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Defining a uniform distribution over the perimeter of a polygon

Problem definition Consider a polygon with vertices $V_1,\dots,V_n \in \mathbb{R}^2$ and let \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} z&=\underbrace{\sum_{j=1}^n \left[(V_{j+1}-V_j) \frac{L}{L_j}\left(\...
matteogost's user avatar
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Expected Value for Complex-Valued Random Variable

This question is part of Exercise 3.14 in the book The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction with R, 7th Ed., by Chatfield and Xing. Problem Statement: Suppose $\theta$ is uniformly distributed ...
Adrian Keister's user avatar
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Uniform density over 2 segments [duplicate]

Background Let $V_1, V_2 \in \mathbb{R}^2$ be the vertices of a segment and let $z$ be uniformly distributed over that segment. Now consider the random vector \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} y&=...
matteogost's user avatar
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Joint density of two functions of a uniformly distributed random variable

I'd like to work out $\operatorname{Cov}(\cos(2U), \cos(3U))$ where $U$ is uniformly distributed on $[0, \pi]$. I believe this involves computing $\mathbb{E}[\cos(2U)\cos(3U)]$. If so, then I first ...
johnsmith's user avatar
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Two dimensional random variable with uniform marginal probability density functions [duplicate]

I have access to some data for two variables - let's call them x and y. In particular, I have the distribution of data separately per each variable, something that allows me to estimate the marginal ...
It's a feature and not a bug's user avatar
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Uniform Sampling From the Region Bounded by $\sqrt{x}$, $x=3$, and $y=0$

I want to sample uniformly from the area bounded by $y=0$, $x=3$, and $y=\sqrt{x}$: If I draw $x$ from $U[0, 3]$ and $y$ from $U[0, \sqrt{x}]$, the density will be higher in the bottom left corner: ...
Milos's user avatar
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Find the MLE density function of uniform [-\theta,\theta] [duplicate]

For $X_1,\dots,X_n$, i.i.d $X_n \sim \mathrm{unif}[-\theta,\theta]$, the ML: $\hat\theta_{MLE}=\mathrm{max}\{-X_{(1)},X_{(n)}\}$. Find the density function. Hint: For $x_1,\dots,x_n$ : $\textrm{max}\{-...
HydraStreet's user avatar
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Difference of dependent uniform random variables [closed]

My question is similar to the one posed here for a sum of dependent uniform RVs. How can I find the CDF of $T=X-aY$, where $X\sim U[0,B]$, $Y\sim U[0,X]$, and $a<1$ is a constant. I've tried ...
Nicholas E's user avatar
4 votes
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How to see that this is a mixture of the uniform and Erlang?

I have a pdf in a form: $$f(x) = \begin{cases}\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\lambda^k x^{k-1} e^{-\lambda x}}{k!} & \text{for $0<x<1$} \\ \frac{1}{2} \frac{\lambda^k x^{k-1} e^{-\lambda x}}...
bajun65537's user avatar
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Convolution: PDF of difference of uniform random variables [closed]

PDF of $X$: PDF of $Y$: $Z=X-Y$, $T=X+2Y$, how to find the PDF of $Z$ and $T$ and plot them?
Charlotte's user avatar
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Simple notation question: pdf for mle of uniform?

I have simple notation question related to pdf for mle of uniform $U(0,\theta)$. Given following pdf $f(\hat{\theta}_{MLE}) = \frac{n \cdot \hat{\theta}_{MLE}^{(n-1)}}{\theta^n} $ , I'm confused ...
Sharov's user avatar
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Which has minimum concentration: the uniform distribution or the maximum entropy distribution?

For a continuous random variable, the uniform distribution has high entropy because it demonstrates the greatest level uncertainty. However, this conflicts with the maximum entropy principle, which ...
develarist's user avatar
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Pdf of the sum of two independent Uniform R.V., but not identical

Question. Suppose $X \sim U([1,3])$ and $Y \sim U([1,2] \cup [4,5])$ are two independent random variables (but obviously not identically distributed). Find the pdf of $X + Y$. So far. I'm familiar ...
EzioBosso's user avatar
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Domain problem when calculating marginal density

I have the following homework assignment: the life expectancy $X$ of a lamp has exponential distribution with rate $\lambda$. The rate depends on the production proccess, such that its population can ...
Rodrigo Meireles's user avatar
2 votes
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What's the expression for convolution of a uniform[a,b] density and a normal(0,d^2) density?

Suppose I have $X\sim Uniform[a,b]$ and $Y\sim normal(0,d^2)$, what's the expression for the density of $Z=X+Y$? Let $F_{Z}(z)$ be the cdf of $Z$ evaluated at $z$, and let $\Phi(\cdot)$ and $\phi$ be ...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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Does minimizing KL-divergence result in maximum entropy principle?

