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Is this the right approach to cluster using many different evaluations on the same dimension?

I'm working on a project where I want to sort political parties into two groups. I want to do so using the answers of many respondents in a survey who indicated for each party where they see them on a ...
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What is "clall" in index.Gap in "clusterSim" R package?

I am using the "clusterSim" package in my project (, page 39) and I do not understand the meaning of the "clall" ...
user2702's user avatar
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Variable importance in cluster analysis

I'm new to the cluster analysis, read lots of things but I'm not able to understand how to variables are ordered into cluster. I mean, I find that my data are clustered into 3 different cluster, but ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Applying clustering algorithms after t-SNE in R

So I'm doing my bachelor`s work and I'm applying different clustering algorithms on certain data. Before all the clustering of course I'm using a dimensionality reduction algorithm such as t-SNE for ...
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Choosing the best clustering algorithm and evaluating the results

I'm trying to separate my data into clusters using the k-means algorithm and the hierarchical algorithm, choose which algorithm fits my data the best, and evaluate the results. However, all of my ...
Jim's user avatar
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PCA : how to cluster data to differenciate my data the most while considering their groups

I have to do a PCA in R for a project, but I have 300 data in 15 differents groups, and I want to find the reduced space which gives me the most variability between the groups and cluster my data in ...
Marguerite's user avatar
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Statistical method for finding homogeneous groups of curves

I need to divide a set of 100 or more response curves into groups. These curves are formed by backscattering intensity along a range of frequencies. Basically, each curve represents the intensity in ...
il nibbio's user avatar
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Can we do clustering over several columns in a huge dataframe?

I have a dataset stands for customers retail sales data, it includes customer ID, Age, ...
nobodyishere's user avatar
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Comparing clustering methods based on internal Cluster Validity Indices

I have used the R package dtwclust to generate clusters for more than a thousand time-series objects.Since I did not have any prior information on the number or validity of clusters, I used a suite of ...
Mansi's user avatar
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K-prototype in R: Error when including missing values

I want to cluster data that includes categorical (dummies and variables with multiple categories) and numerical variables (normalised) and a substantial amount of missing values. One reason why I want ...
Hwz's user avatar
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Clustering algorithms that support FA rather than PCA

In our social sci research we've used Factor Analysis rather than PCA. It would be helpful for us to use a clustering algorithm to group respondents into the most logical factor groups. Kmeans seems ...
Chrisf's user avatar
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interpretation of elbow plots [duplicate]

Hi I have this elbow plot that was created to select the K for clustering but I can't find a sound explanation of how to interpret this, all I ever see is a picture of an elbow with in plots with ...
Bani Antonio's user avatar
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How to "characterize" clusters (e.g K means)

I ran the K-means clustering algorithm on the iris data using the R programming language: ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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K-Means Clustering of time series in R

I want to create a cluster of K-Means of time series with R but I don't know where to start. Could you recommend some articles or tutorial?
Maria MJ's user avatar
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K means clustering with survey data [duplicate]

I have a dataset obtained from a survey, where all questions are likert-type, but with different scales (1-5 or 1-2). Is it possible to run k means clustering if I rescale all to 1-6? Additional ...
Irene's user avatar
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How to find the accuracy of k means in R

I have UsArrests dataframe and i am trying k means clustering algorithm. I ve tried with and without scaling the data . How i can decide which data i must take ? I must see the Within cluster sum of ...
Kleanthis Mpampotsi's user avatar
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How to make clusters (consisting of demands) equal to the load of a truck?

I am working on a routing problem where I have thousands of points (places) with individual demands (in Weight and Volume). So far I have created 5 clusters based on their location. Now I need to ...
Shibaprasad's user avatar
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Can K-means be used to group data in win/lose categorical values for prediction purposes?

Currently I have a dataset with matches played by a team against other teams. Some of the variables are: kills, deads, assists, amountgold, amountdamagedone, result(win/lose). What I want to do is ...
M Yil's user avatar
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How to perform cluster analysis on categorial data in R

I have survey data with 1000 respondents, each one has awnsered 20 questions related to different product features of a car. Each question could be awnsered as "good", "indifferent"...
Jens Stach's user avatar
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Confusion matrix for k-means algorithm

Using R, I ran the K-means algorithm on a dataset with 1m+ rows. Using elbow plot, the optimum no. of clusters was found to be 3. Now each data point is assigned a cluster from the set {1,2,3}. But I'...
Aabhas Vij's user avatar
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How to understand which is the optimal k number?

I have this plot but I would like to understand which is the optimal k number only by watching this. I already did the silhouette method and gap statistics, the first shows me optimal number equal to ...
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How to initialize k-means

I am working on image processing. I have to apply k-means upon them. But I am confused with the initialization of k-means that either I should use just first frame or all the frames to initialize it. ...
TariqS's user avatar
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How to compare consistency between clustering results and list of values with different levels in R?

I found similar subjects on the website but I may have missed the relation with my own question. I'v seen questions about comparison of clustering results, but here it's more about comparing two lists ...
Jerobou's user avatar
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Assign new data to a cluster (using Gower distance and PAM algorithm)

I have a dataset which has mixed data types and hence I used Gower dissimilarity matrix as input to cluster the data using Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm. I wanted to know if there is any ...
ANP's user avatar
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Using the ARI to validate clusters

To validate the results of a clustering solution, I am using the ARI to quantify the agreement with a reference classification method. Something which I do not quite understand is the concept of a "...
Indigo's user avatar
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Strange data point clustering in k-means

I am trying to explore weather impact on bike usage using k-means clustering. However, the plot does not look correct; visually, some data points obviously belong to another cluster that is closer ...
Jessica Quach's user avatar
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Elbow method not giving a proper curve [duplicate]

I am trying to determine how many clusters to use for my k-means clustering using different methods. Gap statistic is giving me k=4 and Silhouette k=3. I have run k-means with both values and both of ...
Jessica Quach's user avatar
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K means clusters, would PCA be a better option?

