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Bootstrap method for chi squared test of independence

I really need some advice about using the chi-squared test of independence. I want to use the bootstrap-chi-squared method for conditional independence testing. The problem is that the DOF is really ...
user3441553's user avatar
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How to add confidence bounds to a randomness test? [closed]

I'm referring to a program called ent that is commonly used to test the quality of random number generators. I'm trying to improve it. The following is a typical ...
Paul Uszak's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Correct use of Chi-square and hypothesis testing?

I have a dataset which contains lots of data on customers and their actions within their journey through our business, one of these actions is how many of our events they have attended, another action ...
Stanley Walker's user avatar
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Basic help on which test to use

Apologies for what I think is a basic question. I have 3 years of data gathered from medical clinics on how many patients per year presented with a certain condition (X patients out of Y total ...
Resolute's user avatar
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Are my results statistically significant on their own despite unapplicable Chi-square test?

I have the results of a survey and I want to see if there are significative differences between age groups (young, middle and senior) regarding to an answer. For instance, in the table below, we see ...
Siva Kg's user avatar
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global significance of glm model

I am a beginner regarding GLMs and R. I have built the following glm model: ...
abdo's user avatar
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between-group multinomial test

I'm having some trouble to decide what is the best method to analyze a between-groups / multinomial problem. For simplicity, I'll use an example: Let's say I want to compare basketball shooting ...
Uri Gottlieb's user avatar
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Multiple Hypothesis Tests - Chi Square

I want to write a method to test multiple hypothesese for a pair of schools . I want to consider all possible pairs of words (Research Thesis Proposal AI Analytics), and test the hypothesis that ...
stacky's user avatar
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P-value of alternative hypothesis - Can you simply take the difference of the chi2 goodness-of-fit tests?

I guess this is the kind of question extremely hard to Google if you're lacking just the right word. My situation is: I have some experimental data points, and I have two models: the "simple ...
Milleuros's user avatar
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How do you test for significance different in A/B Testing?

I just started learning about A/B testing and I apologize if my questions may be weird. After reading/watching some content with regards to A/B testing, I cannot fully understand on how to evaluate (...
user3440156's user avatar
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How to check for a biased/irregular number of occurrences of a given pattern in a sequence of numbers?

As a heads up, my knowledge of statistics and probability is minimal at best but I need help on something for an application I’m building. Ok I have a sequence of values either 0 or 1 that might look ...
Seamus Mckee's user avatar
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Statistical Significance of a Comparison of Percentages

I'm looking at a comparison of percentages pre/during covid and I'm trying to work out how to show if there is a statistical difference between groups. I'm not sure which statistical test to use and/...
BlueNine's user avatar
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Statistical Test for one-sample, multiple choice option from a survey

I have conducted a survey where 410 people were given 14 brands. Of those 14, they were asked, "Which brand do you consider to be the "#1 Trust Brand for Protection". Respondents could ...
Kari P's user avatar
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Which statistical test to use to determine if two disjoint subsets are significantly different?

I have a set $X$ of cases that can be either successful or unsuccessful. For my project, I identified a smaller subset $X_1 \subset X$ of cases which follow a certain pattern. Now, I want to know ...
Peter's user avatar
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Statistical significance of 3 sample point [closed]

I have a data source with an accuracy of 69.3% (when compared with ground truth data). When a model is applied with 3 different parameters the resulting accuracies are 73.088, 74.912 and 72.89. How ...
MSilvy's user avatar
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Proper Test for Type of Data

Warning: I have not done any statistical analysis since 2012. Problem: I have a list of lists of lists: Each of the $289$ ($17\times 17$) element is $\{\phi_{j,1},\phi_{j,2},f(\phi_{j,1},\phi_{j,2}),\{...
Ken Robbins's user avatar
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Establishing significance of crime statistics variation in a changing population over time [closed]

