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3 answers

Why does $\mu > 0$ (or even $\mu > \epsilon$) "seem easier” to substantiate than $\mu \neq 0$?

Consider a random variable $X$ following a normal distribution $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$. Suppose that we have drawn iid samples of $X$, obtaining a data set with a sample mean $\bar{x}>0$. We want to test ...
Nuno's user avatar
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Game design urn problem

I am designing a tabletop game and trying to conceptualise the probabilities involved. These can be expressed as an urn problem: Our urn contains seven counters, either green or red. We draw five and ...
James L's user avatar
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Which SD to use in z-test for proportion in population

Background: I am testing the prediction ability of games in a league season and as a naive approach would like to check if the proportion of correctly predicted games is > 0.5 and statistically ...
Stas Ezersky's user avatar
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Use regression model results to estimate change in dependent variable

A dataset consists of sales of a product in different regions alongside advertising budget in three different media: Radio, Instagram, Facebook. A model is developed to predict sales on the basis of ...
xpwaste's user avatar
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Test hypothesis of a given problem

Hi guys I found this problem in an old book but can't seem to find a solution to it. To be honest I don't really have much of an idea how to go about it. I am trying to study statistics on my own. Can ...
Johannes Belarusev's user avatar
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Should a Test Statistic Consist of a Consistent Estimator for the Parameter of Interest?

Suppose that we want to test the following hypothesis: $$H_0: \theta \in \Theta_0\quad vs \quad H_1: \theta\in \Theta_0^c.$$ Suppose that our test statistic is $T_n$. Then, should the test statistic $...
M.C. Park's user avatar
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How to check if a sample is representative of a population if I know the population’s parameters in advance

I have a dataset with the real height of an entire generation of high school students. Since I have the height of literally every student in the generation, I know the population’s mean, $\mu$, as ...
Arturo Sbr's user avatar
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What statistical parameters change when I exchange the null and alternate hypothesis?

I have the following data from a weight loss survey from a diet program. I calculated the following things from the data and formulated my null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis as follows. My ...
Ben Bitdiddle's user avatar
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How to state null and alternative hypotheses for one and two-sided tests

website link Here are some of the hypothesis statements, I don't know why do cases (i),(j) null hypothesis would not be another way around, and they also contradict to the case (b),(f) Any ideas on ...
LJNG's user avatar
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Correct implementation of wilcoxon test for time series data in R

Am I testing the right thing or rather, am I testing what I think I am testing? As the answer of this question points out, a wilcoxon test is suitable to make statements about the inference of the ...
PolII's user avatar
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How to do correlation between likert and binary variables [duplicate]

I want to look at whether socioeconomic status influences students’ self-efficacy in science subjects. My socioeconomic questions are yes/no questions or choice out of a list of parental occupation ...
Emma R's user avatar
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Can statistical models be used for this kind of problem?

Sorry for the long post: Here is the situation (it's a silly example just to illustrate the point): A computer repair company is primarily focused on repairing computers. However, the company has ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Simpson's Paradox

I need some help figuring out whether the phenomenon of Simpson's paradox has occurred. Here is a plot of the first dataset (correlation between probability of contracting a disease vs. hours slept ...
stacky's user avatar
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What statistical test to perform ? How do I compare the feature for two categories?

I have a data set of 200 observations and 24 nominal features , 100 of those observations are for product A and remaining is for product B . I want to check how differently those features attributes ...
Praneeth Bhandary's user avatar
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Find Critical region for exponential distribution

The lifetime in hours of each bulb manufactured by a particular company follows an independent exponential distribution with mean $ \theta $ . To test the hypothesis $ \ H_0 : 2000 $ versus $ \ ...
simran's user avatar
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Disagreement on choice of null in popular hypothesis testing

My question is about hypothesis testing. In hypothesis testing we want to put the hypothesis we want to prove in the alternative hypothesis since we fix the typeI error but cannot make any statements ...
user6322383's user avatar
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How do you calculate the 95% confidence interval between 2 percentages, without knowing n?

