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How two distributions of same data but of different time spans can be related?

Suppose that I have a dynamic variable X that changes with time, and suppose that I know it's statistical distribution over a period of the last 10 years, and this dis. telling me that the most ...
TMS's user avatar
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Question about Time 1/Time 2 analysis

I was hoping to get some input on the best way to test some data that I have collected (using SPSS). In short, respondents make an evaluation at time 1, then complete a distractor task, and then ...
user48034's user avatar
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How to compare two different clustering approaches?

I'm making a project connected with identifying the dynamics of sales. My database concerns 26 weeks (so equally in 26 time-series observations) after launching the product, 126 time-series=126 ...
peterpeter's user avatar
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What is the difference between forecasting based on ARIMA and logistic curve? R

I'm making a project connected with identifying the dynamics of sales. My database concerns 26 weeks (so equally in 26 time-series observations) after launching the product. This is what my database ...
peterpeter's user avatar
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How to model to improve the room usage efficiency based on motion sensor history

To reduce the confusion, I changed my application from traffic to meeting room, so this application is about modeling a meeting room efficiency , the data collection is built by placing a kind of ...
user824624's user avatar
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Using day length and rate of change of day length in linear regression

I have a time series in which samples were collected approximately monthly over ten years. I have wanted to identify whether a number of bacterial species were seasonally variable and whether they ...
ohnoplus's user avatar
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over estimating ARIMA model

When an ARIMA model over estimates, i.e if the forecast from the model is always higher than the actual value, what's the cause? The model i used was SARIMA (1,1,0)x(1,0,0). Below is the time series ...
frisbee's user avatar
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Question about trend and predictions in R

I have weekly data which I am considering as reference. So Mondays trend for example.. orders will kind of serve as valid data to make predictions for orders throughout the day for every Monday. I ...
guest12's user avatar
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power/sample size for a complex set of equations

I run an experiment in which several teams perform several tasks each (not all teams perform all tasks, but in general, I can make sure that enough teams perform any given task, and that each team ...
amit's user avatar
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repeated measure ANOVA with non-consecutive repeats

I have a somewhat of a repeated measure setup but wanted to check if repeated measure 1-way anova can be applied here (assuming underlying assumptions of normality, sphericity etc are met). Situation:...
Corib's user avatar
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Modelling a time series with the "optimal" combination of N proxy series

I have a time series T. I also a universe U of time series such that A, B, C ... Q are time series that belong to the universe U. My problem decomposes into the following sub tasks: Find a subset ...
Homunculus Reticulli's user avatar
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What statistics to use for testing hypothesis about regression coefficient when n is greater than 30

What statistics to use for testing hypothesis about regression coefficient when n is 120. I plan using a z score but am not sure.
frisbee's user avatar
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Eviews vs R (Statistical Software)

Are there many features in Eviews that R misses? I have heard that especially when dealing with time series R is less extensive than Eviews. Is this true? Which of the two packages contains most ...
abc's user avatar
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Can someone help me read this hierarchical regression table?

What do all the symbols mean? ...
lina's user avatar
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Pattern detection in a time series

Lets say I am trying to find patterns in pricing of a commodity such as corn and I have monthly time series data on the demand, the temperature, cost of water, and the current market supply. What ...
user3084006's user avatar
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nonlinear dependence in autocorrelation lagged scatterplot

In lagged scatter Plot we have such a diagramm: if we have an organized curvature in the pattern of dots, that means, nonlinear dependence between time seprated. my question is now: in which time ...
TangoStar's user avatar
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Is there a formula to find the MAPE for $Y_t$ if we know the MAPE for $\Delta$log($Y_t)$?

Is there a simple formula to find the MAPE for $Y_t$ if we know the MAPE for $\Delta$log($Y_t)$ ~ iid N($\mu$,$\sigma^2$)? Is there an algebraic relation between the two? What if I use RMSFE instead?...
Christian's user avatar
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Correct time lag in regression

Let's say you have two time series. you know they are highly correlated with the right time lag. Is there a function that's used to calculate the correct time lag, or do you just have to run a bunch ...
Gil Shafir's user avatar
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Linear model or component analysis on timecourse data

I have some timecourse data which plotted looks like the figure below. I want to better describe the difference between the two conditions. My adviser advised :D me to use a linear model and observe ...
TheChymera's user avatar
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Comparing two time period of same binary variables

We are a financial institution which falls under this ‘Big Bank’ category. As a part of our routine analysis on input variables that feed several of our risk models, we would like to setup an input ...
Anand's user avatar
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What is the impact of windowing function on time series

Greeting I would like to know what is the impact of windowing functions like Hanning,... on a time series. Is it possible to finde anomalies using windowing functions? EDIT I have a time series, ...
TangoStar's user avatar
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Forecasting when the dependent and independent variables are differenced

Consider the following model for $Y_t$: $\Delta$log($Y_t)$ = $\beta_0$ + $\beta_1$$\Delta$$log(X_t)$ + $u_t$ where $u_t$ ~ IID Normal(0,$\sigma^2$). I want a forecast for $Y_{T+1}$. Thus, I need a ...
Christian's user avatar
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Running time-series regressions on a dataset with large gaps: is it legitimate?

I would like to run a plain-vanilla time-series regression, to estimate the sensitivity of my dependent variable to a set of explanatory variables. However, instead of running the regression on the ...
Mayou's user avatar
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Frequency of data: is quarterly data better than half-year data? Why?

Hi have a dataset which I constructed using quarterly observations (from bank accounts). I could have also used half-year or yearly data, but I chose quarterly because I thought that higher frequency ...
Herman Haugland's user avatar
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Comparing different step functions

I measured the appearance of certain events over time in different conditions and I would like to know whether there is a difference between the happening of these events. I thought of plotting the ...
nico's user avatar
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What is geometric autoregressive process?