I have the data below. I need to use a clustering method to classify them and into categories of "Heterozygotote, Allele 1, Allele 2 and No Call. The values in RFU1 and RFU2 are used to determine the ...
Jordan Browne's user avatar
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k-means method clarification

I am pretty new to k-means and cluster analysis methods, but I am trying to do it on 5 different measures of inequality and redistribution (Gini, P90/P10, Atkinson with different parameters and the ...
Luca Giangregorio's user avatar
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How do i cluster these data?

So basically, I have this data: ...
Wayne's user avatar
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Kaplan-Meier plots in R [closed]

I have generated the following clusters. Now I want to compare 3 groups in terms of survival. I am wondering how to create 3 groups based on "scores" and draw KM plot. Codes: ...
Oyun's user avatar
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R - high dimension data using k means clustering [closed]

The dataset is 1000(observations) x 700(variables), After using pca to do dimension reduction, PC150 explained 85% Variance, so I use this (1000 x 150) data to do k means clustering. This code was ...
Rufus7's user avatar
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Is my variable considered okay to use in k-means clustering with Euclidean distance?

I was wondering if I can use regular kmeans() in R with my variable "number of drug prescriptions" which equals a number between 1-25. From what I've read k-means ...
user21398's user avatar
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Does this clustering quality metric make sense?

I am trying to stop at best quality metric in my clustering task. (I make spectral clustering using k-means). In short, I calculate intra-cluster pair-wise distances, take their square and sum them ...
alexeymosco's user avatar
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Clustering phrases using K-Means

I have a data set with some phrases. ...
Banjo's user avatar
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A proof of within-cluster sum of squares?

Anyone can provide a proof of the following equation as in @cardinal 's answer? $x_i$ and $x_j$ are vectors from the same clusters。 $\sum_{i,j} ||x_i - x_j||^2 = \sum_{i \neq j} ||(x_i - \bar{x}) - (...
kyan Lee's user avatar
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How to I determine the maximum number of iterations in K-means clustering?

In the documentation of kmeans, the default value of iter.max is 10: kmeans(data, modes, iter.max = 10, weighted = FALSE, fast = TRUE) I don't understand why. And I also wonder how to determine the ...
Leona Lee's user avatar
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K-Means Variable Selection

I have a simple data set, 1200 Rows and 20 variables, 1 is a categorical variable with 8 unique values. 1 variable is a unique reference number. I'm looking into using Kmeans clustering to find the ...
Jon's user avatar
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Clustering for medium data [closed]

Which clustering method is good in R for a data with ~32,000 subjectsa and 10 variables, hierarchical or k-means?
Tabbi's user avatar
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How can I order kmeans clusters?

I have a kmeans cluster object and I would like to order the clusters. Not the observations within the clusters, rather the clusters in order of each other. Is there a way of doing this? I found ...
Doug Fir's user avatar
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Kmeans results, is the cluster vector ordered by 'closeness"?

I ran kmeans in r with k = 20 centers and 7 scaled variables to cluster with on a data frame with n = 100K. Using dplyr group_by I was able to view summary data for each of the 20 clusters: the mean ...
Doug Fir's user avatar
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How to optimize the result of K means

I am analyzing the data of abalone. My goal is to classify the data into three categories(premium, medium premium, and classic). Since it's an unlabeled dataset, so I utilized K means clustering to do ...
梁楷葳's user avatar
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How to cluster temporal pattern of users with k means

I have data relating to the movement of travelers through a toll road based on a smart card. I have the ID of the individual and a datetime stamp for each time they pass through the toll (in either ...
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Weighted K-means for my super market vs K-means

I have a Super Market. I want to find if product A is out of stock which product should i replace with. I am not sure what should i do, someone suggested me K-means for that. If sppose my data looks ...
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K-means dominated by one or two variables only

What should we do if clustering such as K-means is dominated by one or two variables in the list of used variables? Shall we leave the other variables?
user216116's user avatar
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Is k-means clustering supposed to behave like this?

First of all, data I'm using can be found here. My code is: ...
Pedro Cavalcante's user avatar
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Compare clustering results with different attributes and number of clusters

I used K-means to cluster a large data set that has millions of samples. I tried to create the clusters with different sets of attributes, which, as a result, generated different optimal number of ...
syd's user avatar
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K-means clustering on a large matrix using kendall's tau as a distance measure

I'm trying to use kmeans clustering on a relatively large matrix (4000x4000) using the amap::Kmeans function but R seems to be freezed even after more than half an hour. I have to restart R after this....
mickkk's user avatar
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Cluster Analysis on a 20,000+ row data set using K-Means 'tot.withinss' not working in R

I have 20,000+ rows of data around 7 columns. I tried to do cluster analysis on it using K-Means where k= 5. When I attempted to plot the clusters, it was not helpful at all, too much data so it all ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Clustering spatial data based on location and values

I'm looking for a way, preferably in R, to create a cluster of point data (specifically, the centroids of UK postcodes), where each cluster comes as close as possible to containing a certain number of ...
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