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MLE of variance is biased in a Gaussian distribution

Referring to: How to understand that MLE of variance is biased in a Gaussian distribution at some point during calculation the formula of the sum of the expected value becomes a single expected value:...
Cristian's user avatar
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Changing only one point of a discrete distribution to maximize variance augmentation

X has a discrete distribution with support $x1, x2, ...$ in $ {]}0,1{[}$. You have the right to change only one of the $xi$ to lead to the highest increase in variance (or, at least, a systematic ...
GabCaz's user avatar
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Large Numerical difference in variance calculation : Unable to decipher

For the below pdf, I've calculated variance by two methods and observe a large difference (2.1477 vs 2.9100). Wondering why is this difference right at the first decimal? Is it just loss of precision ...
KGhatak's user avatar
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$X$ has distribution function $F(x) = e^{-e^{-x}}$. Justify that such a probability measure on $\mathbb{R}$ exists

How can I prove a probability measure exists? If $F(x) \rightarrow 1$ as $n \rightarrow +\infty$, does that mean $F(x)$ does exist? And how should I calculate $\mathbb{E}(F(X))$ and $Var(F(X))$?
xc219's user avatar
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Buffon's Needle problem

So I'm working through some computational stats stuff from a free pdf of a book. Specifically I'm looking at their take on the classic Buffon's needle problem. The question has a theoretical part and ...
Michael's user avatar
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How the variance of a potential loss X has been derived

I'm studying Insurance and I have a question about how the variance has been computed in this example. Imagine a case where an "agent" may suffer a loss, because of an event (an accident) occurring ...
Martina Marty's user avatar
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Obtaining Negative Variance. What is the error?

Suppose a dice is thrown $8$ times and success is considered as obtaining either a $5$ or $6$. What is the variance of the number of successes? Attempt: Let the indicator variable $X_i$ be $1$ when ...
MathMan's user avatar
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Finding the maximum and minimum variance of the sum of two Bernoulli events?

You are guessing the contents of two envelopes. Let $U_i$ be the event that you guess correctly. Your probability of guessing correctly for each envelope is $P(U_1) = P(U_2) = 3/4$. $U_1$ and $U_2$ ...
self_guided_arch's user avatar
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Conditional variance of a random variable conditioned on its own value

Suppose that $X$ is a random variable. Does it hold that $\mathbb{V}ar[X|X]=0$? What is the proof/intuition behind this?
Nav89's user avatar
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Compute Conditional Variance

Let the joint density $ f_{X,Y}(x,y)=\begin{cases} c(x^3+2xy),\ 0\le x,y\le 2\\ 0, \text{ else}\end{cases}$ be given. I want to compute $Var(Y|X=1)=\int^\infty_{-\infty} (y-E(Y|X=1))^2f_{Y|X=1}(y)\,\...
EpsilonDelta's user avatar
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How to calculate variance or standard deviation for product of two normal distributions? [duplicate]

For example if I have two multiplied distributions a * b: ...
dereks's user avatar
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Variance of scalar function of 2 random variables

Suppose I have a scalar function $g(X,Y)$, where $X$ and $Y$ are jointly distributed with pdf $p(x,y)$. I think the expected value of $g$ is given by $$ \mathbb{E}[g] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \int_{-\...
acorso's user avatar
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Get the new variance of the data [duplicate]

I got an initial mean $\mu_1$ and std $\sigma_1$ by sampling samples, these samples are generated by an unknown distribution and later I drop these samples. Then I sampled some samples and got the ...
GoingMyWay's user avatar
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Why aren't "error in X" models more widely used?

When we calculate the standard error of a regression coefficient, we do not account for the randomness in the design matrix $X$. In OLS for instance, we calculate $\text{var}(\hat{\beta})$ as $\text{...
AdamO's user avatar
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Conditional Covariance Problem

Suppose we have independent (not necessarily identical) normally distributed random variables X, Y. If we're given that, upon sampling each variable, X is some multiple a of Y (i.e. x = ay), what is ...
pauliewalnuts's user avatar
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Calculate variance the right way with two random variables

I'm currently assigning a introductory stats class, and I just can't seem to find out when to use the different variance identities. I have provided an example of an assignment where I got it wrong, ...
Oliver Bak's user avatar
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Can the variance of a U-statistic be of the order $O(\frac{1}{n^2})$?