Can anyone give a definition for Geometric Autoregressive Process? Any specific properties? And, in what fields is this mostly applied? To add some context to the question, here is a section of the ...
HelloL's user avatar
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How to calculate the prediction interval for my 24-hour forecast?

I'm doing time series analysis and I would like to calculate the prediction interval. I have predicted the next 24 values for my time series, but now I would also like to calculate the prediction ...
jjepsuomi's user avatar
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Regression with a ordinal scale dependent variable in the context of panel data

In my panel data I observe a quite large amount of different individuals for a fixed time duration. The time axis is fixed for every individual, i.e., I observe 20 time points for every individual. ...
Druss2k's user avatar
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Statistical significance of stock portfolio returns?

I bought 3 stocks on 1/1/2013: ABC, ACME, WRAM. By 3/1/2013, I earned a 10% return. During the same period, the S&P 500 returned 5%. Is my superior performance statistically significant?
Zack Burt's user avatar
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Understanding summations in COV formula for time series

I am looking through Time Series Analysis: With Applications in R (my first exposure to time series) and refreshing summations. I. When given the following rule: COV[$\sum_{i=1}^{m} c_{i}Y_{t_{i}},\...
B_Miner's user avatar
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Is there any test to check variance stationarity in time series?

The question is straightforward: Is there any test to check variance stationarity (homoscedasticity) in time series? And, if it exists, which are its implementations in R or Python?
AlejandroDGR's user avatar
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"Decreasing P-value" could be interpreted as "Getting Meaningful?" in time series?

I'm Lee, a candidate for a master's degree in business administration in South Korea. I'm analyzing economic data in emerging markets such as Asia, And I found that many indicators are following ...
Licky's user avatar
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How to test if two time series are correlated?

If I have two time series, say ice cream sales and temperature. What is the best method to determine if temperature drives ice cream sales so that it can be used as a predictor? I've been reading that ...
Hazem Salama's user avatar
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Forecasting the daily visits when I have the data for other stores

I have the number of people visiting stores for each day, but sometimes one or several store do not send data for a particular day. How can I leverage the data I have for the stores that sent me data ...
Be Chiller Too's user avatar
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Why does my Deep Learning Network converge to mean value of series when trying to fitting & predicting a time series?

There's a task requiring me to predict selling price of a product with provided external data containing historical purchasing prices and selling prices of competitors(positive correlated). ...
C. Augustus's user avatar
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Simple algorithm to detect change point in time series

Apologies if this question has already been asked, but a lot of similar questions are regarding R or complex algorithms that I don't want. I have numerous 2-dimensional time series, eacch plotting ...
brianmchoi11's user avatar
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What is the relation between the serial correlation and white noise series?

I am a bit confused about why would I use the Ljung-Box test in order to determine whether a series is a white noise ? I know that the Ljung-Box test studies whether we have serial correlation. I ...
Kamel Ismaël's user avatar
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How do I interpret the results of this t-test?

I have two datasets, dataset A going from 1980 to 1990, and dataset B going from 1990 to 2000. I wanted to check if there is a significant difference between the two datasets so I ran a t-test. The ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Ljung-Box test on a out of sample residue with good forecast

To test the fbprophet library, I created a very simple synthetic series and generated a model like this: ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Interpretation of the Chi Square test for two time series in R

I've used R's "chisq.test()" function to calculate the chi square statistic between two time series, the first is a stock market series of a bank with a length 4262, and the second is a simulation of ...
Arman 's user avatar
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How to perform Timeseries Forecasting and Modelling For subsets?

Hi I have a problem with my project. I have 1000 data and I used it as training data to forecast with Timeseries. But my data have some subsets and it's impossible to timeseries forecasting and ...
Shieryn's user avatar
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seasonality detection

I'd like to detect seasonality in my timeseries which consist of daily observation 96 per day,one for every 15 min, for a duration of 3 months. In the acf plot, I see a consistent 3 spikes, does that ...
Sasukethorpido's user avatar
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Contradictory Results in autocorrelation tests

I have a time-series model, with stationary variables. Testing for outocorrelation hasn't been easy: - a can't calculate DW stat because of my small number of observations; - the GB test indicates ...
Cindy Sabenca's user avatar
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How to decode/understand the math behind ACF and PACF?

For the past month I have been trying to understand the math behind the autocorrelation function and partial autocorrelation function for time-series project I have been working on. However, I am only ...
-1 votes
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Time-series modeling on a panel dataset

I have been trying to do some predictive modeling using models such as ARMA on a panel data set in python. The dependent variable in my problem is sales, and I have the sales time series of different ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Can we predict sales using time series or Regression

Input: I have a dataset that has sale from the last three years and does not have any missing information along with some other features like Date, Promotion, Store_number, Public_holiday_indicator, ...
Django0602's user avatar
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Hierarchical logistic regression package in R

I'm working on a logistic regression model; the purpose of the analysis is to identify factors that influence use of an app - the DV being use/no use, and IVs being a couple of numerical and ...
user290071's user avatar
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Is time series analysis suitable for my dataset?

I am monitoring user behavior, while the user interacts with a form on a website. That form has multiple textfields from top to bottom and at the bottom it has two buttons: "cancel" and "save". My ...
artre's user avatar
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Detecting patterns in time-series data using R

I have a dataset of 258k observations with date time data for each observation in the format of %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. Each observation is a social media post made by a ...
mundos's user avatar
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Group events based on start time and duration

I have a data that look like: ...
alfasst's user avatar