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How to understand if the variance is constant reading GARCH model output?

I'm using GARCH() function (tseries package) to fit garch model. I tried it with random numbers: ...
Dail's user avatar
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Need an example of RV with a mean and no second moment

An example like the t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom would not suffice as the second moment exists but equals inf.
Seeking Knowledge's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Mean and variance of a zero-inflated Poisson distribution

Can anyone show how the expected value and variance of the zero inflated Poisson, with probability mass function $$ f(y) = \begin{cases} \pi+(1-\pi)e^{-\lambda}, & \text{if }y=0 \\ (1-\pi)\frac{\...
B_Miner's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Maximum value of coefficient of variation for bounded data set

In the discussion following a recent question about whether the standard deviation can exceed the mean, one question was raised briefly but never fully answered. So I am asking it here. Consider a ...
Dilip Sarwate's user avatar
73 votes
4 answers

How do you calculate the probability density function of the maximum of a sample of IID uniform random variables?

Given the random variable $$Y = \max(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n)$$ where $X_i$ are IID uniform variables, how do I calculate the PDF of $Y$?
Mascarpone's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I compare two classifications?

My job is to develop a classification that groups together diagnoses of similar cost and procedures of similar cost, by similar anatomy. For instance a hip replacement would not be in the same group ...
Rachel McIlroy's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between test to check homogenity of variance and ANOVA?

I found many tests like: Fligner, Levene etc etc to check homogeneity of variances, my question is: What is the difference between those tests and ANOVA ?
Dail's user avatar
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290 votes
11 answers

How would you explain covariance to someone who understands only the mean?

...assuming that I'm able to augment their knowledge about variance in an intuitive fashion ( Understanding "variance" intuitively ) or by saying: It's the average distance of the data ...
PhD's user avatar
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Is there a method to check the homogeneity of variance of a single time series?

I have a data frame with prices/dates, is there a method that checks if the variance is homogeneous during all the series? I know there are many test like fligner.test, bartlett.test but I need to ...
Dail's user avatar
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Looking for formalization of the idea of low-variance predictors

In baseball, Bill James suggested using, to predict next season's winning percentage runs_scored^2/(runs_scored^2 + runs_allowed^2), rather than this season's ...
ryan's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to deal with a non-gaussian distribution & heteroscedasticity

I am working on my thesis project and have come across a problem with the statistics which I am looking for a bit of guidance. I am running ANOVA tests to determine significance between groups but i ...
user7214's user avatar
60 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between N and N-1 in calculating population variance?

I did not get the why there are N and N-1 while calculating population variance. When we use ...
ilhan's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How does number of observations supporting alternate hypothesis on a test of a variance have to scale so that null is rejected?

Informal explanation: In the course of my research I've run into the following problem: I am observing a machine that outputs random numbers. Most (if not all) of these random numbers come from the ...
M.B.M.'s user avatar
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110 votes
13 answers

Understanding "variance" intuitively

What is the cleanest, easiest way to explain someone the concept of variance? What does it intuitively mean? If one is to explain this to their child how would one go about it? It's a concept that I ...
PhD's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is my data distribution normal? (Tried Shapiro and Kolmogornov-Smirnov tests)

I have a 1D data set with 83163 data points, and I would like to know whether the data follows a normal distribution. I tried using shapiro.test and ks.test in R: d is a vector containing the data ...
David Shih's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Parametric modelling of variance of count data

I am looking to model some data, but I am not sure what type of model I can use. I have count data, and I want a model that will give parametric estimates of both the mean and the variance of the ...
Brian Diggs's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is there a reference that legitimises the use of the unpooled z-test to compare two proportions?

The z-test to compare two proportions is $\newcommand{\p}{\hat{p}}\newcommand{\v}{\mathrm{Var}} z=\frac{\p_1-\p_2}{\sqrt{\v(\p_1-\p_2)}}$. Usually it is defined that $$\v(\p_1-\p_2)=\p(1-\hat{p})(1/...
glassy's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to find when a graph reaches a peak and plateaus?

This may sound very basic, but I have this problem: I've got a queue of data with a window size of 300. New data is added at one end, old values are removed from the other end. I expect the queue ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
7 votes
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Comparing standard deviations between variables with very different ranges

I have a number of variables for which I want to compare the standard deviations. Each of these variables is actually the data for a particular wavelength of light, and I want to produce a plot ...
robintw's user avatar
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20 votes
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What is the difference between sample variance and sampling variance?

What is the difference between sample variance and sampling variance? They seem same. Aren't they?
ilhan's user avatar
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How can I calculate proportion of variance of an aggregate time-series accounted for by the variance of a sub-series?

How can I calculate proportion of variance of an aggregate time-series accounted for by the variance of a sub-series? As I'm not sure what the correct terminology is for explaining my question, I'll ...
fmark's user avatar
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Bound on variance of sum of variables

Suppose I have two finite sets of data A and B, with equal length n. What's the best upper ...
Frank Meulenaar's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How is it possible that these variances are equal?

I'm using the Fligner-Killen test to analyze the residuals of a linear regression. I subdivide those residuals in three groups and then I do the FK test to check the homogeneity of variances. The ...
Dail's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to test the variance in timeseries?

I have a doubt regarding the variance, I try to explain It with an example. I have two vectors, like: ...
Dail's user avatar
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How to understand if the points are constant around a line?