It is not that easy to find estimators $T_n$ such that $\mbox{Var}[T_n] \sim O(n^{-B})$ with $B = 2$. In most cases, $B=1$.Here $n$ is the sample size. It seems, according to this paper on U-...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Mean and variance of $\tan(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\,\sigma^{2}))$

How could we find the mean and variance of $\tan(\theta )$ if $\theta \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\,\sigma^{2})$?
dtc348's user avatar
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Variance and covariance inequality

Given a real-valued random variable $X$, is $$2\mathbb E[X] \mathrm{Var}(X) \geq \mathrm{Cov}(X, X^2)$$ true? Any pointers for how to tackle this problem would be immensely helpful.
sk1ll3r's user avatar
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Iterated expectations and variances examples

Suppose we generate a random variable $X$ in the following way. First we flip a fair coin. If the coin is heads, take $X$ to have a $Unif(0,1)$ distribution. If the coin is tails, take $X$ to have a $...
Iltl's user avatar
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Expressing as a probability density function [closed]

The measuring error x is a normal random variable. Variance of the error = 4. If distribution of x can be shown by a probability density function f(x), how would you find the analytical expression of ...
Yass's user avatar
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How to estimate the mean and variance of a Gaussian distribution variable? [closed]

I have two variables 2X and 0.5Y, both are independent and follows Gaussian distribution. How to estimate their mean and variance analytically? I want to know their individual mean and variance, then ...
Tania islam's user avatar
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Summation of two Gaussian distributed data with different coefficient of mean and variance

I need some help on Gaussian distribution. i have two dataset, both are identical and independent distributed, but having mean as 2μ_1 and μ_2, same scenario for the variance. How can I add them? ...
Tania islam's user avatar
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estimating the mean of constant + noise

(This is almost certainly covered in Statistics 101, but I missed that class..) I have a real-world sampled signal $S[t]$ that is a constant $\hat{S}$ plus some noise $\epsilon[t]$. My goal is to ...
fearless_fool's user avatar
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Does the peak of a Normal Distribution mean anything? [closed]

What does the peak of a Normal distribution show? Let's say if I have a flat peak, does this mean I have a larger variance? What if I have a sharp peak? For example, Does the "blue distribution" ...
Math Avengers's user avatar
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Binomial distribution intituition for N

I am unable to convince myself intuitively as to why the variance of a binomial distribution increases with increase in n (number of trials). In general, I expect that as n increases, the distribution ...
kbg's user avatar
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Two distributions, same mean, different variance: Stochastic dominance for deviation from mean?

Say you have two (bounded) random variables, $X$ and $Y$, on the same discrete probability space, such that $E(X)=E(Y)$ but $Var(X) < Var(Y)$. Do I know that, for any $k \geq 0$, $$ \text{Prob}(|X-...
Paul's user avatar
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Variance of bivariate normal distribution plus normal distribution

Problem: $W = -27 + 0.3X + 0.45Y + E$ The pair $\begin{bmatrix} X \\ Y \end{bmatrix}$ behaves like a bivariate normal with vector of averages $\begin{bmatrix} 156 \\ 86 \end{bmatrix}$ and ...
David Duarte's user avatar
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Variance of sum of dependent random variables

Can you guys help me prove the following: $$ \operatorname{Var}\left[\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^my_i\right]=\frac{1}{m}(1-\rho)\sigma^2+\rho\sigma^2 $$ where the sampled predictions ($y_is$) have ...
Stats Pupil's user avatar
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Variance of linear combination of Normal distributions

A company that develops software received an order for a service to be performed within a week and, in order to decide on the profile of the team of programmers to be used, it should take into account ...
David Duarte's user avatar
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Replacing summation by integral in classical variance of sum formula, is it possible?

It is well known that the variance of the sum of $x_1,...,x_N$ random variables is the sum of their variances plus twice their covariances: $\text{Var} \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{N}x_i =\displaystyle\...
antamoeba's user avatar
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Variance being negative

Let $X$ and $Y$ have joint pdf such that $$f(x,y) = 3e^{-3x-y}, 0 < x< \infty, 0< y< \infty.$$ (a) Show that $X$ and $Y$ are independent. (b) Calculuate $Var(X)$. In ...
Newt's user avatar
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When is the variance of the sum of random variables greater than the sum of the variances?

My professor asked my class to 'qualitatively' analyze the two scenarios with the assumption that there is no previous knowledge held in the concept of covariance (as we have not covered that chapter ...
Jake Tyler's user avatar
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Probability - expected value

The random variable $X$ takes on values -2, 0 and 2 with probabilities 1/4, 1/2 and 1/4 respectively. Find $\text{E}(X)$ and $\text{Var}(X)$. Till this part, it was easy enough. Then the question ...
user avatar
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Getting variance of function of two uniform RVs [duplicate]

Have two independent RV's $X$ and $Y$ sampled uniformly from $[0,1]$ and $C = (X-Y)^2$. Want $V(C$). Rewrote as $V((X-Y)^2) = V(X^2) - 4V(X)V(Y) + V(Y^2)$ but that's too messy. Is it correct to write ...
SS''s user avatar
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Variance of 2 Protocols: Sampling Coloured Balls with Dots

Suppose, we have an urn where each ball has one of $M$ colours and some balls have a dot. We would like to estimate the proportion $p$ of balls that have a dot. We have two experimental protocols: We ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Interpretation of conditional variance of estimator of intercept in linear regression

