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einar's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
23 votes

Why does finding small effects in large studies indicate publication bias?

22 votes

Are Prophet's "uncertainty intervals" confidence intervals or prediction intervals?

22 votes

How is empirical Bayes valid?

20 votes

Incorrectly Using the Word "Causal" to Describe a Regression Model?

18 votes

Why should boostrap sample size equal the original sample size?

14 votes

Why do we say Bayesian statistics is suited for probability of one-time events?

13 votes

Is it possible to decompose fitted residuals into bias and variance, after fitting a linear model?

11 votes

Pearl, Causal Inference in Statistics Q3.5.1 (Backdoor criterion)

10 votes

Why is the posterior distribution the same as likelihood function when uniform prior distribution is used in Bayesian Analysis?

10 votes

A term for "number of columns" of a matrix

9 votes

What's the point of reporting bootstrap bias?

8 votes

Is it a confounder on not?

8 votes

Manually calculating logistic regression coefficient

7 votes

Over-represented values in FDR-adjusted p-values

7 votes

Pros and cons of bootstrapping

6 votes

Statistical approach to compare the calibration between models

6 votes

Do I need a global test set when using k-fold cross-validation and a small n (n<<p)?

6 votes

In layman's terms, why is Naive Bayes the dominant algorithm used for text-classification?

6 votes

Why is lasso in matlab much slower than glmnet in R (10 min versus ~1 s)?

6 votes

Matt's trick (reparametrization) makes my models slower, not faster

6 votes

Why would Lasso recommend a lambda of 0?

5 votes

For any distributions, are mean of the sum of the same distributions equals the sum of the means of the distributions?

5 votes

Bootstrap estimate for standard error in linear regression

5 votes

When is the bootstrap estimate of bias valid?

4 votes

How to make sense of this PCA plot with logistic regression decision boundary (breast cancer data)?

4 votes

How to explain low performance of naive Bayes on a dataset

4 votes

disadvantages variational inference

4 votes

The results of CV on Ridge are different than the results of RidgeCV

4 votes

Does modeling with Random Forests require cross-validation?

4 votes

Is one-hot encoding required for categorical variables in R (logistic regression)?