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Is this definition of likelihood presented in an arxived article correct?

In a recently arxived article the following definition of the likelihood is given: The Bayes rule provides the posterior probability $p(h_i|o)$ for each hypothesis given the observation: $$p(...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Likelihood ratio tests for quasi- models

I have been playing around with over-dispersion in binomial data and looking into qausi-binomial models as a solution. When comparing binomial models through the change in deviance, I can reproduce ...
James Maino's user avatar
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Combining "unbalanced" likelihoods in a "process-based" model

I have a "process-based" water quality model, which is essentially a black-box full of differential equations describing various chemical and hydrological processes. The model is ...
JamesS's user avatar
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Computing the CDF of the minimum of particular dependent random variables

For each $i=1,\dots,n$ let $Z_i\sim\text{Poisson}(\lambda_i)$, and suppose $\{Z_i\}$ are independent. Also for each $i=1,\dots,n$, let $\{Y_{ij}\}_{j\in\mathbb{N}}$ be an infinite sequence of iid ...
David M.'s user avatar
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If the AIC is an estimate of Kullback-Leibler Divergence, then why can AIC be negative when KL divergence is always positive?

I have read many times that the AIC serves as an estimate of the KL divergence, and I know that AIC can be a negative value (and have seen that myself). Yet, the KL divergence must always be positive. ...
BKV's user avatar
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Likelihood with random censoring

Suppose to observe a random sample from a r.v. $Y_i=\min(T_i,C_i)$ where $T$ and $C$ are iid absolutely continuous distribution. I would like to inference about a parameter of $T$ (for example, $\...
momomi's user avatar
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Minimum of Poissons

Let $X_i\sim\text{Pois}(\lambda_i)$ for $i=1,2,\ldots,n$ and $Y = \min X_i$. Can we show that, for example $\mathbb{E}[Y] \leq f(\lambda,n)\min\lambda_i$ for some $f : (\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{N}) \to [0,...
Conner DiPaolo's user avatar
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Likelihood Ratio Test for one-sided hypothesis

Let $X_1,\dots, X_n$ be a random sample from $N(\theta,\sigma^2)$, and we would like to test $H_0:\theta \le \theta_0 \text{ vs } H_1:\theta>\theta_0$. Assume $\sigma^2$ is known and derive a ...
user189793's user avatar
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Expected value of maxima of dependent random variables

I don't know if such theorem exists, but what I am looking for is a closed-form solution for $$E[\max(X_1, ..., X_N)]$$ where $X_1, ..., X_N$ is a sequence of dependent identically distributed ...
Pierre Cattin's user avatar
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What's the use of the expected fisher information matrix over the hessian in the Newton Raphson approach to finding the MLE?

This may be a naive question, but I'm looking at the Newton Raphson iterative approach ( i.e. using the formula $\boldsymbol{\theta }^{(j+1)} = \boldsymbol{\theta }^{(j)} + \textrm{Hess}_{-\ell}(\...
user165648's user avatar
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Marginal likelihood for a half-normal posterior?

So I know if we have a normal likelihood $P(\mathbf{y|b}) = \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{y}|\mathbf{Gb}, \mathbf{\Sigma}_y)$ and a normal prior $P(\mathbf{b}|\mathbf{\theta}) = \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{b} | \mu_p, \...
CBowman's user avatar
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Covariance term in Gradient of Gaussian Process marginal likelihood

log marginal likelihood for Gaussian Process as given by Rasmussen's: Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning equation 5.8 is $$\log p(y|X, \theta) = -\frac{1}{2}y^{T} K_y^{-1}y - \frac{1}{2}\log|...
pkj's user avatar
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An arithmetic mean preserves normal distributions, maximum preserves Frechet/Gumbel/Extreme Value distributions, but what about all other power means?

Let the $k$-power mean of two numbers $x$ and $y$ be defined as $M^k(x,y) = \left(\frac{x^k+y^k}{2}\right)^{1/k}$. For the case $k=1$, we have that if $X,Y$ are independently normally distributed, ...
Har's user avatar
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Nested sampling integral on a previously obtained MCMC sample

This question concerns the calculation of the evidence, or marginal likelihood, from an existing MCMC sample without having to resample. There is an exhaustive and very helpful answer here: [...
Itinerant's user avatar
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Why do we use prediction error decomposition for the derivation of the likelihood function for AR(p)

A good example of deriving a likelihood function is the normal distribution: The PDF of the normal distribution is: $$ f(x;\mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left[\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2\...
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Distribution of the minimum of the squared Euclidean norm of a $N(\mu,\Sigma)$ random variable

