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Predicted circular regression curve from a bpnr regression

I'm trying to understant how to interpretresults from the bpnreg package to do glm on a circular response variable (flight directions). I understood from the paper that the interpretation can be done ...
Tanuki's user avatar
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Can the Log of PR AUC curve plot be any useful?

I was doing some tests regarding my PR curve for 2 different models (first image), and I got the idea of ploting the log of those curves (second image) to see if there were any insights that I could ...
GabrielPast's user avatar
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GARCH diagnostics via standardized residuals: interpreting my findings

I have fit a GARCH(1,) model in Python, assuming the residuals are $t$ distributed. I am checking the standardized residuals. ARCH and Ljung-Box tests don't reject the null hypothesis. However, I am ...
Mattia's user avatar
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Interpretation of plots (PCA, Volcano)

I'd like to ask if somebody can help me to understand these plots, the meaning of dots dispersion on the plots. I can't understand how to read these plots. Link to the article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih....
Artyom's user avatar
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4 answers

Are there any simpler alternatives to boxplots and barplots that can faithfully represent data with outliers and strongly varying ns?

I have a dataset of passwords that looks like this: My goal is to make a graph that accurately showcases the strength of each category so my initial plan was to group the data by category and ...
wageeh's user avatar
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I need help interpreting MCA plots and data for a large language research project

I posted on the site a few days ago about my research and got some good advice from several users who suggested that an MCA was the most appropriate way to analyze my data (thank you btw!). I have ...
Jason Sturgeon's user avatar
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Moderation graph interpretation

Can someone help me interpret this graph? My independent variable is GSCM, my dependent variable is EP, and the moderator ...
Aisha's user avatar
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How would you interpret this scatter plot?

The number of eggs oviposited based on plant height shows that there is a significant correlation. However, I am finding it difficult to understand whether it is the lower plant height that allows ...
Benja's user avatar
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How do i interpret this Scatter Plot [closed]

I'm researching on the relationship between Scholarship and years. I have scatter plot below. The x axis is equal to the total amount of scholarship for a student. The y axis show the term a student ...
Jay LIm's user avatar
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Interpret heteroskedasticity plot in R

Consider a linear probability model (LPM) where the $Y_i$ is a dummy variable. To test the presence of heteroskedasticity in our data, I executed the following code: ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Model Explanation

I have a problem where I am trying to predict something from historic tabular data. We have features {X1,X2,..Xn} and I have a prediction {Y} I am trying to find a way to explain why the model came up ...
Jess's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to interpret the representation of data in principal plane?

I have the data X contains the grades of some students in 4 subjects: ...
Akira's user avatar
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How do I interpret this dot chart? [duplicate]

I got this as a result (I can provide more information about the data itself if you would like it). I was curious about how one should interpret this chart that was created in R. I understand it has ...
Kliocontar's user avatar
1 vote
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Interpretation of Residuals vs Fitted [Regression]

Hi there, I tried to interpret and evaluate the given plot. Most statistic-books say that if homoscedasticity in regression models is present, it would be recognizable through a triangle-shape in a ...
Statsm's user avatar
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Interpreting multiple line plot

I am writing a thesis about predicting different series in the FRED-MD database. Before estimating the proposed model, I make the following line plot in R , it presents how the variables in the first ...
Deng Cheng Long's user avatar
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How should I label and interpret cumulative probability graphs

I've used R's empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) to generate a chart that shows the cumulative probability of some cost data. I want to know if the heading of the chart is correct or ...
Angus's user avatar
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Violinplot vs. permutation importance: interpreting differences

I'm analyzing the Titanic dataset, and I've been trying to understand the predictive power of the Age feature relative to passenger survival. My intuition is that younger people had a higher chance to ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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OLS Graph interpretation

In a graph containing the data points of different industries, there is an OLS line passing through it. If I now want to interpret the OLS line and an industry's position relative to the OLS line, how ...
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How to interpret this visualisation?

I am trying to figure out if this is a good plot or an example of bad plot. I am trying to figure out what does %Finish by Gender plot on the right is ...
PagMax's user avatar
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Use historical data to build surface with limited number of points [closed]

Lets say I have historical surfaces of data which vary slightly during time, but keeps similiar dynamics. I would like to use these historical data sets to estimate todays surface (given a limited ...
Fredrik Gunnarsson's user avatar
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Interpretating `allEffects` and missing p-values

I need to run a logistic regression with random effects, about wheelchair users and hinderance due to environmental barriers: ...
B. Rentrug's user avatar
3 votes
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How to interpret a mosaic plot in R?

The mosaic plot shown bellow is the product of this code ...
Katarina 's user avatar
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Interpreting Root Mean square Error (RMSE )when dependent variable is log transformed [duplicate]

So I have developed a model to predict the house prices in a county.I log transformed the target variable (home price).I split the data into training and testing sets.I trained the model on the ...
learning_python's user avatar
2 votes
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Cox model regression - interpretation of survival graph

I fitted a Cox model and plotted that kaplan-Meier curve with a library survminer and survival in ...
ecjb's user avatar
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What problem do these trace plots indicate?

The following plots are trace plots of 3 variables for MCMC results of a hierarchical Bayes probit model. The plots are fairly linear and seem to grow (or decline) without bound. This looks like a ...
KUZ's user avatar
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How to interpret ANOSIM results correctly for the two plots

I am a biologist by training so please excuse my naivety. I generated the ordination diagrams presented here using NMDS on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities. The two diagrams represent communities of moths ...
Mansi's user avatar
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Characterize distribution of the output of probabilistic model

Dataset: each row is a patient. Categorical covariates $x$ (often with many categories) include patient information, one binary outcome variable indicating survival. Background: I fitted a ...
Gino_JrDataScientist's user avatar
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How I interpretate a CCA plot (made with xlstat)?

