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How to plot hazard ratio from coxph model with tt() term [closed]

This question is related to another that I posted here: How to visually assess tt() suitability in coxph If we have a time-varying HR that arises from a time-dependent coefficient because we have ...
LucaS's user avatar
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How to visually assess tt() suitability in coxph? [closed]

For this example, I am taking cues from the time-dependent survival vignette. I am interested in understanding how to assess the suitability of a covariate-time interaction using ...
LucaS's user avatar
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Cox Proportionall Hazards compared to AFT and the proportional hazards assumption

I am dealing with survival analysis in R in big population datasets with millions of rows. My first option was a cox regression ...
Tasosmav's user avatar
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Time-dependent area under the precision recall

How to compare the time-dependent precision recall (PR) receiver operating curve (ROC) values for two cox regression models at multiple time points? To compare two time-dependent AUC values, I would ...
obruzzi's user avatar
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Time-dependent effects: tt function using nsk () in coxph()

I am using coxph() to compare tree seedling survival data between three treatments (Large, Small, Control). However, coxzph() showed that the coefficient for the Small treatment differed with time. To ...
user55's user avatar
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`pspline()` terms and checking proportional hazards

I have fit a Cox model with pspline() terms for the continuous covariates. I am trying to better understand how pspline() terms ...
Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes
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Understanding and reporting Cox models with spline terms

I have fit a Cox model with pspline() terms for the continuous covariates. I am trying to have a better understanding of what happens to report my results ...
Thomas's user avatar
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2 answers

Survival Analysis in R: Using Categorical vs. Continuous Gene Expression with survfit() and coxph()

I'm currently performing a survival analysis based on the expression of a single gene. Here's what I'm doing: I standardized the gene expression data using scale(). ...
Lulu's user avatar
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Interpretation of coxPH model with and without splines for non-linearity

I am fitting Cox Proportional Hazard Models to investigate the impact of external, military support (my covariate) on the "risk" of a peace agreement (my event of interest) after civil war. ...
cornel's user avatar
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Understanding survival curves with time-dependent covariates

In an observational cohort study, I want to assess the impact of exposure to a given prescription drug on mortality. Out of 841,161 patients, 150,279 (17.9%) died during follow-up. Exposure is a time-...
Thomas's user avatar
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Counting process approach in survival analysis with non-contiguous intervals?

I am setting up a Cox Proportional Hazards model in R to analyze survival time until a recurrence event occurs. Each case can experience multiple recurrence events, therefore I decided to emply the ...
cornel's user avatar
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2 votes
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Dealing with non-proportional hazards in a Cox model with many variables and a large dataset

Summary: I am trying deal with non-proportional hazards in a Cox model on a large dataset. My question is whether the proportional hazards assumption really does not hold? If no, is the second model ...
Thomas's user avatar
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penalized package [closed]

Has anyone used penalized package? I was using it for lasso in Cox regression, with time-varying coefficients. The problem is when I made a plot with ...
Danny's user avatar
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Time-varying coefficients based on binary variables

I am doing a survival analysis, and for each individual i have one event occuring (the one of interest), then i have baseline events (inc1 & ...
BPeif's user avatar
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5 votes
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Interpretation of R output for stratified cox-ph model

For the following model: model <- coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ treatment * sex + strata(sex), data = data) this is (part of) the model summary in R: ...
user412691's user avatar
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In which cases should the time be transformed when plotting the smoothed scaled Schoenfeld residual plot?

I previously asked this question but didn't get any answers, so I'm reposting it now. I aim to address the argument transform = '' in R, particularly concerning the ...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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Sample size for a discrete-time survival model with a time-dependent covariate

How can I calculate the sample size for a prediction model (Cox regression) when the survival time is discrete (up to 6 points) and there is also a time dependent variable (with three categories) in ...
user413503's user avatar
7 votes
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Diagnosing an unexpected pattern in a survival curve plot

I am conducting a survival analysis (using Cox proportional hazards regression) in R. My overall sample has a ~10% mortality rate, but the Kaplan-Meier survival curves that are derived from my ...
Bren's user avatar
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Should the curve be around zero when assessing the smoothed scaled Schoenfeld residual plot for proportional hazard assumption?