The Kullback-Leibler divergence (or relative entropy) is a measure of how a probability distribution differs from another reference probability distribution. I want to know what connection it has to ...
develarist's user avatar
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finding PDF of Y, given Y|X [closed]

$$Y|X\sim Bin(X,n)$$ $$X\sim U([0,1])$$ How can I find the PDF of Y? I know that: $$\Bbb P(Y=k)=E_X[\Bbb P(Y=k)|X]$$
MC1325's user avatar
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Density of square root of sum of squared independent uniform random variables [duplicate]

Let $X \sim U(-1, 1)$ and $X \sim U(-1,1)$. We want to find density function of $W = \sqrt{X^2 + Y^2}$. I got stuck and I have no idea, where I am making a mistake. This is my approach. Let $F$ be a ...
Elizabeth_Banks's user avatar
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Why does Uniform distribution make sense?

This might be a dumb question, but I am suddenly confused on how to understand the PDF of a uniform distribution. For instance, the PDF of standard uniform is always equal to 1... How is that ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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5 votes
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If $X=\sin\Theta$ and $Y=\cos\Theta$ with $\Theta$ uniformly distributed, how can I compute the joint pdf of $(X,Y)$?

I have a random variable $\Theta$ uniformly distributed between $[-\pi ,\pi]$, two functions $X=\sin\Theta$ and $Y=\cos\Theta$. I know that $X$ and $Y$ are uncorrelated but not independent. I want to ...
Marco's user avatar
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PDF of cosine of a uniform random variable with additional shift

I need to calculate the PDF of a random variable, which is quite similar to what was asked here. However, I have to deal with a shifted cosine function. Thus, my random variable is defined as $$Y:=cos(...
Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes
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Sum of exponential of uniform random variables?

Let $F_{i}$ and $\phi_{i}$ are uniformly distributed independent random variables in the range $[-50,50]$ and $[-\pi/4,\pi/4]$, respectively. If $N = 10$ and $$Z = \sum_{i=0}^N e^{j(F_{i}+\phi_{i})}...
Ahwaq's user avatar
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How to estimate the PDF of the logarithm of a uniformly distributed random variable?

This is a question I have to solve and need help with. I know it's usual to give pointers and hints so the OP can follow from there. Thus, I'll appreciate all input that shows me the way to go. Let $...
Hugo's user avatar
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Sufficient statistics in the uniform distribution case

I am currently studying sufficiency statistics. My notes say the following: A statistic $T(\mathbf{Y})$ is sufficient for $\theta$ if, and only if, for all $\theta \in \Theta$, $$L(\theta; \mathbf{y})...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Sum of two continuous random variables

Let R1 and R2 be two independent random variables, both with uniform density at the interval (0,2). What is the probability of R1>1 given that R1 +R2<2? -- What I've tried: I know that $$ P(R1&...
Oalvinegro's user avatar
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Example: Writing the joint PDF $f(x, y)$ as the product of a marginal and a conditional probability function

I am presented with the following notes on Bivariate distribtions: If we can write the joint probability density function $f(x, y)$ of a pair of random variables $(X, Y)$ as the product of a marginal ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Calculating the sum of dependent uniform random variables

My question derives from Problem calculating joint and marginal distribution of two uniform distributions. So, suppose we have random variables $X_1$ distributed as $U[0,1]$ and $X_2$ distributed as ...
aprospero's user avatar
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-1 votes
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The pdf of a standard uniform random variable divided by constant [closed]

For a random variable $\frac{U}{a}$ where $U$ is a standard uniform random variable, I'm trying to determine the pdf. I'm not so sure what I'm getting is correct as I'm getting some funny results ...
Julian Drago's user avatar
4 votes
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Transform X to get Y such that Y has a Uniform(0,1) distribution

A random variable $X$ has the PDF $f_X(x) = \frac{x - 1}{2}, \ 1 < x < 3$ Find a monotone function $u(x)$ such that the variable $Y = u(X)$ has the distribution $Uniform(0,1)$.
MSE's user avatar
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What is the ratio of a N[0,1] and U[-1/2,1/2]?

I have come across a problem where I can reasonably assume that the numerator is a uniform distribution of the type U[-a,a], i.e., centered on zero, and the denominator is N[0,b]. This seems to be ...
Carl's user avatar
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Uniform Density Function

As we know the uniform probability density function is f(x)=1/(b-a) if i find the density function and area of this uniform distribution between (0, 1/2) then it would be f(x)=1/(1/2-0) f(x)=2 ...
user172500's user avatar
-1 votes
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PDF of the maximum likelihood estimator of a uniform distribution

Suppose $ \{X_1, \dots , X_n \}$ is a random sample from: $$ f_X(x; \theta) = \frac{1}{\theta} \text{, for } 0 \leq x \leq \theta $$ The Likelihood function is easy to calculate: $$ L_Y(\theta; y)...
J.Michael's user avatar
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Transforming a uniform PDF to a Gaussian PDF

I have a Uniform PDF from [-50, 50], I would like to transform it to a Gaussian. The methods that I read up about doing this(like Box Mueller) assume that the uniform distribution is between [0,1). Is ...
Kirtiman Sinha's user avatar
9 votes
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PDF of cosine of a uniform random variable

There is a formula for the density of the cosine of random variable that's a uniform on $(-\pi,\pi)$ as discussed in this page: $f_{Y}(y) = \dfrac{1}{\pi \sin(\cos^{-1}y)}, y \in\ [-1,1]$ Can anyone ...
M.H's user avatar
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Mean and Variance of the Area of a Circle with Uniform Radius