On the planet Zorblax, there are 2 ethnic groups, one much larger in number than the other. The National Statistics Body of Zorblax wants to determine, with significance, if one group commits a ...
Baldrick's user avatar
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Chi Squared test and value magnitude

With the chi-square test, does the magnitude of the observed and expected values make a difference? See the following example, in both data sets (A and B) the observed and expected vary by 30%, ...
Laurence_jj's user avatar
-2 votes
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Categorical ordinal data: which test is better? [closed]

I have the following data: Group very bad bad quite good good very good A 12 20 11 29 14 B 20 10 6 11 34 Group A receives training, group B doesn't which test is appropriate for this kind of data?...
Sylja Parra's user avatar
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Best statistic to compare disease appearance in two distinct groups

I have two distinct groups made of a different numbers of subjects (111 Millions and 126 Millions). My goal is to evaluate how many subjects in the two groups encounter 10 different diseases. For this ...
SavioD's user avatar
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Chi Square Test on small sample size

I have the following dataset and I am trying to run a Chi-square test between the control and pilot. The only issue is that, for a Chi-Square test to return proper results, the sample size need to be ...
Ali Parahoo's user avatar
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Difference between Chi^2, Chi^2/dof and R^2

I have radioactive decay experiment (so the model is y = Ae^(-kt)) results and am (slowly) teaching myself mathematica to plot this. I want to output some measure for the goodness of fit, but am ...
Epideme's user avatar
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Significance of subcategories

My data includes a total sum of around 30 different subcategories. If I want to find if the subtotal of these subcategories is significantly different from previous quarters I can run a chi square ...
Bill K's user avatar
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Use of Chi-Square test of independence / Fisher Exact Test?

One of my research hypotheses is that individuals from Southeast Asia who are ethnically Chinese are more likely to experience racially motivated hate crimes than their counterparts from other ethnic ...
Amélie V's user avatar
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A very big JB value in Jarque-Bera test [duplicate]

I have run the JB test for my data using two different commands. I am quite clueless about what conclusion I can make from the second picture which shows results of 0. This tells me that there is no ...
rainbow21's user avatar
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Chi-square, p-value and political elections

I am looking at which category is mostly associated with people who voted. A sample of results from my dataset is as follows ...
LdM's user avatar
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Statistical testing of proportions to include multiple experiments

I am struggling with understanding what is the correct statistical method to use to determine the statistical difference in proportions for multiple experiments. Let me explain my scenario. I have run ...
prasadav's user avatar
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Is there an association between the work status of the college students and the challenges facing them?

So I am supposed to do a study about the online learning obstacles. now the research question is as stated as follows:"Is there an association between the work status of the college students and ...
ACA95's user avatar
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Categorical independent variable and binary dependent variable

Which test can I use for analyzing the effect of a categorical independent variable, such as preoperative ASA score (1/2/3/4), on a binary dependent variable, such as postoperative complication (yes/...
1997's user avatar
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How to interpret significant likelihood ratio and insignificant Chi-square tests?

To analyze frequencies in a 2x2 table, I ran a statistical test procedure using SPSS. It returned a p less than .05 for the likelihood Ratio but greater than .05 for Chi-Square and Fisher Exact Test (...
Joel W.'s user avatar
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How to tell if one value is different from another?

I have a dataframe made up of counts in different time periods as so: ...
Carolina Karoullas's user avatar
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outage frequency analysis

I have several outage data points. Each outage has a time category (TP1 - TP3 - one could argue this is an ordinal variable) and week day. The rolled up (artificial) frequencies data looks as follows: ...
cs0815's user avatar
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Avoid trial field test using previous data: use of chi-squared test to show that carcass removal do not change significantly over time

I am implicated on the analysis of mortality rates of bats and birds in wind farms. For this purpose, I need to go to the field and count the number of carcasses found around the turbines. However, ...
Fernando Sant'Anna's user avatar
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Chi-square test for multiple rows contingency table

