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52 votes
2 answers

Dealing with singular fit in mixed models

Let's say we have a model ...
User33268's user avatar
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47 votes
2 answers

How can I test whether a random effect is significant?

I am trying to understand when to use a random effect and when it is unnecessary. Ive been told a rule of thumb is if you have 4 or more groups/individuals which I do (15 individual moose). Some of ...
Kerry's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

Why do I get zero variance of a random effect in my mixed model, despite some variation in the data?

We’ve run a mixed effects logistic regression using the following syntax; ...
Nick Riches's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

r glmer warnings: model fails to converge & model is nearly unidentifiable

I have seen questions about this on this forum, and I have also asked it myself in a previous post but I still haven't been able to solve my problem. Therefore I am trying again, formulating the ...
Brechje van Osch's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

How to apply binomial GLMM (glmer) to percentages rather than yes-no counts?

I have a repeated-measures experiment where the dependent variable is a percentage, and I have multiple factors as independent variables. I'd like to use glmer from ...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

Fitting a binomial GLMM (glmer) to a response variable that is a proportion or fraction

I'm hoping somebody can help with what I think is a relatively simple question, and I think I know the answer but without confirmation it has become something I just can't be certain of. I have some ...
ALs's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How to assess the fit of a binomial GLMM fitted with lme4 (> 1.0)?

I have a GLMM with a binomial distribution and a logit link function and I have the feeling that an important aspect of the data is not well represented in the model. To test this, I would like to ...
Henrik's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

How to fit a mixed model with response variable between 0 and 1?

I am trying to use lme4::glmer() to fit a binomial generalized mixed model (GLMM) with dependent variable that is not binary, but a continuous variable between zero ...
amoeba's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Random effect equal to 0 in generalized linear mixed model [duplicate]

Sorry if I'm missing something very obvious here but I am new to mixed effect modelling. I am trying to model a binomial presence/absence response as a function of percentages of habitat within the ...
Cec.g's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Meaning of a convergence warning in glmer

I am using the glmer function from the lme4 package in R, and I'm using the bobyqa optimizer ...
Jota's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How will random effects with only 1 observation affect a generalized linear mixed model?

I have a data set in which the variable I'd like to use as a random effect only has a single observation for some levels. Based on the answers to previous questions, I've gathered that, in principle, ...
canderson156's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Calculating ICC for random-effects logistic regression

I'm running a logistic regression model in the form: lmer(response~1+(1|site), family=binomial, REML = FALSE) Normally I would calculate the ICC from the ...
Megan's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Are $R^2$ for GLMM useful for modelers but not necessarily for readers?

The short version: 1)Are there any published critiques of the use of $R^2$ for GLMMs, in particular the popular approach of Nakagawa & Schielzeth (2013) A general and simple method for obtaining $...
N Brouwer's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to test for overdispersion in Poisson GLMM with lmer() in R?

I have the following model: > model1<-lmer(aph.remain~sMFS1+sAG1+sSHDI1+sbare+season+crop +(1|landscape),family=poisson) ...and this is the summary ...
susie's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Help interpreting count data GLMM using lme4 glmer and glmer.nb - Negative binomial versus Poisson

I have some questions regarding specification and interpretation of GLMMs. 3 questions are definitely statistical and 2 are more specifically about R. I am posting here because ultimately I think the ...
Samuel Walker's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Bacteria picked up on fingers after multiple surface contacts: non-normal data, repeated measures, crossed participants

Intro I have participants who are repeatedly touching contaminated surfaces with E. coli in two conditions (A=wearing gloves, B=no gloves). I want to know if there's a difference between the amount ...
HCAI's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Should I use Poisson distribution for non-integer, count-like data?

It's my first question here, I hope I'll ask it correctly. I am trying to find out how to analyse non-integer, count data (yes!). I am looking at the effect of a given treatment on habitat suitability ...
Guillaume Lavanchy's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to account for repeated measures in glmer?

My design is as follows. $y$ is Bernoulli response $x_1$ is a continuous variable $x_2$ is a categorical (factor) variable with two levels The experiment is completely within subjects. That is, ...
Bill Simpson's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Interactions between random effects

I'm considering a mixed-effects model to try to understand factors that influence the number of ticks sampled on wild rodents. My data is nested so that I have one tick count per rodent, multiple ...
Claire's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Modeling reaction time with glmer

According to Lo and Andrews, 2015 ( raw Reaction Time (RT) should be analyzed with a GLMM, instead of transformed values with LMM or even ANOVA. They and ...
mariachi's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

GLMM overfitting solutions

in GLMM faq page there is a statement about overfitting: "One alternative (suggested by Robert LaBudde) is to "fit the model with the random factor as a fixed effect, get ...
user1322296's user avatar
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8 votes
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Suspiciously high shrinkage in random effects logistic regression

Consider the following simple example: ...
Tamas Ferenci's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How does random variable nesting in GAMs work (mgcv)?

Consider me very new to the world of GAMs, I am actually using it out of necessity rather than by choice but I thought it could be a chance to learn something new anyway. Originally I had hoped to ...
Nebulloyd's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How close to zero should the sum of the random effects be in GLMM (with lme4)

I'm using the lme4 package in R to do some logistic mixed-effects modeling. My understanding was that sum of each random effects should be zero. When I make toy ...
jerlich's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I get a best model? An exploratory LMM

I'd like to inquire about the linear mixed model and its application to my dataset. The dataset comprises a dependent variable (DV) denoted as V, alongside three ...
TKw's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

R: How to fit a GLMM in nlme

I want to compare lme4 and nlme packages for my data. But I'm confused by how to use syntax in nlme. I'm working with Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus (Pinheiro, Bates 2000) and the current ...
Toby's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I use a variable as a covariate which exists only for specific range for some clusters/groups?

