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Martingale residuals in Cox PH model for categorical variable

I understand that for continuous data, martingale residuals can be used to assess the linearity of the variable, but if it's a categorical variable (2 levels) is there any interpretation that comes ...
Wesley's user avatar
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Assessing violations of the Cox proportional hazards assumptions

Cox models assume proportionality. These assumptions can often be formally tested (an example in R is cox.zph from the ...
carbocation's user avatar
1 vote
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How to interpret the Wald Chi-square test for the frailty term in a mixed-effects Cox survival model?

Background I'm fitting a Cox model to assess the relationship between treatment (binary) and time-to-event (event is also binary) while also controlling for 3 or 4 covariates. Because I want to ...
logjammin's user avatar
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How to incorporate offset variable in coxphf()?

SaJa's user avatar
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How to fit parametric distribution to baseline hazard in cox PH model

I develop Cox PH model with time-varying covariates to predict marginal probability of some event. The time frequency is measured in months and I have observations since 3 months to more than 160 ...
Lev1990's user avatar
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Cox PH controlling for multiple events

I'm working on a cox proportional hazard analysis in R using the survival package. I´m analysing covariate effects on fish movement within a study area. The study area is divided into two zones ("...
Mattias's user avatar
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How to deal with left truncation in cox model in R

I have a longitudinal data with 8 follow-ups. My aim is to see the effect of a disease on ability decline at old age. In my study, I have sibling pairs, one with disease (1) and one without disease (0)...
user358238's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculate time at risk using cox proportional hazards

Can you calculate the time at set risk from proportional hazard models? Say I've got my model built for the whole population. The risk of developing an event in one year is 5%. After stratification, ...
Wojty's user avatar
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How to test overlapping confidence intervals to see a significant difference between groups in a COX propotional model

Cox proportional models have been done with this result. The two groups (C, B) had overlapping confidence intervals, while the p-value was significant at p<0.001. I have used this code to get the ...
Ali Roghani's user avatar
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Why R survAUC::AUC functions require both training and test data?

I am familiar with binary classification models, where the AUC is the metric from the area under the specificity-sensitivity curve, it indicates the performance on a dataset. Now, I'd like to assess ...
labrax's user avatar
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3 votes
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IPTW in Cox Regression model using the WeightIt package - Question on ATT vs. ATE interpretation

I am currently trying to perform some IPTW adjustment in the context of Cox Regression models. I was interested in expanding my understanding of the differences between ATE vs. ATT estimation. I've ...
user89547235's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the flexsurvreg plot and its res.t?

I use the flexsurverg to estimate the a Weibull survival model with a time varied covariate, where “utility” is a continuous function, and the result is shown as follows: I plot the fit function and ...
Ellen1230's user avatar
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coxph() ran out of iterations and did not converge

Am relatively new in conducting survival analyses in R. I wanted to perform an univariate cox regression on my data set. For some of my variables this worked, but for the variable “white blood cell ...
Soever's user avatar
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IPTW and adjustment in Cox Regression Analysis [duplicate]

A question on how to deal with inverse probability of treatment weighted-Cox regression analysis. Basically, I am evaluating how to use IPTW in the context of survival (and specifically, Cox ...
user89547235's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is the survival probability decreasing the more variables I use?

I'm using coxph in combination with survfit and I observed that, e.g., when I use the following syntax ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to understand Aalen additive regression model?

How to understand these plots with fits from an Aalen’s additive regression model for censored data? I simply wonder why the curves change between plus and minus. Do they have to understand such that ...
Ben's user avatar
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In data setup for Cox regression, how to handle a subject's time before treatment of interest (i.e. before time-zero)?

Background I'm designing a study that models time-to-event for two groups of study subject: people who receive a treatment and those who do not. I'm fairly new to applied survival analysis, so I've ...
logjammin's user avatar
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Reference in survival analysis is not 0

I am conducting survival analysis, investigating the association between a binary factor (TRUE/FALSE) and all cause mortality. I use the ...
Gux's user avatar
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Does the weight option in coxph function fit the weighted cox regression model?

Suppose I have a survival data with the variables time: follow up time, event: event indicator(1 or 0) with 1 as an event and 0 ...
Hello's user avatar
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How to calculate 95% CI around the percentage attenuation using a bootstrap method

I am trying to repeat the statistical methods of an article in which Cox regressions were used to compute hazard ratios (HRs) for the association between life-course SES and death. The author created ...
Jellypine26's user avatar
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Shorten survival analyses and curves

From my survival analyses, I get a survival curve showing a very large number of censures between 4000 and 4500 days, and then a considerable drop due to the decrease in numbers (mostly drop outs). ...
Svalf's user avatar
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How do I color the points provided in cox.zph plot? [closed]

I'm trying to distinguish between the two groups in this scaled Schoenfeld residuals plot: As you can see there are two groups for test temperature which I am hypothesizing are split based on 340 C ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Can one use NRI and IDI in regularized cox-regression?

I have a dataset with 1500 patients for which I want to predict the outcome of death. I wanted to utilize multivariate cox-regression in a model containing biomarkers and other covariates. I was told ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Survival analysis: How to code 'left censored' data?