I am trying to figure out a statistics homework question, and I am unsure where to start ... I am pretty sure that I need to identify a confidence interval, and then note if the country is outside ...
Karen's user avatar
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Posterior calculation on binomial distribution using quadratic loss function

Que Let x be a binomial variate with parameters n and p (0<p<1). using a quadratic error loss function and a priori distribution of p as $ \pi(p) $ = 1, obtain the bayes' estimate for p. Hey ...
simran's user avatar
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Unbaised estimator of $\ e^{- 2 \lambda } $ is t(x) = $ \ (-1)^x $

Prove that Unbaised estimator of $\ e^{- 2 \lambda } $ is t(x) = $ \ (-1)^x $ , when x follows poisson distribution with parameter $\lambda $ Sorry to ask the direct question but I need a starting ...
simran's user avatar
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Why do you need oversampling/undersampling?

My understanding of oversampling/undersampling is merely manipulate the data to increase the proportion of rare group in your target. Isn’t this manipulating data? How could you expect a reliable ...
gyambqt's user avatar
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alpha value for one tail test and two tail test in t-test

I am using t-test with confidence interval of 95% so my significance level is p = 0.05 Now if I am using ...
Raj_Ame09's user avatar
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Multiple hypothesis testing: lower bound for sample complexity of finding the different one

We have $m$ distributions $D_1,\dots,D_m$. We know that $m-1$ of them are $\mathcal{N}(\epsilon,\sigma^2)$ ($\epsilon>0$) and one of them is $\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$, but we don't know which one ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can you include between-subject control variables in random effect structure of mixed models if they are not fixed effects?

I tried finding similar cases and questions but failed and got even more confused because the answers seem to depend on when the questions were asked due to changes in the lme4 package. So I'm sorry ...
KaMa's user avatar
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Joint hypothesis testing: How to set up restricted model for equality of more than 2 coefficients?

Say I am running the following regression: $Y=\beta_0 + \beta_1X + \beta_2Z +\beta_3W + othercontrols + error$ I want to test the null hypothesis that the first three coefficients are equal, or: $H_o =...
Steve's user avatar
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Measuring "uniqueness of fit" or "unique goodness of fit" of a model to some data

Given some parametric model, we can determine the best-fit parameters to some data set. Once we have quantified goodness of fit for each parameter set, we can easily generalize from this to measure ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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Test on a parameter in which $H_1$ is not complementary to $H_0$. Is this possible?

I have the following problem and I don't know how to solve it. We have a population of $N=20$ enterprises. Each enterprise has a probability $p$ to reduce his customers independently from the others. ...
user268193's user avatar
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How to statistically test data points that are coming from two groups of distributions?

Suppose we have two groups of data points, i,e, A and B, and we want to know if they are coming from two different distributions or just one? The candidate solutions are standard t-test or Kolmogorov ...
Amin Kaveh's user avatar
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What follows after a Mann-Whitney U Test?

I have a statistically significant result for the Mann-Whitney U Test. The groups used are slightly overlapping so what i am interested in now is finding out the best splitting point between two ...
kalle konsida's user avatar
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T distribution for other functions than the mean [closed]

If there are $X_1,\cdots,X_n \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ independent random variables, then their mean $n \cdot \overline X = X_1 + \cdots + X_n $ has the property that it is independent of $(n-1)S = \sum_{...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
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3 answers

How to perform Hypothesis Testing (2 samples) when one sample is normal and the other is non-normal? [duplicate]

Recently, I was helping a colleague to perform hypothesis testing for 2 independent samples, but the data one sample followed a normal distribution and the other followed a non-normal distribution. ...
M_Mayorga's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I know whats my null hypothesis?

I was reading about t-tests and began wondering why the null hypothesis is chosen such that it states there is no difference between the means. The deeper question I have here is how do I state my ...
Clock Slave's user avatar
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CLT so we have enough burgers!

An event has 32 people. Caterers need to make burgers for these people. They expect that a person at this event might need 0, 1 or 2 burgers with probabilities 0.2, 0.55, and 0.25 respectively. We ...
User_13's user avatar
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Testing with multinomial covariates

I have a question about how to perform analysis and testing in this setup. I have two groups of people, one group with healthy individuals and one group with infected individuals. A questionnaire has ...
nalen's user avatar
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How many frequencies to display? [closed]

Recently, a friend asked me an interesting question. Although it is not the first time I have been asked the same question. Well, she did some research and presented me with the graph below asking me ...
jassis's user avatar
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Estimating minimal sample size for two sample test (comparing means)

If I want to perform a hypothesis test to compare the means of 2 equally big samples from normal distributions with equal variances, how would I compute the minimum required sample size for each ...
User_13's user avatar
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Test to see if differences between measurements are different across groups

Here's a simplified version of my problem. I asked two people to guess the height of people walking by. The guesses were very different. I learned that sometimes estimators would sit and sometimes ...
Andrew Brēza's user avatar
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How do I determine the efficacy of a ranking metric?

