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Finding the most-similar color palette [closed]

I have a dataset of several thousand color palettes: for each row in a dataset, I have the ten most common RGB values in an image, and the fraction of that color in the overall image: ...
Saul Aryeh Kohn's user avatar
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What is the most appropriate index for categorical data clustering?

I am trying to replicate a study published by Bai & Liang, 2022 which focuses on clustering purely categorical data which are mostly found in the UCI repository. In my experiment for K-Modes, I ...
Gerard's user avatar
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What method should be used if the clusters contains different classes?

Assume that you having $N$ clusters. Each cluster have multiple classes. So we know the class ID for every major clusters, but not the class ID for the data points inside the major clusters. Each ...
euraad's user avatar
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Turning heatmap into clusters - Classification

Assume that you having a heatmap that looks like this. The goal is to classify all the "dot" inside the image. How can that be done? The assumptions of the image: The image has always black ...
euraad's user avatar
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Metrics for multiclass classification

Background Consider a clustering problem where a dataset of measurements $Z\triangleq\{z_i\}_{i=1}^m$ must be partioned in $n$ clusters, where $n$ is unknown and must be estimated. Here the term "...
matteogost's user avatar
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Clustering algorithm on undefined number of classes

Imagine we have a large system of images. We are trying to search for an image and images that are closer to it. One strategy I could think of is to embed the image say into a 100-dimensional vector. ...
Avv's user avatar
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How to tell if data can be used as a predictor in a classification or clustering model?

I'm currently studying a data science handbook in preparation for job interviews, and I came across a question that I think should be simple, but honestly has me stumped. Here's a screenshot of the ...
kiring24's user avatar
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5 answers

Would a machine learning classifier algorithm be able to determine whether a number is odd or even?

I was testing out some classifier algorithms in scikit but wasn't able to find a classifier (linear or non-linear) that managed to provide good prediction on whether an input number is odd or even. ...
thiagoh's user avatar
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Is 'High School', 'Graduate', 'Unknown' ordinal or nominal data?

My goal is to Feature Engineering the column Education_Level. This is an obvious ordinal data. However, I am having difficulty to put Education_Level to choose <...
Jason Rich Darmawan's user avatar
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Robust parameter optimization optimizing profit using clustering, classification or regression?

Imagine an algorithm with a parameter applied to different applications. For each application and parameter I can estimate the performance of the algorithm using simulations and historic data. ...
Firefighting Physicist's user avatar
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Does statistically simple algos qualify as AI algos?

We have a customer purchase transaction history data with variables like below recency - how recently they bought? frequency - How often they bought? monetary - How much value did they bring to the ...
The Great's user avatar
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Appropriate technique for grouping objects with multiple ratings each?

I've got a questionnaire in which I'm asking participants to rate 17 countries on eight different rating scales each (scale 1-7). I'm now interested in finding out which countries are similar to each ...
caminoodle's user avatar
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How to test if one factor classifies samples with a higher accuracy than another factor

I have a multivariate dataset where each sample has two factor labels and hundreds of genes as counts. Here is a simplified example of what the data look like: factor1 factor2 gene1 gene2 1 A 4 20 ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Converting unsupervised to supervised problem - Overfitting - bad?

I am working on a customer segmentation using 5 features such as recency, frequency, monetary, tenure, unique_product_cnt etc. So, I did a RFM based segmentation where I used ...
The Great's user avatar
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High Performance Classification or Similarity Algorithim for Mixed Data Types?

I have a database holding 10-ish features that describe different breeds of dogs. They are mostly categorical features, but some provide ranges for values. Here's a demo representation of the database,...
CyberBully2003's user avatar
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Clustering while knowing the ground truth: Why would someone choose this approach?

If the ground truth of the class/cluster/segment that our observations belong to, is known in advance, why would someone choose to perform clustering instead of classification? In fact, doesn't the ...
Vasilis Vasileiou's user avatar
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How to use RFM along with Predictive model?