I want to know how to use Poisson GLMMs when we have unequal samples available for different groups/clusters/participants in data. Imagine a study where each of the 60 participants are given 1000 ...
medium-dimensional's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Don't understand why glmm random effect variance is zero. Have reviewed similar questions still dont get it

I study a colonially-nesting bird species. I am trying to perform an AICc evaluation of GLMMs for a nest site selection study. I collected data at nest sites and paired random sites. I want to ...
PIJA's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Specifying model in glmer() - interaction terms

I am running a generalised mixed effects model, of family logistic regression, using function glmer(). I am predicting likelihood of response (0/1) and my fixed effects to explore in my final model ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to calculate estimated proportions and their confidence intervals from a mixed model?

I have an experiment with two treatments. It is a split plot experiment, with the structure Block/Treatment1/Treatment2. Each treatment has 2 levels. The dependent variable is presence/absence data ...
Sarah's user avatar
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7 votes
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Using proportions as a measure of nest success in a glmm

I want to run a GLMM to see if a conservation intervention had an effect on the nesting success of a shore-breeding bird. I'm comparing this against a control where no intervention was used. I used ...
kmew's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Do I need more than one random slope?

When constructing a GLMM in R, do I need more than one random slope if I "see" that slopes differ for multiple continuous variables? In my case, I am analysing the number of plant species (...
Jens's user avatar
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7 votes
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GLMM and two slopes

My outcome variable is binomial, and I have 11 independent variables and a time variable. The time variable has different slopes, so I fixed it to time-before and <...
Indigofera suffruticosa's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

General Linear Mixed Model: How do I fix 'Rescale variables? Model is nearly unidentifiable' error on glmer

I'm trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), but I'm getting a persistent error. I'm looking at the relationship between weather (continuous variables: rainfall, maxtemp, and mintemp) ...
Hazel's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Translate glmer (lme4) model specification into MCMCglmm

I am having some computational trouble estimating the following model with the glmer function in lme4: ...
k-zar's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

GLMM - between, within and nested

I'm not entirely sure of fitting the model for experiment we've made. The variables and relevant description are as follows: ID - participant ID Trial - 60 for each participant Memory - between ...
Piotr Falkowski's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Calculating confidence intervals of marginal means in linear mixed models

I'm using different R packages (effects, ggeffects, emmeans, ...
Han Zhang's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Should random effects be included in fitted values when making a binned residual plot for a binomial GLMM?

The binned residual plot in the R arm package is often recommended as a way to check if a logistic model is making any systematic errors. The general idea is that the mean residual for a group of ...
Sacrebleurgh's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Weights argument in glmer() when predicting proportion data: why is it needed when all weights are around the same?

What do the weights argument in glmer refer to? I used sample sizes as weights with ...
Anto's user avatar
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Meaning of the weight argument in glmer and lmer

I have been looking into how to use the weight argument of glmer/lmer to represent "frequency" weights. I was ...
matteo's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does offset always have to be on log scale with NB GLMM?

I'm using a negative binomial GLMM with R package lme4 to detect differences in time mothers spend feeding before and after birth (inf_cat). ...
sam2210's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

GLMER not converging

Here is a sample of 20 rows from some data I'm working with (everything below is consistent with the full dataset): ...
user166625's user avatar
6 votes
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Confused about meaning of subject-specific coefficients in a binomial generalised mixed-effects model

In *A Comparison of Cluster-Specific and Population-Averaged Approaches for Analyzing Correlated Binary Data*, Neuhas, Kalbfleisch, and Hauck state: "With the cluster-specific approach, the ...
llewmills's user avatar
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6 votes
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Interpretation of binomial GLM (glmer) with interaction and results description

I would like to confirm if I am analysing the results of my model correctly and get some advise if I am missing something! I conducted the following model to analyse factors that describe the feeding ...
Catarina Toscano's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to set up an intercept-only mixed logistic regression in order to test for difference from 50% chance level?

In my experiment, subjects repeatedly had to make a binary choice between A and B, and I want to test if subjects (as a group) differed from 50% chance in preferring A over B. Is there a way to test ...
PanPsych's user avatar
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6 votes
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Covariance structures in glmmTMB for temporal autocorrelation

I'm running a zero-inflated, mixed-effects negative binomial model with the glmmTMB package in R. My current format: ...
Andrew's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Strange result with GLMM (binomial)

I'm analyzing some data, using GLMM and obtain very strange results. The data is of student passing a test, each group of students belong to a different school. So I analyzed the data using ...
Kozolovska's user avatar
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6 votes
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Which method to use when calculating the confidence interval of GLMM Gamma Regression with the lme4 package in R

I am fitting a GLMM with family gamma using the lme4 package in R. Below is a code example to simulate the gamma GLMM fitting. ...
www's user avatar
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What can Ido if I get patterns in residuals vs predicted values using `lme4::glmer()` with a GAMMA distribution?

I want to model a response variable (y) as a function of two explanatory variables (x and z)....
Dekike's user avatar
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5 votes
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GLMM for count data using square root link in lme4

I have data from a field survey. The objective of the study is to relate number of seedling (respond variable, count data), landform (exploratory variable, categorical variable with 3 levels) and ...
Ponlawat's user avatar

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