A circle with a random radius R∼Unif(0,1) is generated. Let A be its area.(a) Find the mean and variance of A, without first finding the CDF or PDF of A.(b) Find the CDF and PDF of A. So, quite ...
Sophie B.'s user avatar
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Showing Independence for X and frac(X + Y)

Suppose that we have independent samples $X_1, X_2 \sim \text{unif}[0, 1)^d$. I'm asked to show that $Y_1 = X_1$ and $Y_2 = X_1 + X_2 - \lfloor X_1 + X_2 \rfloor$ are also independent uniform samples ...
Aaron Zou's user avatar
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How is the spherical elevation angle distributed when $(x,y,z)$ are uniformly and normally chosen?

As a follow up to How the polar coordinate, $\theta$, is distributed when $(x,y) \sim U(-1,1) \times U(-1,1)$ and if $(x,y) \sim N(0,1)\times N(0,1)$? Assume $(x,y,z) \sim U(-10,10) \times U(-10,10) \...
0x90's user avatar
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How is $\theta$, the polar coordinate, distributed when $(x,y) \sim U(-1,1) \times U(-1,1)$ vs. when $(x,y) \sim N(0,1)\times N(0,1)$?

Let the Cartesian $x,y$ coordinates of a random point be selected s.t. $(x,y) \sim U(-10,10) \times U(-10,10)$. Thus, the radius, $\rho = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$, isn't uniformly distributed as implied by $...
0x90's user avatar
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Characteristic function of uniform random variable [duplicate]

I am trying to find out expectation of a function of a uniform random variable. I am given a random variable $x$ that is uniformly distributed over the interval $[0, a]$. I want to find out the ...
ryan80's user avatar
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Is the Gaussian distribution the only statistical distribution fully determined by the mean and variance?

I've read that the Gaussian marginal is fully determined by the mean and variance. What does this mean in reality? If we consider a Gaussian marginal PDF is given by $$ \pi_G(\xi|\mu,\sigma) = {1\...
user2350366's user avatar
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Discrete Distribution

In the die-coin experiment, a fair, standard die is rolled and then a fair coin is tossed the number of times showing on the die. Let N denote the die score and Y the number of heads. a)I want to ...
Win_odd Dhamnekar's user avatar
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Multi-variate uniform distribution

Suppose that $(X,Y,Z)$ is uniformly distributed on $\{ (x,y,z) : 0 \leq x \leq y \leq z \leq 1 \}$ a. I want to find out joint density function of $(X,Y,Z)$. b. I want to find out probability ...
Win_odd Dhamnekar's user avatar
2 votes
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How to compute the CDF of this random variable?

I'm working on a game theory model of incomplete information, where players observe certain attributes via noisy signals. Specifically, one player has the opportunity to choose any value $\eta$ from ...
sundance's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the density of the $m$'th element of a sorted vector of $n$ uniformly distributed random variables

$X_1, X_2, ..., X_n$ are independent and uniformly distributed on $[0, 1]$. Sorting them yields a vector, whose first and last element have densities that are just the derivatives of products of CDFs. ...
Coolwater's user avatar
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49 votes
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Why is the CDF of a sample uniformly distributed

I read here that given a sample $ X_1,X_2,...,X_n $ from a continuous distribution with cdf $ F_X $, the sample corresponding to $ U_i = F_X(X_i) $ follows a standard uniform distribution. I have ...
Maxime Tremblay's user avatar
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Probabilities of conditional expectation values in uniform distribution

Let's consider a continuous random variable $X$ as follows: $f_X(x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}\frac{1}{2}, &\mbox{if} \ x\in[0,1] \\ \frac{1}{4}, &\mbox{if}\ x\in(1,3]\end{array}\right.$ ...
mgus's user avatar
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Why small values produce undulating densities when ploting logarithm of a loguniform prior (in R)?

I am using a program that draws random values in a log-uniform distribution let say between 1 and 100. When I plot the density of the produced values with R it looks like a log-uniform distribution ...
Prolix's user avatar
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PDF of a sum of dependent variables

This is a direct continuation of my recent question. The thing that I actually want to get is the distribution of $a+d+\sqrt{(a-d)^2+4bc}$, where $a,b,c,d$ are uniform in $[0,1]$. Now, the ...
corey979's user avatar
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What's the distribution of $(a-d)^2+4bc$, where $a,b,c,d$ are uniform distributions?

I have four independent uniformly distributed variables $a,b,c,d$, each in $[0,1]$. I want to calculate the distribution of $(a-d)^2+4bc$. I computed the distribution of $u_2=4bc$ to be $$f_2(u_2)=-\...
corey979's user avatar
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Show that $\min(U,1-U)$ and that $\max(U,1-U)$ are uniform

Let $U$ be uniform on $(0,\ 1)$. Show that $\min(U,\ 1-U)$ is uniform on $(0,\ 1/2)$ and that $\max(U,\ 1-U)$ is uniform on $(1/2,\ 1)$. I'm not sure how to approach... the only hint i have is that a ...
Mor_H's user avatar
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