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Julian Schuessler's user avatar
Julian Schuessler
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
38 votes

A layman understanding of the difference between back-door and front-door adjustment

15 votes

Representing interaction effects in directed acyclic graphs

9 votes

Reference Request: Generalized Linear Models

8 votes

Doubt in the Invariance Property of Consistent Estimators

7 votes

Is it possible to have a variable that acts as both an effect modifier and a confounder?

6 votes

Including Collider Variables in Prediction

6 votes

Does the Heckman correction with an exclusion restriction provide causal inference?

6 votes

If two sample means of $X$ differ significantly and $X$ predicts $Y$, can it be inferred that the samples differ in their $Y$?

6 votes

Can we always write a random variable as conditional expectation plus error?

5 votes

Is there a difference between a causal relationship and a DIRECT causal relationship?

4 votes

Difference-in-difference model with mediators: Estimating the effect of different elements of a policy

4 votes

Would it be reasonable to attempt to use a propensity score as an instrumental variable?

4 votes

Causal Inference - Revenue Per User

4 votes

Discrete choice panel models in R

4 votes

Logistic regression with probability of success close to one

4 votes

Instrumental variables: In which cases would the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) and local average treatment effect (LATE) be similar?

3 votes

Why does conditioning on a mediator variable makes the ancestor and the child independent?

3 votes

How are standard exogeneity assumptions and indepent of potential outcomes concepts linked?

3 votes

In observational studies, how can unconfoundedness, $(Y(1), Y(0)) \perp T \mid X$, hold if $(Y(1), Y(0))$ are fixed and non-random?

3 votes

Synthetic control and unobserved confounders

3 votes

Is Fisher Sharp Null Hypothesis testable?

3 votes

Are there any circumstances where adjusting for path variables / mediators is useful?

2 votes

Directed Acyclic Graphs and the no unrepresented prior common causes assumption

2 votes

Understanding the perfect randomization assumption in treatment models

2 votes

For the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) in causal inference, defined as $E(Y(1) - Y(0))$, what is $E(Y(1))$ usually referred to as?

2 votes

What to do with missing values?

2 votes

What are key papers discussing causal inference from a missing data perspective?

2 votes

How do we know if using IV model is more efficient than OLS?

2 votes

Textbooks/readings on what to do when you can't create an ideal experiment?

2 votes

Identifying a confounder