I have a dataset where I am attempting to perform a classification task. At present only 15% of the data is a positive class. I believe with some feature engineering I've been able to generate a ...
studentofscience's user avatar
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Confusion in hypothesis testing

I'm working at a project in a distribution company. Let's say that in the beggining of this year some major change was made in the sale's area, and my job is to evaluate if this change actually ...
Caldass_'s user avatar
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How to test whether each sample is generated from bivariate gaussian distribution?

I have dataset that each samples has its frequency along x and y axis. A sample can be visaulized as above. Each sample can be thought as an image which has only one channel. Each image has central ...
Jinwoo Lee's user avatar
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How do I chose the right distribution for this specific circumstance?

Posted this on stack overflow and people said its probably more suited for this forum. I am currently generating a panel dataset with random numbers. I simulate a questionnaire where "people"...
tony13s's user avatar
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Two ways of writing the critical region for Hypothesis Testing

I have one confusion in writing critical region. Let us suppose that we have a test condition that rejects the the null hypothesis if $T(X) > \chi_{2n,\alpha}$. Can we also write this same test as ...
userNoOne's user avatar
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Having a problem getting the Intuition behind t-tests and z-tests

Say we have a population of $n$ rodents and that the mean of the population is $\mu$ with standard deviation $\sigma$, the standard error of means in this population would be $\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt n}$ ....
Filthyscrub's user avatar
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Testing the Difference between Two Time Series ~ Similar to paired t-test

I hope everyone is doing well. I have two time series data sets (Time Series 1) and (Time Series 2). These two series are produced monthly (from 1-2020 to 12-2020) 12 data points. Thus, I took the ...
Wolfpack_1's user avatar
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Negative binomial one-sided confidence interval?

Suppose someone was flipping a coin, and want to test the hypotheses: $$ H_0: p=0.5 \\ H_a: p>0.5 $$ First, assume they decided to run 20 trials. They observed 14 heads and 6 tails. We can create a ...
max's user avatar
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Event study: test for cumulative abnormal returns

I am performing an event study, across different firms, using the market model theory. $$\ {R_{it}=α_i+β_{i}R_{mt}+ε_{it}}$$ With Abnormal Returns (AR):` $$AR_{it}=R_{it}−α_{i}−β_{i}R_{m t}$$ How can ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Does one need to test independence of variables first?

Suppose one is given the following data set $X$. "8 5 12 4 11 6 8 7 7 12 7 3 11 14 11 9 6 6 5 6 10 14 4 5 5" Let $n$ be number of data points. One wants to obtain 95% ...
user45765's user avatar
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Confusion in Confidence Interval and Hypothesis Testing

Consider a normal distribution $N(\mu, \sigma^{2})$ where $\sigma^2 = 9$ and we draw 100 samples from this distribution. Now, we set up a hypothesis testing problem: $H_{0}:\mu = 0$ against $H_{a}:\mu ...
userNoOne's user avatar
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Which statistical analysis/design to use on clinical hospital data with varying amounts of available data for each patient?

We are currently working in our local hospital on a paper about the influence of the nephrologist on patients with kidney failure. We are aiming to look at a couple of clinical (laboratory) outcomes ...
Erik's user avatar
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What test can i use for this hypothesis? It has a continous variable and a categorical variable

I have two variables Financial literacy- It's a continuous variable with high and low scores Default(It means to Not pay their loan)- Yes or no (I can code this as 0 and 1) What test can I use to test ...
ujjwal tyagi's user avatar
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Statistical test to tell whether multiple samples come from the same distribution type

I have many samples $S_1,S_2,\dots ,S_n$. Each sample consists from different number of observations $O_1,O_2,\dots,O_n$. Now I want to conclude that all samples come from the same distribution type (...
zlon's user avatar
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