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Repeated measures ANOVA or MANOVA (SPSS)

I have an experimental design of two independent groups (pregnant/non-pregnant), in which each person has described past memories and future episodes on different variables on a scale from 1-7. ...
Trine's user avatar
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Categorical data comparison

I've been struggling with the following problem and I am not sure if I am using the right statistical method. Namely, I am analyzing passwords characteristics from a questionnaire and from real plane-...
Viktor Taneski's user avatar
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ANOVA possible?

I have 2 groups (variable = condition) Control, Experimental - I have coded them as 1,2 in SPSS. I have measured these at three time points - pre, ret1 ret2 (currently just a string variable) I have ...
aj24's user avatar
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nominal variable (fixed actor) only relevant to a subset of data in SPSS / GLM

An example to illustrate the question I have: Suppose Strength is a function of gender (male/female) and, AMONG MALES, testosterone level (low, medium, or high). I don't care about testosterone ...
Sadashiv Santosh's user avatar
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Problem with Wilcoxon test in SPSS

I have a question about Wilcoxon test in SPSS. For a work in my university i have to test 2 results of metrics applied in 2 algorithm (A2-NSGA3 and NSGA2), the results are as follows: https://gist....
fsg's user avatar
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Multilevel models

I would have a question on multilevel models, which is related to a particular case that I am considering. The question is related to the number of my groups and the number of measures in each of them....
occasional_user's user avatar
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Summarizing multiple clustering results

I'm working on a problem where observations are being clustered within groups but I'd also like to compare the groups. However I am not sure of the best way to compare the groups. In total I have ...
Ellis Valentiner's user avatar
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Multilevel and multivariate statistics

I'm considering classes for next semester and I have a choice between 2: Multivariate statistics and analysis Hierarchical linear modeling and growth models I'm wondering which of these courses are ...
Simon's user avatar
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Distribution of data is very separated in my graph

First post here but I am quite stuck. I plotted the date an award was given to a university, against their change in score (I calculated an index of change). It has given me this graph which i am ...
Sophie Brown's user avatar
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On interpreting the statistical significance of R squared

I have performed a linear regression analysis to two series of data, each of which has 50 values. I did the analysis in SPSS and as a result got a table which says ...
FaCoffee's user avatar
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Test for comparing means of 3 measurements at 2 points in time

I want to compare the mean values of 3 measurements which were taken before and after a study. Measurements of specific vitamins were taken, e.g. vitamins C, D and iron, so I have 2 values for each - ...
Athena Fortuna's user avatar
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Correcting specific non normal distribution

I have run a multilevel model (time series cross section data; xtmixed) and am checking if the assumptions hold. Given the non-normality of my residuals, and after having corrected potential linearity ...
Pia's user avatar
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variance from xtpoisson in comparison to variance from xtlogit

I have a binary variable indicating whether a c-section was carried out or not. C-section is more than 10% prevalent in the population. I want to model predictors of c-section. Initially I had used ...
user2363642's user avatar
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How to structure dataset and write syntax for mediation model with clustered data?

I have a dataset of 300+ students with teacher-reported data. There are 17 total teachers that reported data on the students. I would like to run a model that tests mediation where the mediator is a ...
ApprenticeJunior's user avatar
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Changing values of string variable with an if clause in SPSS [closed]

I have a dataset that looks like the one below. I will need to use both ID1 and ID2 to identify each row. The responses in the OpenText vary greatly. ...
QQQs's user avatar
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Predicting from individual and group data

Suppose that I have a classroom of students who each have taken two tests (A and B). I have the scores for test A and only know the average score for test B. Since students tend to perform similarly ...
Ellis Valentiner's user avatar
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Evaluating which factors influences a questionnaire scores

i have this problem to solve. I have a questionnaire of 19 questions, each one has 3 options, and only one for each is correct and it scores 1, while the others scores 0. Thus the max score will be 19....
Ciochi's user avatar
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Chi Square Statistic - Which variable should be defined as the dependent variable?