I am looking to segment my customers based on their transactional data with us. Based on google search, I came to know about RFM matrix, which records Recency, Frequency and Monetary value-based ...
The Great's user avatar
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In which category falls a mix of unsupervised and supvervised learning?

Here is the context of my problem: I want to classify between to classes. However, I have at disposal only non labeled data to do the training (the test set possess all labels for evaluation purposes)....
Adrien's user avatar
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K-Means clustering should cluster data evenly distributed or unevenly distributed? [duplicate]

I am clustering customers using their stay time on our web sites. When I only use one variable, time, for K-Means clustering with 10 clusters, customers look unevenly distributed to each clusters. ...
xabzakabecd's user avatar
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Apply machine learning to predict discharging and risk of readmission based on medical data

I am new to machine learning. I have a problem where I have to predict patients to be/not to be discharged using hospital data and depending on that prediction (i.e. if the patient is successfully ...
KALHIM's user avatar
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Semi-supervised learning: Classification vs Clustering

In the context of a semi-supervised learning problem, what's the difference between using a classification algorithm vs a clustering algorithm? Traditionally classification is supervised and ...
luke's user avatar
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Need help choosing appropriate algorithm for building a Lookalike audience

Newly practicing data scientist here! I am currently stumped on a project and reaching out for some guidance: I am working with the marketing team in our customer database. There is a small subset of ...
Cell42's user avatar
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How to compute a 'pair confusion matrix'?

I don't really understand how the pair confusion matrix (used for example in comparing of clusterings) is calculated... ...
yyyLLL's user avatar
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How to classify instances according to its relative feature value within a group of points?

Thanks everyone for viewing my question! My real data is very complicated, but briefly it can be formalized as this problem below: currently I have many groups of datapoints, each consisting of 5 ...
Zongyue Lu's user avatar
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How to categorize/classify functional relationships? [R]

I have a dataset of bacterial abundance at specific degrees of temperature. Each line is a different bacterial species and each column is the abundance at a specific temperature. My dataset includes ...
Simone's user avatar
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How can we interpret such weird values of the Adjusted Rand Index?

I'm using scikit-learn to compute the Adjusted Rand Index for a binary classifier where the two labels are $\{0, 255\}$ (binary images). According to the ARI's ...
Jakinduria's user avatar
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What is the intuition behind having high Accuracy but bad Adjusted Rand Index?

I'm working on a problem, in which the learning algorithm consistently produces high accuracy on the different samples it is tested on, but generally has a rather unsatisfactory adjusted Rand index (...
Jakinduria's user avatar
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In NLP what does it mean when text data is clustered? What does each cluster represent?

I am reading about NLP and text analysis and am studying clustering of text data. I have a large csv file that is a collection of online responses. I am first converting each response to a TFIDF ...
StuckInPhDNoMore's user avatar
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Are decision trees in SPSS classification or clustering trees?

I have a dataset consisting of 140 features (categorical and continuous variables) and one dependent variable (continuous). I used SPSS classify function without setting any classes, using CHAID ...
Jouman's user avatar
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Evaluate clustering accuracy based on an adjacency/similarity/connection matrix

Description In the classification tasks, the classification accuracy is computed by accuracy=n_correct/n_total For example, if I have three samples, and the ...
Wubin's user avatar
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Why does k-means have more bias than spectral clustering and GMM?

I ran into a 2019-Entrance Exam question as follows: Which of the following algorithm has the higher bias? GMM GMM (identity covariance matrix) spectral clustering k-means The answer mentioned is (...
Lisa Berry's user avatar
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KNN and K-means, very different but possible equivalency?

Why does the k-nearest neighbor algorithm and k-means clustering algorithm with $k=1$ act the same?
Mio Unio's user avatar
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Machine Learning for choosing the right cover box to contain smaller item boxes

I am studying on choosing the right box to contain item boxes. When customers order items, items have their own cases and ordered items are packed with the right cover box to contain them to deliver. ...
xabzakabecd's user avatar
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How to identify distinct classes for classification problems?