Here are the 2 CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) plot I'm trying to interpretate. I did them using the appropriate function in xlstat. I want to know how I should interpretate the fact that in ...
Plumeria's user avatar
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Interaction Plots unclear

I want to plot an interaction in R, but I get a quite confusing plot that does not appear parsomonious at all. The code I used to create it is: ...
Sara's user avatar
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Intepreting, understanding, and visualizing the output of Random Forests

I am solving a binary classification problem with a random forest that has a rather large number of trees, e.g., 100. I use a standard voting mechanism for classification, i.e., for any input item x ...
st1led's user avatar
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Statistics: Quantify Scatter Plot presenting an "upper limit"

When I plot my data-set on a scatter plot I see a complex correlation that I don't know well how to quantify: the points present a kind of upper limit, a "cap". Note that the X marginal distributions ...
Ricardo C.'s user avatar
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Why does my model suggest Gall is not significant, when the plot suggests it is?

I have trouble with interpreting the output of a general linear model, which I have fitted to some data. Here are my data: ...
RLover's user avatar
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Purpose of scatterplots

This is a beginner question, hopefully this is allowed here. I understand that scatterplots can be useful in showing the relationship between two variables, so I generated several plots of the ...
NoMoreIdols's user avatar
7 votes
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How to determine significant associations in a mosaic plot?

I have a common question on how to explain significant association between categorical variables in mosaic plot. For example,in this plot,based on Pearson residuals, can we say that $[2.0, 5.1]$ and $[...
Rya's user avatar
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Interpretation likelihood graphic

I would like a clarification regards the concept of likelihood. Example: A random sample distributed with a density of normal probability (u, v). you get the following graph of the standardized ...
ANDREA NIGRI's user avatar
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Interpreting predicted probability plots for a binomial GLM [closed]

Even though this may first appear coding-related, I am not interested in the particular code, but rather in the interpretation of the resulting plots. Therefore, I though this is more appropriate here ...
Tilen's user avatar
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What is the point of getting the bootstrapped skewness and kurtosis in a Cullen and Frey graph?

I have two examples of a Cullen and Frey graph (obtained using the fitdistrplus package in R). The first is from this question, and the second is from some data I have. I don't understand what the use ...
Alex's user avatar
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Put interested effect as IV or moderator in an interaction plot?

Say I am plotting the following interaction: mpg ~ cyl*disp (from the mtcars dataset in R). ...
Rilcon42's user avatar
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Graph showing the percentage of observations above each value of a variable

I have seen this type of plots in a couple of articles, like this one (Figure 3): The x axis is a value, and the y axis is the proportion of values above or below that value. (y axes label is ...
llrs's user avatar
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Which version of the Tukey mean-difference plot is more convenient?

I have a single parameter measured by two methods: A and B. I need to see how these two methods compare against each other, so ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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How to demonstrate a tradeoff between two desirable but incompatible metrics/features?

I'm trying to understand a tradeoff that came up to me when I'm studying an algorithm used to distribute a load in a distributed system. The tradeoff involves network communication and make span. ...
Thiago Borges's user avatar
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Residuals colors of the mosaic plot are all dark. Implies?

I am working on interpreting the nature of the association of a contingency table. I tried to provide a mosaic plot of the data that I have and it resulted to Can anyone help me interpret this data ...
matx yhatxz's user avatar
9 votes
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What scientific field(s) studies how people interpret quantitative summaries and visualizations?

There's an abundance of well-known resources offering advice on data visualization. (E.g. Tufte, Stephen Few et al, Nathan Yau.) But to what field(s) might one turn to for answers to questions like ...
Sean Easter's user avatar
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Multiple regression - Interpreting the plots

I used the inbuilt dataset stackloss here. I used following R code for creating the multiple regression model. ...
Kavipriya's user avatar
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Visualizing and interpreting principal components [duplicate]

I have performed principal component analysis (PCA) in Matlab via [U,S,V] = svd(X) Now I have to show the principal directions of the considered principal ...
Jamgreen's user avatar
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5 answers

What's a good way of graphically representing a very large number of paired datapoints?

In my field the usual way to plot paired data is as a series of thin sloping line segments, overlaying it with the median and CI of the median for the two groups: However, this sort of plot becomes ...
ali_m's user avatar
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Finding a reaction norm in R using logistic regression with binomial errors

I am trying to calculate 'reaction norms' for a fish species. This is essentially the length at which the probability that a fish become mature equals 50% for a particular age class. I know I have to ...
StuartDrew's user avatar
7 votes
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R: how to interpret mosaic and association plots

I'm using the mosaic and assoc functions in the library vcd. My mosaic plot is as follows: ...
Catherine's user avatar
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Interpretation of biplot in PCA

Blue points all appear in the lower right-hand quadrant in the plane formed by the first two principal components. Is it a good interpretation of the biplot (right panel) to say that blue points are ...
user7064's user avatar
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Finding cycles in data using a periodogram and Fast Fourier Transform

Problem: Detecting cyclical patterns in daily data using periodogram and FFT. The issue is how to code in R the periodogram to detect monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual..etc cyclical patterns in ...
Oniropolo's user avatar
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