I am stuck with this very basic question which I need to answer using SPSS for the problem set pasted in cursive below. Any pointers in the right direction would be very much appreciated. Thank you. ...
sebastian.bertoli's user avatar
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Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Multilevel Regression Model

A two-level regression model : $$Y_{ij} = \gamma_{00} + \gamma_{10}X_{ij} + \gamma_{01}Z_j + \gamma_{11}X_{ij}Z_j + u_{0j} + u_{1j}X_{ij} + e_{ij}$$ where $e_{ij}\sim N(0,\sigma^2_e)$ and , $$ \...
user81411's user avatar
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Poisson Distribution Analysis in SPSS - Nonparametric, count, repeated-measures data

In relation to a recent post about what analyses to conduct for a data set, I am now asking a related question about the test to run in SPSS. Background information on the data: Repeated measures ...
Trevor Dubois's user avatar
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Conjoint Analysis - How they do it?

Theoretically what I know that, for doing Conjoint Analysis I have to make a list of all the possible products with five different features utilizing all the combination of different levels (see ...
RCS's user avatar
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How to run repeated-measures ANOVA when data points per subject vary?

I am attempting to run statistics in the following scenario: I have a list of hospital visits by approx. 60 patients to the emergency room. Each patient gets an EKG done of their heart, and I have ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Finding trends from ordinal / likert responses

I have two ordinal variables, ranked on a 1-5 Likert scale, and a categorical variable of age groups. What I would like to is extract significant (or determine and identify the existence of) ...
SeanCocteau's user avatar
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Extracting meaningful demographic data from ordinal / Likert responses in SPSS

I'm currently working on the findings of my Masters dissertation where I've defined hypotheses, created a questionnaire, and then testing whether a relationship exists between different ordinal ...
SeanCocteau's user avatar
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Multilevel analysis or separate analysis for each level - group / individual analysis

I collected muscle activity levels from 4 different leg muscles on each lower limb over a 20 jump test in 2 groups of athletes. One group has ACL injury (n=11) and there is a control group (n=11). ...
Matt Jordan's user avatar
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Hierarchy predictive top down approach

I'm having a problem with using a hierarchical top down forecasting approach. According to my understanding, when I split an aggregated value on the levels below it, I have to know the percentages ...
DP78's user avatar
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Can I create an Index score using factor scores as weights?

I am creating an Overall Customer Satisfaction Index score based off of 4 factors that comprise satisfaction for callers to a call center: A representatives concern for your needs; ease of navigating ...
Negative Correlation's user avatar
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solution for large contingency table

I have performed logistic regression using SPSS on my data with a dichotomous variable as the dependent variable with three independent variables and three covariates (they are mostly categorical) ...
katji's user avatar
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Parafac for crossover design studies

.Hi, everybody I have data that has 28 subjects involved in a crossover design study including 4 different treatments. The amount of variables is over 10000 (measured almost on the same scale) In ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Intraclass Correlations ICC1, ICC2, ICC3?

I am doing some research for my teacher training. I am looking at the agreement between student-assessment and teacher-assessment. Essentially there are 4 tasks. Students scored the task and I ...
Rachel's user avatar
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Meaning of negative elements in Principal Component Analysis(PCA) rotated component matrix

Suppose that we have this rotated component matrix from PCA (SPSS output): ...
user2991243's user avatar
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SPSS Spearman test, how to determine significance?

I did a Spearman test on 2 ordinal values (likert scale), my hypothoses are as follows: Null Hypotheses: There is a correlation between participants who view images as an important tool and ...
Green_qaue's user avatar
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can you analytically solve this bayesian hierarchical model - bernoulli trials

Is it possible to analytically solve (i.e., use a conjugate prior) the hierarchical model shown in the image below to obtain the posterior distribution. The data are composed of bernouli trials ...
captain_ahab's user avatar
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2 factorial experiment (2 by 3). DV is NOT normally distributed

I just conducted an 2 factorial experiment that has 6 conditions (2 by 3). Specifically, my design is: IV1 = prior positive information (positive in A domain vs. control vs. positive in B domain) IV2 =...
Shane Maxwell's user avatar
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SEM Model - Factor Analysis

I am attempting to build an SEM model for the fulfillment of my post-graduate course. For the model I have attempted to do reliability analysis with Cronbach alpha and the results are depicted below: ...
Ryan Balzan's user avatar
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What type of statistical analysis would be best to use?