I would like to understand how can I check if some points around a line have constant distance between the point and the line. So image a normal chart(cartesian plane) with a line that is formed with ...
Dail's user avatar
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Slope and intercept of linear equation of uniformly distributed variables

Consider the random variable $y_M$ which equals the sum of $M$ independently uniformly distributed random variables; i.e., $y_M = x_1 + x_2 +\ldots + x_M$, with the assumption that each of the $x_i$ ...
strimp099's user avatar
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43 votes
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Variance of product of dependent variables

What is the formula for variance of product of dependent variables? In the case of independent variables the formula is simple: $$ \operatorname{var}(XY) = E(X^2Y^2) - E(XY)^2 = \operatorname{var}(X) \...
Riga's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

What is the variance of the maximum of a sample?

I'm looking for bounds on the variance of the maximum of a set of random variables. In other words, I'm looking for closed-form formulas for $B$, such that $$ \mbox{Var}(\max_i X_i) \leq B \enspace, $$...
Peter's user avatar
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How to create a ratio distribution from samples?

Ok, let's try again. The context of the original question is given below, but perhaps it helps to focus on the statistical aspect to get an answer. What I got is a number of measurements in unit t. ...
smarr's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Mean and variance of a normally distributed random number created from the average of a set of uniformly distributed random numbers

An old-fashioned way of generating normally distributed random numbers entailed setting each normally distributed random number equal to the average of a set of uniformly distributed random numbers, ...
strimp099's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to use Levene test function in R?

I'm a newbie to statistics and R and I have a trouble with using Levene function (I would like to check the equality of variance of two samples). The documentation says that I should run: levene....
Jakub's user avatar
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Confidence of a variance estimate [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Calculating required sample size, precision of variance estimate? I would like to present some measure of how variable a particular phenomenon is. This phenomenon appears to ...
Avery Richardson's user avatar
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Variance of coefficients in nonlinear regression

I was reading the short intro to nonlinear regression in R by John Fox (Link) and was wondering where the formula for the variance of the coefficients come from (page 1). The formula for the variance-...
B_Miner's user avatar
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Why does a paired t-test (when appropriate) result in better variance?

I didn't quite get the Wikipedia explanation here: I agree that both the unpaired and paired means are the same...then I ...
Palace Chan's user avatar
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Putting a confidence interval on the mean of a very rare event

I'm simulating an extremely rare event (the detection of weighted photon packets in a highly absorbing material). For example, I may simulate the transmission of 1e9 photons and only detect 10 of them ...
gallamine's user avatar
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Why the Breusch-Pagan test fails if I set the intercept to zero?

I'm using bptest function of lmtest package to use Breusch-Pagan test. I get a strange result, doing the follow: ...
Dail's user avatar
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Formula for comparing the youth of different groups?

For purely personal reasons, I recently tried to write a Ruby script that pulled information about various school rosters, counting the numbers of freshmen...seniors on the team and using that data to ...
bschaeffer's user avatar
3 votes
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Given P(A) and P(B), what would be the minimum probability of the intersection?

Like if I was given a P(A) of .5 and a P(B) value of .4 how would I get the minimum of the P(A∩B)?
Burton's user avatar
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How should I characterize the "typical" variance of a large collection of variables?

For an experiment I'm analyzing, I took many measurements of many different values. (To make it concrete, let's pretend I measured the height of people from many different age groups -- I have the ...
adrian's user avatar
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Validating a predicted standard deviation

I would like to validate the standard deviation which a model reports, because I think it is underestimated, because in the procedure some model selection is involved. After running the model on a ...
johanvdw's user avatar
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7 votes
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Model errors, residuals and heteroscedasticity

I have a quick question about the correct way to describe variance functions when seeking to cope with heteroscedasticity. As I understand it the statistical error of a model represents the departure ...
user3136's user avatar
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How can this series pass the structural change test?

I have this series: ...
Dail's user avatar
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How can these residuals have homogeneity of variances?

I'm testing the Homogeneity of Variances with Fligner-Killeen test using the function fligner.test in stats On the chart below I have plotted the residuals that pass this test ...
Dail's user avatar
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Difference between homoscedastic and homogenic-variance data

I have a doubt regarding two tests: Breusch–Pagan test, to detect heteroscedasticity in a series, and Bartlett's test, to test for equal variances for samples from $k$ populations. What are the ...
try85's user avatar
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Predicting a maximum value with little data

My problem is i'm trying to figure out how many servers might be required to handle a theoretical maximal load of data requests. To do that I need to know what the maximum number of requests in a ...
Neil's user avatar
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How to detect changepoint with a bit of tolerance?

I'm using the changepoint package in R because I need to check if the variance is stable or if there are some breaks inside. The function cpt.var does the job well but there is not a parameter to set ...
Dail's user avatar
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How to assess prevalence of grossly inaccurate data in recorded body weights in medical records?

I have around 5 million observations of weights of patients over the course of a year. Some patients have one measurement during that year and others have 30-40 (or more). I've noticed a great deal ...
Ted Smith's user avatar
0 votes
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How to interpret variance ratio test results?

I should do Variance Ratio Test on two vectors in R. I found the a builtin function: var.test but I don't know how to interpret its results (p-value). What result do I have to wait if these two ...
Dail's user avatar
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Covariance and variance relation

I collected 3D velocity data in a river. the recorded timeseries of velocity components $(u,v,w)$ contains turbulent and mean part. Reynolds Shear Stress can be estimated from $$u=u'+U$$ $$\...
K-1's user avatar
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12 votes
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Order statistics (e.g., minimum) of infinite collection of chi-square variates?

This is my first time here, so please let me know if I can clarify my question in any way (incl. formatting, tags, etc.). (And hopefully I can edit later!) I tried to find references, and tried to ...
David M Kaplan's user avatar