Suppose that $X^n := \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\}$ is a sample of $n$ i.i.d $p$-dimensional points, where $X \sim N(\mu, \Sigma)$. What is known about the distribution of $\min_{x_i \in X^n} \|x_i\|^2_2$?...
Bob Durrant's user avatar
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Log likelihhood ratio with soft information

The log likelihood ratio of two binary random variables $x$ and $y$ (only taking values $0$ or $1$) can be defined as $LLR_x=\frac{P(x=0|y)}{P(x=1|y)}$ The above definition is OK if $y=0$ or $1$. ...
reehan79's user avatar
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What is the likelihood of drawing a sample with standard deviation $s$ from a normal distribution?

I was reading Think Bayes book and chapter about Approximate Bayesian Computation where the author uses a bayesian approach to calculate mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$ of height in US ...
RubenLaguna's user avatar
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Deviance in a distribution that has a shape parameter

Consider the following log-likelihood function $$ \ell (\vec{\mu}, \rho \mid \vec{y}) = \sum_{i=1}^I \log f(\mu_{i1}, \dotsc, \mu_{iJ}, \rho \mid y_{i1}, \dotsc, y_{iJ}) $$ where $\vec{y}$ ($I \...
Ernest A's user avatar
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How to make a confidence interval in a binomial model with fakes?

I'm writing a concept recognition self-test. (This is less weird than it sounds, but only slightly. Don't worry about it.) Partly to prevent people from clicking everything in sight, but mostly just ...
Charles's user avatar
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Extreme value theory: GPD larger expected value than average

We're using extreme value theory to model tail risks on our portfolio. After we choose the threshold, we fit generalized Pareto distribution to our data over the threshold. The expected value of GPD ...
gregorp's user avatar
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Predictive modeling of an complex panel of heavy-tailed data

I am struggling to develop a sensible strategy or protocol for the predictive modeling of a complex set of data. Apologies in advance for the indeterminate nature of some of this description but it’s ...
user78229's user avatar
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Likelihood function for spatial Poisson

The dependent variable in our data is the integer number of trips made in a time period. We can regress on socioeconomic attributes of the individual $X$. The most logical model for this is a Poisson ...
gregmacfarlane's user avatar
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Properties of Average Multinomial Likelihood

I am trying to understand the Kullback-Leibler Information: I read in the following: Ideally, we want the probability to be invariant to the number of ...
Erosennin's user avatar
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How to optimize the choice of cointegration coefficient?

Testing for cointegration on the linear combination of time series vectors can be done by testing the error term for a unit root. $$Y_t - \gamma X_t = \varepsilon_t$$ In the bivariate case the ...
d0rmLife's user avatar
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Derivation of likelihood function for latent variable model made explicit

I am trying to make the steps deriving the likelihood function for the following latent variable model as explicit as possible: $$Y^0=X\beta + u$$ where $$u \sim NID(0,\sigma^2).$$ The observed data ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Problem with Finding Likelihood: Bayesian

I am really unfamiliar with Bayesian methods particularly parameter estimation. Suppose I have a test to find a parameter, theta which is the number of packaged bag for retail sale that could contain ...
12341234's user avatar
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Marginal Likelihood Latent Variable Model

I am trying to apply the method proposed by Chib in Marginal Likelihood from the Metropolis Hastings Output to calculate the marginal likelihood of a logit model the includes latent variables. ...
Ida's user avatar
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Extremal serial dependence

As part of my analysis of heavy-tailed time series of company returns, I would like to check whether extreme returns exhibit serial dependence, i.e. if extreme events are followed by extreme events. ...
Olorun's user avatar
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GEV of Normal Distribution and relationship of the parameters

My question goes on Extreme Value Theory for the Normal distribution ( Which type of GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) distribution does the Normal distribution ...
emcor's user avatar
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The probability that one bernoulli process has a higher p than another?

I have two data generating processes that are independent Bernoulli processes with probabilities of success $p_A$ and $p_B$. I am taking repeated samples from these two data generating processes, so ...
WildGunman's user avatar
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Repairable system and the sum of GEV random variables

We know that $X\sim {\mathrm {GEV}}(\alpha ,\beta ,0)$ and $Y\sim {\mathrm {GEV}}(\alpha ,\beta ,0)$ then $X+Y\sim {\mathrm {Logistic}}(2\alpha ,\beta )$. I am wondering, what will be $X+Y+Z$ ...
CT Zhu's user avatar
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Conceptual or mathematical motivation for the three extreme value distribution types?