I'm awful at statistics so could really use some help regarding statistical analysis and which approach to use. Here is what I know - I need to determine, based on stats I have been given, whether ...
JakeP's user avatar
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Which statistical test to use?

I have acquired data with multiple variables that I need to test. My dependent variable, Seed number, is tested between Ecotypes but also between Treatments (hot and cold). I need to see whether Seed ...
statsconfusion's user avatar
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How can I correlate groups of variables?

I have conducted a survey to find out the correlation between organizational justice and turnover intention within an organization. So, in the survey, I have asked some Likert-scale questions around ...
Linh Dong's user avatar
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How to determine which variables need to be trimmed in PCA or Factor analysis?

Background: I'm working with log returns for about 400 tech stocks. I want to use PCA to reduce these into principal components (Internet companies, software developers, circuit board manufacturers, ...
chrisfar's user avatar
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imbalance in sample size at multilevel longitudinal data

I have longitudinal data (BMI level) measured at 3 time points and subjects are students nested to schools. The sample size in school level differs considerably (n=85 % in school 1, n=10 % in school ...
Alph's user avatar
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Significant Friedman's test vs. non-significant multiple comparisons

I am currently running a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design for a new type of intervention. This intervention is compared to a placebo and another more conventional type of treatment. ...
D.B's user avatar
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Using results of Canonical Discriminant Analysis to get overall variable importance?

I have a dataset with thousands of observations pre-assigned to 18 groups and with measures for 8 different variables. I am using canonical discriminant analysis to see how separable my 18 groups are. ...
sth's user avatar
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Discrepancy between hierarchical top level time series and direct sums - using package hts

I have an xls file with sales data from 12 shops, each selling two types of goods. If I read in the xls file and sum up sales for each month (ignoring the two types of goods and just looking at the ...
SiKiHe's user avatar
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Combining variables in SPSS, if multiple regression is appropriate for likert scale

Im looking into how different types of coping strategies moderates the relationship between working and suffering parental stress. In total I have 5 hypotheses, of how the variables correlate with ...
ana's user avatar
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IBM SPSS QUESTION: Measure the perception of the respondents

My problem to solve with IBM SPSS is: I have got answers to a question about X topic that contains 15 options of multiple response and I want to characterize the perception of the correspondents ...
Perseus's user avatar
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Question about notation of expectation operators over multiple random processes

My question is what are suitable or accepted notations for taking expectations over multiple random processes in the same equation. Let a model for variable $y$ be given by $$y_{i \alpha}=\mu_i+\...
tomka's user avatar
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SEM vs. Hierarchical Regression

I am comparing the outcomes of my model analysis using PLS and hierarchical regression (HR). On SPSS (for HR), I'm using (mean or summative) scores. On Smart-PLS, when I enter my variables as computed ...
codella's user avatar
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Is my nested random-effect model non-hierarchical?

I have a problem with model structure because of the way factors are nested in a potentially non-hierarchical way. I'm not sure if I fully understand the issue but I can't find a way to specify the ...
Amorphia's user avatar
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Box-Cox transformation in SPSS

I have a dataset of variables that fail to conform to a normal distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov sig. value = 0 for all the variables). In order to perform parametric statistics on these variables I ...
Arslan's user avatar
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Is 0.40 Alpha score (KR-20) acceptable for a true-false test?

I have 10 true-false-Idont know test items. I codded correct responses as 1, incorrect ones and dont knows as 0. I got 0.40 alpha score (or KR-20). Do you think that this score is acceptable for such ...
ahmet's user avatar
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