort participants took to complete a certain task ...
Janet Johnson's user avatar
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How to summarise ANOVA post-hoc Tukey test?

I am having trouble to interpret tukey's post hoc result from the following They incorporated post-hoc test results into a table using the 𝑎≤𝑏<𝑐 style notation (𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,... correspond to ...
jquery404's user avatar
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Which stats test to use? Multiple Independent variables?

I'm working on a research project without much of a stats background so I need some help with figuring out which stats test to use currently. I think I have multiple dependent variables to look at, ...
Sarah's user avatar
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ANOVAs from SPSS and R report different degrees of freedom. Which are correct?

I am conducting a reanalysis of some data. The dv is continuous (beta value ie neural activity) and the iv is categorical (position) with three levels (1, 2, 3). There are 126 observations. The ...
danielb's user avatar
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Sex, Dose, and Repeated Measures Analysis

I am testing the hypothesis that male and female have a different timeline of withdrawal behavior, such that either males or females experience greater withdrawal symptoms from morphine across 12-24-...
Michael's user avatar
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Statistical analysis of carbon dioxide flux data

I have been measuring flux of CO2 in (mmol m-2 d-1) from two different rivers and I now want to do a statistical analysis using IBM SPSS but I'm not sure where to start. One lake is showing negative ...
Ed Danielsen's user avatar
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Unequal sample sizes in 2x2 between-subjects ANOVA

I have a 2x2 between-subjects design consisting of Gender (Male, Female), and Relationship status (Married, Single). The DV is completion of a certain behaviour (Yes, No). I plan to use SPSS. I plan ...
user avatar
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How to deal with Structurally Missing Data? [duplicate]

I am currently analysing a dataset from a survey that moved participants to a different section depending on their response to a previous question, (e.g. people who said they were not farmers, skipped ...
Mark D's user avatar
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Is there anything like a two-way ANOVA but for continuous independent variables and a nominal dependent? Also, alternatives to logistic regression?

I want to determine the interaction between two of my continuous (scale) independent variables on the one dependent variable, which is dichotomous (cases are coded as 0 and 1). I was going to use a ...
Sophia's user avatar
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Appropriate statistical test to compare groups containing discrete data

I need to compare more than 2 groups, each containing discrete data (more specifically, integer numbers between 1 and 9). Shapiro-Wilk tests come back as significant for most groups, meaning the data ...
Enzo's user avatar
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Linear regression assumptions violated

I have an independent variable hours/day sitting and a dependent variable test scores, I think all of the assumptions of linear regression are violated, as in the pictures that I added So I did one ...
Stats34's user avatar
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Best method for this study design

I have 7 independent variables age (continuous variable), body mass index (continuous variable), gender (catagorial variable), department (catagorial variable), hours/day on computer (catagorial ...
Stats34's user avatar
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2x2 Repeated measures ANOVA gives DIFFERENT result in R and SPSS? (Same type of sums/data/analysis) Anyone know why?

Reposting this because I fixed the formatting to see if someone can actually provide a solution for this problem. I have a study design in which I am carrying out a 2x2 repeated measures ANOVA in ...
Andre Dorini's user avatar
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Separate anovas or 7 way manova?

I have 7 independent variables and two dependent variables which I think I should run 7 way manova, but this method is to complicated to compute, is running separate anovas for each dependent variable ...
Stats34's user avatar
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Which method is best?

I have an independent variable which is BMI and catagorized into 1- under weight 2- normal weight 3- over weight 4- obese Sample size is 100 The dependent variable for group 1,2 and 3 is not normally ...
Stats34's user avatar
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How to convert my output into a suitable table for ANOVA or Kruskwallis testing on SPSS?

Let's say I have asked an individual to classify images according to 3 fruits that he sees : apple, banana and kiwi. Then, I want to assess whether there are significant differences between the ...
Louise's user avatar
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Is this the correct test to perform?