I have data on the closure of brands of stores and I would like to model the factors that influence the risk of closure. I know all the stores that are open on a certain date, 1st January 2015 (but ...
Stephen Clark's user avatar
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Cox proportional hazards model with participants dropping out without event

In R, I analyse time-to-event data to explore the effect of a biomarker on an event risk. To do this, I work with data that looks like this toy dataset: ...
Svalf's user avatar
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4 votes
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Interpretation of coxph - rsq , cox.zhp, robust and concordance

I would like to get explained the following situations in coxph (library(survival)) The Concordance, what is a good Concordance? What does it mean ...
Lili's user avatar
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Cox regression in subgroups

I ran an analysis in which I used Cox regression to investigate the relationship between a number of predictor variables and time to death. I used R for that: ...
Takanashi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Bootstrap with statistics for survival object

I have a survival model calculated like this: ...
user2300940's user avatar
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Testing the difference between 2 Cox regression models

I am running an ANOVA test on R comparing the results of 2 cox regression models. Model 1 has variableA (binary). Model 2 has the interaction term for variableA * variableB (3 categories). I'm not ...
qwert's user avatar
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Correct way to add both time-varying and time-invariant predictors in coxph()

I have time-varying and time-invariant predictors in my cox model. What will be the correct way to add both of them using coxph()? In my model, income, development, ...
cliu's user avatar
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Three-way interaction cox hazard. (Testing the difference in impact of a two-way interaction for two groups)

Some background: For my dissertation I'm working on a survival analysis on the hazard of exiting a firm for men vs women. After doing the basic analysis I want to investigate if the control variables ...
KHT's user avatar
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Test/validate a random forest survival model

I have around 7,588 features for 100 subjects with time to event and status data. I have built 100 random forest survival models with 75/25 train-test splits using ...
Rohit Farmer's user avatar
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Cox model with multiple measures does not recognize the number of IDs?

I am running a survival cox model with multiple measures, here is the code: ...
Katie's user avatar
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How to plot survival probabilities of cox regression with firth's penalized likelihood?

I am using the coxphf() function (in the coxphf package) in R and am not sure how to plot survival probabilities. Does anyone ...
Emily Lynch's user avatar
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Plot of hazard ratio for primary endpoint and continuous covariate

I wonder if you could tell me the R code to use to obtain a graph similar to the one below. (from: That is, I would like to graph the association ...
Bibi's user avatar
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Time varying effect in time dependent cox model

In the case of Stanford heart transplant dataset (jasa), is it possible to check if the effect of the time dependent covariate of transplant is time varying as well ? If that's the case can we compute ...
Purple Koala's user avatar
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How do you interpret outputs of Cox regression based on data type of an independent categorical variable?

I have the following data frame which consists of a grouping variable, as well as time ans status variables for survival analysis: ...
Takanashi's user avatar
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Time after time-dependent variable in Cox model

I am trying to create a time dependent (covariate) cox regression model for a survival analysis project I am interested in. A brief overview of my dataset: I have a cohort starting from 2011-01-01, ...
Purple Koala's user avatar
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PR estimation of a cross sectional study with a continuous variable possibly by Cox proportional hazard regression

I have a table of a simple cross sectional data: ...
akh22's user avatar
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Possible non-linearity pspline Cox model

Our working group ran a Cox regression with a p-spline to model the possible non-linearity of continuous variables. However, I'm a bit confused with the interpretation of the linearity or non-...
psoares's user avatar
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Multi-state Cox models: different formulas for different transitions?

I'm using coxph from Therneau et al's survival package to model a multi-state system. Transitions include: Baseline -> ...
carbocation's user avatar
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Cox Proportional Hazards Model for panel data

I want to get the same results of implementing cox-box by R for this SAS code, ...
Rani's user avatar
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Confirming the censoring state transition with a multi-state Cox model with recurrent events

I am working with data that contains information about the age at which each person enrolled in a study; zero or more hospitalization events for a disease (with age information); the age at which they ...
carbocation's user avatar
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Model diagnostics for multi-state models in survival::coxph in R

I am trying to fit a multi-state model using the coxph function from the survival package in R and I want to perform some model ...
LaguerreGroup's user avatar
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What should I do if only 1 covariate violate the proportionality assumption in Cox PH?

Can I still use Cox PH model? or I will have to find a non-PH model? What are the available models that can be used here? Schoenfeld residuals (using ...
HNSKD's user avatar
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Predict risk from pre-trained Cox PH model

I came accross this article about AMD (age-related macular degeneration, a kind of eye diseases) recently. The article fitted a Cox PH model to predict risk of disease advancing to advanced stage. The ...
Nguyen Duy Anh's user avatar
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How to compare two models with and without restricted cubic spline by likelihood test? #mice #survival # rms

I’m new to using multiple imputations and I would like an opinion on using it with survival analysis in R. I would like to perform a multiple imputation on data with missing values (mice package) and ...
Yuki Sahashi's user avatar
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How to calculate a life table for different baseline groups (Cox survival analysis)

I wish to recreate a table from a study (DOI: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001914). The study includes survival analyses on whether or not patients loose their hearing. Hearing is described using two ...
Kim's user avatar
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Merging survival data with time varying covariates

In merging the data in R the censored observations are merged well but the observed subjects are not. For example, the second subject had an event at time 0.546. How can I merge the time varying ...
John Majimboni's user avatar
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Survival curve from time-dependent coefficients in the Cox model

I fitted a Cox Model that does not satisfy the proportional hazards assumption. Thus, I included time-dependent coefficients using the tt() function in the same way ...
Xdelta10's user avatar

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