I'm using the smoothed scaled Schoenfeld residual plot to assess the proportional hazard assumption. I have a decent understanding of what a smoothed scaled Schoenfeld residual plot shows, but I'm ...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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Does it make sense to convert the Y-axis by exp() on the smooth scaled schoenfeld residual plot?

I posted a question on Stack Overflow. But the question got closed as the person who closed it wrote that it should belong here in Stack Exchange. I'm not sure why but here is the link for the post. I'...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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Constructing nomogram from approximate model in Regression Modelling Strategies

In section 19.5 in Regression Modelling Strategies by Frank Harrell we make an approximate model using linear regression with ols. Since this is an ols object we have to calculate survival quantities ...
ScapeProf's user avatar
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Why would independences tests show significant correlation between variables while VIF shows no multicollinearity?

When conducting independence tests among the variables, some exhibit significant correlations, yet the VIF analysis indicates no multicollinearity. Is this common, and what implications does it hold ...
Jake S's user avatar
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Fitting a Discrete-time survival analysis

I am trying to fit a discrete-time survival analysis using R. My overall goal is to check if the variable pain impacts smoking. Every time I include the variable ...
Gabriel Costa's user avatar
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How should I be interpreting martingale residuals and zph?

I'm new to survival analysis and am practicing on the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 175 Data from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. After using R to fit the Cox PH model, I made a plot to look ...
Jake S's user avatar
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When should the robust error function in R be used in Cox proportional hazard regressions?

Let's consider a scenario where I compute a HR that appears to violate the proportional hazard assumption according to the cox.zph test, but when plotting the ...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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How do I interpret the HRs for each time interval computed by survSplit in R?

I’m testing the association between an exposure and outcome. I have performed a Cox proportional hazard model in R and estimated a HR. Both the exposure and the outcome are binary variables, where 1 = ...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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11 votes
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SAS and R produced different results for the same cox ph model on the same data

I have fitted a Cox ph model using both R 4.3.1 and SAS 9.4 with the same data. In SAS, I used Proc phreg, while coxph function ...
Calio Xu's user avatar
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Cox regression with two-way interaction and interaction p value

Hi I am using Cox regression to do some survival analysis. I have one continous predictor variable called "biomarker" and two binary categorical variables sex and diabetes. I want to get the ...
Fabian's user avatar
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non-significant p value in a multivariable cox regression following exhaustive model selection

I run an exhaustive model selection for Cox proportional hazard in R using "glmulti" package. I used the best model for creating multivariable Cox regression. In the multivariable Cox hazard,...
Ahmed Elkoumi's user avatar
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how to deal with exposure measurements long before inclusion using cox model

I have a longitudinal data with exposure air pollution and outcome cardiovascular disease. The inclusion starts from 2010 to 2017 and then I followed until 2021. I have measurement of pollution from ...
user358238's user avatar
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coxph function gave a weird hazard ratio in my simulation case

I fit three Cox models. The three hazard ratios are 0.52, 1.02, and 0.514, respectively. The first hazard ratio is the hazard ratio between the treatment arm and the control arm. The second is the ...
Jiapeng Xu's user avatar
4 votes
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smooth scaled Schoenfeld residual plot - how to interpret the plot which is based on a stratified cox model?