I'm working with a dataset in which we've taken audio recordings of coral reef habitat from 3 different types: healthy, degraded and restored. From each recordings I have 13 different continous ...
Ben Coral's user avatar
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Is it reasonable to convert factor (only 0/1 involved) into numeric data?

If I have a simple data with only 2 levels of factors: ...
Math Avengers's user avatar
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How to compute FN and TN explicitly?

Suppose that we have the following clusters ( output of some clustering algorithm ) based on 3 classes : Source : Source link The source explains how to calculate TP+FP and TP explicitly as following ...
Tou Mou's user avatar
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What is the meaning of purity?

Suppose that we have the following contingency matrix : | T1 | T2 | T3 --------------------- C1 | 0 | 53 | 10 C2 | 0 | 1 | 60 C3 | 0 | 16 | 0 ...
Tou Mou's user avatar
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Is there a way to classify curves into two or three groups?

I conducted an experiment, in which participants (n=44) experienced different tones ranging from low to high (x-axis) and rated their perceived liking from 1- low to 10 - high(y-axis). I created line ...
AEdelstein's user avatar
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Classification vs. clustering question

So I have a question on clustering vs. classification. I know there are tons of questions on this here and elsewhere on the Internet, but I have not found my answer so far. I think this (A clustering ...
user5744148's user avatar
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Can you use clustering models such as k-mean or knn to do feature binning?

I currently working with a financial dataset in Python which contains a feature (among many others) called "interest rate", which represents the interest rate that a certain loan would have. ...
Felipe Araya's user avatar
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Using the ARI to validate clusters

To validate the results of a clustering solution, I am using the ARI to quantify the agreement with a reference classification method. Something which I do not quite understand is the concept of a "...
Indigo's user avatar
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Best ML approach for anomely detection on structured text data

I need help trying to understand what ML algorithm (or at least family of algorithms) would be best for my problem. There seem to be a great many different approaches and no clear explanations of what ...
pavel's user avatar
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Algorithm for recognizing similar data?

I've been given a youtube trending dataset with the assignment to make a predictive model which outputs the probability of a video getting into trending with at least 60% accuracy. I have the title, ...
Filip's user avatar
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Separating hardly distinguishable classes for easier classification

I apologize for this seemingly basic question, but I was just thrust into this data science role and would like to get some advice from some experts. I have a dataset with a small number of features ...
The Dude's user avatar
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Similarity between clusters/groups?

I have a dataset consisting of multiple groups in a high dimensional space. An example is shown below: What would be the best way to calculate similarities between groups. Say how similar is group A ...
Thijs Quast's user avatar
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Does the shape of a pattern influence the performance

Given I have a feature set with around 6 features. These features represent the shape of a pattern. Each feature is a point in two dimensional space. Hence, an observation looks like: $$(x_1, y_1), (...
kn1g's user avatar
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K means clusters, would PCA be a better option?

I have the data below. I need to use a clustering method to classify them and into categories of "Heterozygotote, Allele 1, Allele 2 and No Call. The values in RFU1 and RFU2 are used to determine the ...
Jordan Browne's user avatar
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Using cluster comparison metrics to evaluate a classification task

Suppose I have a multi-class classification task. As far as I can tell, the primary metrics used for evaluating performance on this task is either to compute the confusion matrix, or the per-class f ...
snickerdoodles777's user avatar
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What algorithm to use for fitting several different lines

I have a unique problem I'm not sure how to approach. I have some data. The data was generated by a function that's basically $k$ different lines ($k$ may or may not be given). Example: However, ...
Oria Gruber's user avatar
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Does poor clustering results entail poor classification results?

In my project, I am facing a multi-class classification problem. As a first research/modeling step, I used a clustering algorithm with 3 clusters. Motivation behind this step, was to understand ...
MilaHalina 's user avatar

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