What motivates, justifies, gives rise to the differences between the Gumbel, Fréchet, and Weibull distributions? Glen_b's comment indicates that they are distributions for extreme values generated by ...
Mars's user avatar
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Formal statistical test for comparing likelihood distributions obtained via MCMC

I am trying to formally compare the distribution of the likelihood values generated using two different models with marginal posterior values of the parameters obtained using MCMC in order to assess ...
Jourdan Gold's user avatar
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Difference between Maximum a posteriori and penalized likelihood

Can anyone explain to me the difference between penalised likelihood and maximum a posteriori? I read a paper where the likelihood function is $$L(\theta_1, \theta_2,\theta_3 ; x)=f(x|\theta_1, \...
Ursulla's user avatar
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Confidence intervals for extreme value distributions

I have wind data that i'm using to perform extreme value analysis (calculate return levels). I'm using R with packages 'evd', 'extRemes' and 'ismev'. I'm fitting GEV, Gumbel and Weibull distributions,...
Fernando's user avatar
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Distribution of variable

How to find the distribution of $$\sum_{i=1}^n (X_i - X_{1:n}),$$ where $X_i$ are i.i.d. random variables and $X_{1:n} = \min(X_1,X_2,...,X_n)$? I need to find the distribution in a particular case, ...
cyzyk's user avatar
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Confusion related to calculation of likelihood

I was reading this paper related to Learning from multiple annotator using Gaussian processes. The idea is if we don't have the actual ground truth of a certain data, but only the labels from some ...
user34790's user avatar
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Correct variance for minimum detectable difference

I have a question regarding variance, paired testing and minimum detectable difference (MDD). Paired samples: $$ MDD (δ) = \sqrt{ \frac{σ^2}{n} (t_{(α/2,n-1)} + t_{(1-β, n-1)})} $$ I have a set of ...
Nordenskiold's user avatar
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Difference between likelihood functions for pmf vs pdf

Can someone explain the intuition behind how the likelihood function for a specific value of $\theta$ is different if $f_\theta$ is a pmf vs a pdf? I thought that it was simply the probability that a ...
Eunice Lo's user avatar
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How to minimize Chi-Square using the CDF instead of the PDF?

Suppose one has data that is suspected to obey a normal distribution. One computes a histogram of the data, and performs Pearson's Chi-Squared Test. To perform this test, one must compare the observed ...
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Can an outcome variable be used twice in the same model?

When is it appropriate to use the same outcome variable in two likelihoods in the same model framework? Here is a specific example: ...
Benny Borremans's user avatar
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To what extent can likelihood methods be used for functional responses?

Let's suppose that we are working with a functional data set, $Y_i(t)$, $Y_i\in L^2[0,1]$, $1\le i\le n$. If we were working with univariate or even multivariate data set, likelihood methods would ...
cgmil's user avatar
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Random effects model and log likelihood

Hello I am struggling a bit understanding the random effects model. What I understood is that we fit a model but allow for sysematic differences of the variance of residuals per group. I would ...
Ggjj11's user avatar
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Unbiased estimate of log-likelihood of Markov bridge

Note: I have cross-posted this question to MathSE. I have the following problem I am trying to solve. I have a parametric family of "transition" distributions $p_\theta(x_{i+1}\mid x_i)$ and ...
Daniel Robert-Nicoud's user avatar
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Relation between sample standard deviation from data and maximum likelihood estimates

This is my data:- c(3164, 3362, 4435, 3542, 3578, 4529) I estimated its sample mean and standard deviation via mean & ...
Rishav Dhariwal's user avatar
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Likelihood function of VAR-MGARCH-BEKK model?

I am doing my dissertation on the spillover effect between countries' markets and looking to use VAR-MGARCH model to do it. For example how would a change/shock of US market index affect Thailand ...
long nguyen's user avatar
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Definition of exponent measure (extreme value theory)

Let $F$ be a distribution function on $\mathbb{R}^2$, and let $U_i$ be the left continuous inverse of $\frac{1}{1-F_i}$, where $F_i$ is the marginal distribution of $F$. In my textbook, there is the ...
Phil's user avatar
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Implementing a 2-PL Dichotomous IRT Module in Python from scratch

I am trying to implement a 2-PL dichotomous IRT Model for my dataset from scratch in Python. Here is my code so far: ...
204's user avatar
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Zero-inflated Poisson - Implementing INLA with two likelihoods

I am trying to implement a zero inflated model in INLA. I know a basic zero inflated Poisson can be implemented with "zeroinflatedpoisson1" as the family ...
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