I was trying to figure out if/how I can apply a chi-square test to my problem. I know how to deal with and interpret a case where I have only 2 mutually excluding groups, like male/female, and I want ...
Carlo's user avatar
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How to compare if two multinomial distributions are significantly different

We can use T test to check if two proportions are significantly different. Similarly is there a way to test if two multinomial distributions or "2 samples with more than 2 unique values" are ...
tjt's user avatar
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Analyze which level of a categorical variable has changed the most between two given distributions

I want to analyze whether the frequencies of a categorical variable X (e.g. icecream color) collected in a second survey are higher or lower than in a first survey. I know that one can use Chi-square ...
sdaniel24's user avatar
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Formatting histograms in R

I'm trying to fit Variance-Gamma distribution to empirical data of 1-minute logarithmic returns. In order to visualize the results I plotted together 2 histograms: empirical and theoretical. ('a' is a ...
Maxim's user avatar
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How should I interpret different p-values when all of them are far from the significance level?

I was hoping to demonstrate the other day that a given data set is normally distributed, and a chi-squared test seemed appropriate. I made my null hypothesis that the data set was normally distributed,...
Tom Hosker's user avatar
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What statistical test to use to compare baseline rate to changes over time?

I am working on a project for school and am having a hard time figuring out what statistical test will be conducted in order to find out if changes in the measurement rates are statistically ...
George's user avatar
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13 votes
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Why are exact tests preferred over chi-squared for small sample sizes?

I am aware that tests such as Fisher's exact test are sometimes preferable to chi-squared if your expected values are low in a contingency table, when looking to test homogeneity of groups (...
Sean's user avatar
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How do you determine the significance of individual deviations in categories?

I have observations from human observers that were intended to place subjects into one of four categories (A-D). In fact, there are 100 subjects in each category. So in an ideal world there should be &...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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Post hoc test after Chi square, please advise [duplicate]

I am analyzing a questionnaire survey data about online learning receptibility across different age groups. I have 4 age groups, and each has its % acceptance of the online learning susceptibility. ...
Felix Bast's user avatar
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Testing for potential discrimination

Apologies, I know this is incredibly simple but it's been a while since I was in school! I'd like to run a significance test on the (dummy) data in the table attached to ascertain whether there has ...
Jacob's user avatar
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perquisites of the Chi-square test of independence

I want to use the Chi-square test of independence to test the following two variables: Student knowledge v.s. course attendance The null hypothesis is: student knowledge and course attendance (X and ...
Thomas milley's user avatar
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Help with choosing appropriate way to test hypothesis

This is undoubtedly a basic question but I suffer from being in the situation where I do not even know what to google so I can't solve this one myself. On the data below I want to test the hypothesis ...
sleepy's user avatar
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Chi square test

I am reading about chi-square test but came across Chi square test of independence, Chi square test for goodness of fit and Chi square test of variance. I am confused and unable to find out what is ...
learnToCode's user avatar
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Significance of single classification change across multiple time slices (archaeology)

I'm trying to determine if I'm correctly testing for significance of the change in artifact type presence across several time periods. In an archaeological survey, stone tool artifacts were cataloged ...
davehunt00's user avatar
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What does the F-test in linear regression measure when the null hypothesis is false?

For testing whether a group of multiple coefficients ($\beta_{q+1}...\beta_p$) in a linear regression of the form $Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1\dots+\beta_{q}X_{q}+\beta_{q+1}X_{q+1}\dots+\beta_{p}X_{p}+\...
Yandle's user avatar
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Statistical significance of a relationship of two categorical fields with more than two classes

From my dataset, I have two columns called the cuisine and the restaurant-grade. Each column corresponds to a restaurant. There are 6 different cuisines and 5 different grades. The question that I am ...
realkes's user avatar
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Which statistical test for two group proportions over two time periods? 100% sampling, capped membership. Independent groups over time

I'm comparing the number of male and female hires at a city in the 1980's to the number of male and female hires in the 1990's. I'm looking for whether the percentage of females increased ...
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