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Is the intercept of a complex sum-coded regression basically useless for interpretation? Maybe even for some simple models?

In regression analysis, one may choose to code categorical variables differently depending on interpretability considerations. One such coding scheme known as sum coding (a kind of effect coding ...
nsa's user avatar
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What is the connection between lift and logistic regression?

I have noticed that there is an interesting connection between two (apparently different) measures. I am under a market basket analysis framework (aka frequent itemset mining, both are common names) , ...
Oscar Flores's user avatar
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Interpretation of dummy-coded variable

I have a dummy variable, with 1 meaning the years in which an historical event took place and 0 meaning the years in which it didn't take place. I used 0 as the reference category. When the regression ...
brian's user avatar
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Interpretation dummy variables Cox PH model

I'm curious about interpreting the coefficients of dummy variables within a Cox Proportional Hazards (PH) model. Consider a scenario where I have a sample comprising both male and female patients, and ...
John's user avatar
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Interpretation coefficients categorical variables

I am working with a large panel dataset studying many companies over a long period of time. Some of these companies receive a negative outlook from an analyst during the sample period. Similarly, some ...
John's user avatar
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Interpretation of coefficient of dummy variable in regression

I have a regression where the dependent variable is the difference in income between towns i and j. The independent variable is a dummy variable which takes value 0 if both towns have the same ruling ...
user584534's user avatar
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How to test H0 that two coefficients associated with dummy variables of same categorical variable are equal?

I have a variable $X$ which I predict with a nominal categorical variable $Y$ with category labels $\{0,1,\dots,m \}$ using a linear model. I use standard dummy coding which gives me the regression ...
jmb's user avatar
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How to write a regression formula with dummy variables

my regression is relatively simple. I have a dependent variable, age (A), and its values for 8 types of employees (T) for 6 years (Y). I run it in R and get some meaningful results, which show how A ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to create a dummy variable out of a quantitative variable?

I have a variable that takes the value of 5% or 10% throughout the data set. Is it okay to transform this variable into a dummy variable such that 10% (high) = 1 and 5% (low) = 0. I am running a ...
LKho's user avatar
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How do I interpret a regression model when there are impossible additive effects?

Let's say I have a model of count data as a function of the month of the year along with an additive effect of season (factor with 2 levels Wet and Dry which correspond to Jan - June and July to Dec ...
adkane's user avatar
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How can I estimate the sum of coefficients

I am trying to estimate the cumulative effect. When I have an ols regression with many dummies as explanatory variables, can I sum the coefficients to find the cumulative effect? If yes, how do I find ...
eva's user avatar
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Help determining model and interpreting coefficients of log-linear relationship

I am trying to determine if the hospital I work at should open a new unit for admissions. I intend to do this by correlating patient assigned unit and length of stay in days. So far, I have determined ...
HanSwet's user avatar
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How do I interpret the coefficients of the reference group for a linear regression with two dummy variables as regressors in R?

I'm using R to fit the following linear regression models with the popular "mtcars" dataset: ...
caproki's user avatar
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Interpreting the coefficients of indicator variables in regression equation without indicator term

Suppose we were trying to estimate the impact of $Size$ of a house on its price while controlling for whether or not the house is located by the water. Suppose we constructed a dummy variable for ...
Ricky_Nelson's user avatar
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Interaction term gender interpretation stata

Hi, I have a hard time interpreting these coefficients in collum 2. So my dependent variable is if you have a supervisory job yes=1 and my independent variables are female=1 and traditional values=1....
Sabine's user avatar
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Using the autohotencoder in PySpark for a linear regression but no reference category

I created dummy variables using the autohotencoder and as I have learned dummy variables you also need to have a reference category. However I have 7 dummy variables for the weekdays for example, so I ...
Tibo Geysen's user avatar
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Need help understanding logistic regression output with seemingly contradictory results after swapping reference group

Some background, each of these predictors are 0, 1 one-hot-encoded categories that represent items in a basket (think e-commerce). Each observation can have multiple 1s. For instance, a single ...
Negative Correlation's user avatar
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How can I compute the standard error and confidence intervals for the base level on a variable?

I'm running a GLM with a tweedie, log-link function. That said, I have a categorical variable that transformed to dummy variables leaving off one of those variables when I modeled. Now that I'm ...
Jordan 's user avatar
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5 answers

How to interpret regression function with categorical variable?

I am trying to figure out how to interpret a regression function with no intercept and one categorical variable performed on a survey data. Each participant marks which actions, from a list of 25, ...
Quazi Irfan's user avatar
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How to calculate the coefficient of a dummy variable reference category?

I am currently building a regression model with numerous continuous, categorical (employing dummies) and interaction variables. I understand we must use k-1 dummies with one variable becoming the ...
REFer's user avatar
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Does dummy code a variable affect the intercept in a linear regression model

My colleague and I were both using R to fit a linear regression with the same dataset and same variables. The outcome variable is test grade while the independent variables are gender, age, and times ...
Edward Lin's user avatar
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difference between dummy variable categories that weren't omitted

Assume we have a categorical variable (one-hot encoded) with three or more categories. {race1, race2, ..., race-n} To avoid the dummy variable trap, assume we ...
mamdouh alramadan's user avatar
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How does including an interaction term change interpretation of two deviation coded predictors

Suppose I am running a regression with two dummy coded dichotomous variables. Unless I am mistaken, the coefficient for IV1 reflects the effect of IV1 only at IV2 = 0. How does this change when the ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to compare the regression coefficients of two independent variables between two groups

I want to test whether the coefficients of two independent variables ($x_1, x_2$) are different in two groups. I know I can use a dummy variable $d$ which equals $1$ for group $1$ and equals $0$ for ...
moon star's user avatar
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Dummy Variable Interpretation

I'm new to econometrics,but for my university project I have to interpret the results of this equation: \begin{align} \ln(bil.export)= b_0 + b_1 \ln(Dist)+ b_2 ln(pop)+b_3 ln(per.cap.GDP)+ b_4(...
Francesca Xfer Bonori's user avatar
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Continuous variable for logistic regression [duplicate]

I'm new in machine learning and have a question regarding a continuous variable which I want to use in my logistic regression. On the first view the variable seems to increase the probability of the ...
Viktor Rotärmel's user avatar
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Why orthogonal polynomial can be used for ordered factor encoding? [duplicate]

R Library: Contrast Coding Systems for categorical variables, says we can use orthogonal polynomial for ordered factor encoding which the levels are equally spaced. I do not understand why (...
Haitao Du's user avatar
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How to treat categorical predictors in LASSO

I am running a LASSO that has some categorical variable predictors and some continuous ones. I have a question about the categorical variables. The first step I understand is to break each of them ...
Hatshepsut's user avatar
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Hierarchical Bayesian Regression with an Indicator Variable, one group has all zeros for the IV Variable

I'm attempting to form a Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Model and one of my regressors is for an indicator variable. My hierarchy structure has separate group-level regressors related across-groups ...
TSP's user avatar
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Is there something called "mean coding" (like dummy coding & effect coding) in regression models?

When we perform a regression analysis with categorical predictors, we can use (1, 0), called "dummy coding". The coefficients in this case represent the deviation of the groups' means from the mean of ...
Bahgat Nassour's user avatar
10 votes
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R linear regression categorical variable "hidden" value

This is just an example that I have come across several times, so I don't have any sample data. Running a linear regression model in R: a.lm = lm(Y ~ x1 + x2) <...
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