In my research I have 4 independent variables which are gender, BMI, department, and hours spent on computer and two dependent variables which are test scores for two different tests (SSS) and (FSS). ...
kareen kk's user avatar
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What test is appropriate? [duplicate]

can I do welch one way anova to compare mean between the following three groups Group 1 has 83 observations Group 2 has 15 observations Group 3 has only 2 observations And in group 3 the variance is 0 ...
kareen kk's user avatar
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Which test should be performed if variance is 0?

Hello I have 100 students who answered the question, time spent sitting and I divided it into three groups: Group 1: (6-9) hours Group 2: (10-13) hours Group 3: (14-17) hours Also the students ...
kareen kk's user avatar
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2*2 repeated measures ANOVA with an unbalanced number of observations

Sorry for this very basic question. I've trawled through previous pages and cannot quite find a case that corresponds to our situation. 320 individuals rated two types of films. The rating was ...
Ziyue Z's user avatar
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pariwise comparison when test of effects not significant

I am making a full factorial repeated measure test in SPSS, and the Test of Within-Subjects Effects/multivariate tests are all non-significant. In this case would estimated marginal means pairwise ...
Simon Chemnitz-Thomsen's user avatar
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Repeated measures linear model in SPSS returns me more parameters in the model than I request

Hello I have trouble understanding SPSS way of making repeated measurements with a general linear model. I have data of the form ...
Simon Chemnitz-Thomsen's user avatar
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Compare mean heart rate after drug administration with multiple time points against baseline

I want to compare mean heart rate change from baseline (T0) within the group. There are 10 continuous time points (T0,T1,....T10.) like t1 vs t0, t2 vs t0, t3 vs t0.. what test should i apply ? paired ...
NAVEEN MATHEW's user avatar
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Which design one-way ANOVA or 2-way ANOVA using SPSS?

I have 2 drugs A & B with different 6 concentrations and for both drugs, at a specific concentration, the result is recorded (3 replicas), so I am confused. I have tried 2-way ...
R A's user avatar
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How to analyze the effects of two treatments on two groups as measured by pre, post, and delayed post tests?

I taught two different classes using two different teaching approaches. Each class was given pre-test, immediate post-test, and delayed post-tests to assess their understanding of the topic. The pre-...
Panhapov Thorn's user avatar
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Reporting non-significant regression analysis?

As a result of attached regression analysis I found non-significant results and I was wondering how to interpret and report this. I am a self-learner and checked Google but unfortunately almost all of ...
Brandum's user avatar
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$2$-step (paired) t-test - or what?

Today I was asked about the following variant of a testing-question, and the proposal by the asker was a modification of a t-test, but I'm not sure about this. The situation is as follows: there is a ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
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Should I use a repeated measures MANOVA or several repeated measures ANOVAs?

I'm doing a randomised controlled trial, it has four dependant variables each measured at three time points. The data is normally distributed. My question is how to analyse this. I'm wondering whether ...
TeddyTedTed's user avatar
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Why is it that repeated measures ANOVA does not allow continuous between-subjects factor?

I have a continuous DV measured in Time 1 and 2; time is my primary IV here. Also, there's a continuous, time-invariant moderator for each participant. I want to see whether the effect of Time on DV (...
Simonet's user avatar
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What do you use for SStotal when calculating effect size η2 on SPSS for mixed-design ANOVA?

If you want to derive η2 values from a 2-or-more way ANOVA with at least one within-subjects factor, what items on the SPSS output do you add up to arrive at the total sum of squares (SStotal) for the ...
Sssamy's user avatar
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Non-parametric alternative to two-way ANOVA using SPSS?

I would like to test for the interaction effect of 2 independent categorical variables on 1 dependent continuous variable using SPSS. Unfortunately, I do not have equal sample sizes; the residuals are ...
Tom's user avatar
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SPSS: discrepancy between estimated marginal means plot and post-hoc tests?

I am using a mixed-Anova with one dependent variable measured across two time points (within-subject factor). There are two between-subject factors, between1 & between2, with items equally split ...
remnant's user avatar
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Analysing SPSS two-way ANOVA output: Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

I used SPSS to run a two-way within subjects ANOVA (IV1 and IV2). The IV1 * IV2 interaction was not significant but main effects of both IV1 and IV2 were. I would like to know if the trends followed a ...
hrhy's user avatar
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