I understand what a Smoothed scaled Schoenfeld residual plot is, and what it shows. Before I go into details with my question, I will provide an example. I use R to code. Here is a cox model: ...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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smooth scaled Schoenfeld residual plot - covariates with levels

I'm working with cox proportional hazard (cox-PH) in R. I'm using the smoothed scaled Schoenfeld residual plot to assess the PH assumption. Suppose I have this model in R, disease as outcome and ...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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Disaster exposure as treatment in survival analysis - multiple "treatments" / pre-"treatment" trends (in R)

I am looking at using a cox proportional hazards model to look at migration after disasters. I have two disasters at T1 and T2 (which are two years apart). I created two models looking at the risk of ...
tchoup's user avatar
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Interpreting a Schoenfeld plot for Cox PH univariate model and correcting for violation of PH assumption (R)

I am having trouble understanding how to interpret a Schoenfeld plot and how to correct for the violation of PH assumption in Cox PH model when using continuous numeric covariates. Here is the code I ...
Tyler Brown's user avatar
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Calculating overall survival probability for being a part of a group in Cox regression

I have created a mixed-effects Cox regression in r: This can be created in coxph: ...
Luke Jenner's user avatar
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How to deal with missing survival times using Cox PH model (R)?

I have been working with a dataset that I would like to analyze using the Cox PH model in R. The data I have includes: a start measurement year an estimated mortality year survival time that is the ...
Tyler Brown's user avatar
2 votes
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CoxPH with one ID contributing many comparator observations

UPDATE----------------- I have data where one ID can serve as a comparator several times. This is done by creating a variable to group the treated in variable GROUP....
geek45's user avatar
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violation of cox proportional hazard assumption

I'm using cox regression to analyse my data. The explanatory variable is a congenital disease (X) and the outcome is an another disease (Y), which is a comorbidity of the congenital disease. I'm ...
Devi Sita's user avatar
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Causal survival analysis in a large prospective cohort when treating incident events as the exposure

I'm currently working on a large prospective cohort with the basic demographic characteristics and various socioeconomic factors collected at baseline. This cohort was follow up since baseline entry ...
BOO's user avatar
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Cox model with ridge term: how to choose value of theta?

The coxph() function in R package "survival" is used to fit the Cox proportional hazards model. This function allows a ridge() term in the formula to penalise selected terms, which requires ...
user167591's user avatar
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Why is my Cox-regression bootstrapped p-value so different from the statistically derived p-value?

It's been years since I've looked at this or the R language, so I'd appreciate some help and simple explanations (I'm not a statistician). Using bootstrap analysis, I'm trying to derive the p-value of ...
Anthony Nash's user avatar
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Reason for getting NA in a single category of a categorical variable in a Cox model

I have a Cox model with time dependent variables as follows, where ibd is a categorical variable with 3 levels. However, I am not sure why there is a NA for regression coefficient in the last level of ...
Hong's user avatar
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(Cumulative) baseline hazard in cox models with time-dependent coefficients

I would like to know if there is an easy way to estimate the (cumulative) baseline hazard from a cox model with time-varying coefficients over different time intervals. After creating the time ...
Shahin Roshani's user avatar
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Different results between Cox regression models when using Surv in different ways?

Why results are different between the two examples of Cox models where Surv was defined in different ways? ...
Jing's user avatar
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Multiple events in Cox PH with time varying data

I study coups d'etat. I would like to understand the relationship between leader/country characteristics and the likelihood of coup attempts. I have a leader-country-year dataset with one entry for ...
Rabbit's user avatar
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Schoenfeld residuals for factors with cox.zph

The cox.zph function of the survival package computes the Schoenfeld residuals for each variable and tests the porportionality assumption with a score test, but I ...
Daniele Zampieri's user avatar
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How to calculate score residual for cox ph model?

I try to understand the "score residual" from cox ph model in R. There is one reference site I have used for it. Can someone help me to get the score residual manually (I mean, using formula)...
Sangwoo.Statistics's user avatar
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Stratification vs. point estimates for a cox proportional hazards model?

I am fitting a cox proportional hazards model looking at mortality. I have a number of covariates and a specific predictor of interest (inflammation), and I am also looking at how the effect of ...
womy's user avatar
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A survival model with multiple concomitant survival events

I would like to know if there is a statistical model to analyze my problem: I want to test if the location of the tumor is related to the level of a particular biomarker A patient may have multiple ...
Flora Grappelli's user avatar

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