$Y_i=a+bX_i+e_i$. $Y_i$ and $X_i$ are scalar r.v. We have, $$ V(\hat b|X)=\frac{\sigma^2}{n\left(\bar{X^2}-\left[\bar{X}\right]^2\right)} $$ and, $$ V(\hat a|X)=\frac{\sigma^2 \bar{X^2}}{n\left(\bar{X^...
ztyh's user avatar
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Quantifying explanatory potential

Suppose I have a random variable $T_j \sim Bernoulli(p_j)$ where $logit(p_j) = \theta x_j + \epsilon_j$ and where $\epsilon_j \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$. Suppose further that $\theta = 0.018$ and that I ...
Davor Josipovic's user avatar
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How to set $\alpha,\beta$ such that $logit^{-1}(\alpha X_1+\beta X_2)$ has a mean of 0.4 with $X_1 \sim Bern(p)$ and $X_2\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$?

I am working in R, and am trying to generate values of $$ logit^{-1}(\alpha X_1+\beta X_2) $$ with $\alpha,\beta$ such that $logit^{-1}(\alpha X_1+\beta X_2)$ ...
user321627's user avatar
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Variance from sampling from a collection of marbles

Suppose I have $N$ marbles, $k$ of which are black. Let $X$ be the number of black marbles obtained from randomly choosing $M$ ($\leq N$) marbles. What is the variance of $X$? Obviously if $M=N$ then ...
user375366's user avatar
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Do the location and scale parameters always control the mean/median/mode and variance, respectively?

Does a location parameter always control the mean/median/mode values of a PDF? Does a scale parameter always control the variance of a PDF? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then ...
MM Khan's user avatar
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Variance of random variables involving two independent standard Normals

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two independent standard Normal variables. Let $M := \max(X, Y)$ and $L := \min(X, Y)$. It is given that the covariance between $M$ and $L$ is given by $\text{Cov}(M, L) = 1 / \pi$ ...
Supreeth Narasimhaswamy's user avatar
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Expectation and variance of a stochastic time process conditioned on its past

$$dV_t=-k(V_t-1)dt+ \epsilon\sqrt{V_t}dW_t$$ $W_t$ is wiener process and the rest is just some parameters. For $T_{i+1}>T_{i}$ how do I find the expectation and variance of $V_{T_{i+1}}$ ...
financegrad's user avatar
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How do I calculate the standard error of the $\chi^2$ statistic?

Question: Suppose that you are testing the idd-ness of a random number generator, and you've done so with the permutation test and the monkey test. Both tests produce a $\chi^2$ statistic and a ...
Mr. President's user avatar
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A Doubt involving Variance Equation and Expectations

Consider the following, $$ \begin{alignedat}{1} \operatorname{Var}(X)&=E((X-E(X))^2)\\&=E(X^2)-(E(X))^2. \end{alignedat} $$ Since the expectation of a random variable is no longer random, let ...
Grant's user avatar
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How to compute variance of squared binomial RV?

If $T$ is distributed from a Binomial $\mathcal{B}(n,p)$ distribution, is there a simple way to compute the variance of $$ \frac{T(n-T)}{n(n-1)}=\frac{\sum(X_i-\overline{X})^2}{n-1} $$ where the $X_i$...
Alain's user avatar
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Calculate Variance from Dirichlet-like Distribution Empirically

I'm interested in the proportion of time that a sensor is in a particular state. The sensor tells me the amount of time that it's in each state, which I will denote by $X = \{ X_1, X_2, X_3\}$. I ...
user13317's user avatar
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How is this minimum variance worked out for this importance sampling estimator?

I was stuck with the function 17.13 in the open source book deep learning on page 590. For short, the question is that, For the importance sampling estimator: $$\hat s_q = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1, x^{i}...
Lerner Zhang's user avatar
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Given , $X$ is a standard normal R.V , I know $E[X|X>c]$ = $\frac{\phi(c)}{1 - \Phi(c)}$ , how do i derive a similar formula for $var[X|X>c]$

I can derive $E[X|X>c]$ = $\frac{\phi(c)}{1 - \Phi(c)}$ , using the trick $- \int \frac{d \phi(x)}{dx} = \int x \phi(x) dx$. How do I do a similar thing to derive $var[X|X>c]$.
ajinkya's user avatar
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From where term $\left(\frac{1}{n}+\frac{1}{m}\right)$ came in estimated variance of $\bar x - \bar y$

I encountered such a formula for pooled variance: $$\frac{(n-1)s_x^2+(m-1)s_y^2}{n+m-2}\left(\frac{1}{n} + \frac{1}{m}\right)$$ Here we have two samples of the following sizes $n$ and $m$. $s_x, s_y$...
Yola's user avatar
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