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Laurent Duval's user avatar
Laurent Duval
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
30 votes

What is wrong with extrapolation?

16 votes

What is your favorite "data analysis" cartoon?

15 votes

Difference is summary statistics: Gini coefficient and standard deviation

14 votes

The Two Cultures: statistics vs. machine learning?

13 votes

What's so 'moment' about 'moments' of a probability distribution?

9 votes

Why is the expected value named so?

8 votes

If $X_n ∼ N(0, 1/n)$, then why is $\sqrt{n}X_n ∼ N(0, 1)$?

8 votes

Modelling with more variables than data points

8 votes

What exactly is Big Data?

6 votes

Euclidean distance is usually not good for sparse data (and more general case)?

6 votes

What is the famous data set that looks totally different but has similar summary stats?

6 votes

Why the sudden fascination with tensors?

5 votes

Intuitive explanation for dividing by $n-1$ when calculating standard deviation?

5 votes

Rubberband baseline correction

5 votes

pdf and their relation to moments

4 votes

Choosing Between Additive and Multiplicative Model?

4 votes

How to verify if data follows Zipf's law without looking at the graph

4 votes

Difference between local regression and moving average for smoothing

4 votes

What is this diagram called

3 votes

In statistics, should I assume $\log$ to mean $\log_{10}$ or the natural logarithm $\ln$?

3 votes

interpretation of boxcox with lambda equal 0

3 votes

What are common statistical sins?

3 votes

Variance of a regression coefficient

3 votes

Can someone help to explain the difference between independent and random?

2 votes

Normalize two distributions having high standard deviation

2 votes

Is forecasting and predictions part of Inferential or Descriptive?

2 votes

Maximize response for input params clusters from a blackbox function

2 votes

Inequality involving an integral of the cumulative distribution function of the Gaussian

1 vote

Help understanding DCT compression for a vector

1 vote

When was the k-means clustering algorithm first used?