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Questions tagged [truncation]

Truncation is a process that results in the omission of data that are beyond a threshold.

49 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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The marginals of a truncated multinomial are truncated binomials?

The multinomial distribution for a vector $\vec x$ of non-negative integers assigns a probability of: $$f(\vec x) = n!\prod_i p_i^{x_i}/x_i!$$ to every vector $\vec x$ of non-negative integers in ...
a06e's user avatar
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Truncated response variable in boosted regression trees

I was thinking about the differences in approaches between parametric and non-parametric statistics in regression. I am working with a non-negative integer response $N\in\mathbb{N}_{0}$. Let's imagine ...
statsplease's user avatar
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truncation of bivariate normal under quadratic condition

Consider a complex normal variable $Z \sim \mathcal{CN}(\mu,2\sigma^2)$ with real component $X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$ and imaginary component $Y \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$. We can write ...
Ahwaq's user avatar
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Swiss Cheese Distributions

I am curious about a normal distribution with no probability mass in certain regions, sort of like the complement of the truncated normal. In particular, it will have zero mass in a circular region. ...
John Madden's user avatar
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Unbiased Estimator of the truncation points in a truncated normal distribution?

Consider the variables $x_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2,a,b)$ iid with truncation points $a$ and $b$, i.e. $a < x_i < b$. Suppose all four parameters, namely $\mu, \sigma, a, b$ are unknown. ...
xiaodai's user avatar
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Two-part models in R: continuous outcome with too many zeros

I am estimating a model where the outcome variable is continuous, more specifically a percentage in the form of a 0 to 1 range. This variable has one potential problem: many of its cases equal zero (...
AndrewSteer's user avatar
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Finite mixture models with bounded data

I am trying to fit a finite mixture model to a dependent variable which is bounded (practically) between -0.594 and 1 (theoretically, the latent variable is bounded between -Inf - 1). The data are ...
DavidT85's user avatar
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Estimating parameters in a truncated negative binomial distribution?

I would like to find the estimates of the parameters in a truncated (at zero) negative binomial distribution. Suppose $Z$ has this distribution with parameters ($\alpha,\beta$). (The parametrization ...
Danny's user avatar
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Distribution closed under convolution and truncation followed by convolution

Let $D(\theta)$ denote an absolutely continuous distribution on $\mathbb{R}$. (The finite dimensional vector $\theta$ collects the parameters of the distribution.) Assume that the p.d.f. of $D(\theta)$...
cfp's user avatar
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Truncated mulitvariate normal: first two moments

Let $X\in \mathbb{R}$ be a univariate random varible for which it holds that $$ X \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2).$$ where $\mu\in \mathbb{R}$ gives the expected value and $\sigma^2>0$ is the variance. If ...
Michael L.'s user avatar
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Why is this Bayesian estimate of a truncation-point so poor?

I have several datasets. Each dataset holds the masses of objects that have been subject to physical wear, expressed as a proportion of their original mass ($w$), and the amount of time that the ...
bshane's user avatar
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Is there a way to model left truncated and interval censored data in R or SAS?

We have a study where our participant underwent some surgery at time = 0, but at various ages. Our follow-up is based only on Medicare age-eligible people, so we have to wait until they reach the age ...
rjweyant's user avatar
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Distribution of a constrained Gaussian distribution in frequency domain

We know that a Gaussian Distribution is not limited and it spans from $-\infty$ to $+\infty$ . However, practically if we sample the Gaussian with a finite sampling frequency, the maximum frequency is ...
CfourPiO's user avatar
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Is it Sufficient to Truncate a Left Censored Distribution?

A colleague explained their approach to dealing with left censored data in an analysis, and while I don't think it is the best approach, I am not sure if it is insufficient or not. My colleague has ...
Dave Bapst's user avatar
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Working out the true mean of a distribution from a truncated set of observations

Suppose people receive a random draw which represents the probability of some event. The draws are taken randomly from a normal distribution with true mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$. ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
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List Experiments as Right-Truncated Poisson?

A common scenario for the analysis of list experiments: Note: the standard list experiment is also known as the Item Count Technique (see Imai 2011: ...
socialscientist's user avatar
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Conditional moments of bivariate normal

Suppose that (X,Y) are bivariate normal with non-zero means and correlation. Is there any neat expression for $\mathbb{E}(X|Y>0)$?
Egor's user avatar
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Proving a "well-known" result regarding the distribution of a normally distributed random variable

In an important project work, I would like to include a "proof" of the following, but have unfortunately been unable to readily compute it myself. I am aware that this is a flaw on my part, but ...
StudBsc's user avatar
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proper one-sided test for truncated distribution

I have positional segments that contain N number of mutations. Each mutation has a frequency which is determined by taking the number of reads supporting the alternate allele (r) and dividing them by ...
user3266890's user avatar
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Truncated normal in WinBUGS

I want to use the following truncated normal distribution in WinBUGS to estimate parameters of SEM using Bayesian analysis. ...
thanoon's user avatar
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Where can I get reference formulas for truncated distributions?

I have been comparing tails of various distributions for an application where we will need the conditional expectation of the tail or a truncated tail: $E(X | a<X \leq b )= \frac{\int_a^b x f(x) ...
joefu's user avatar
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Left truncation or left censoring?

I am conducting a study in which I analyse the time to opt out after the free trial is ending. I have individuals who sign up for a free membership-trial period. At some point the period is ending and ...
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Likelihood contribution of censored data - why conditional?

Let $x_i$ be a sample of survival time from right-truncated data with right-truncation time $Y_R$. I would like to find the likelihood contribution from the sample. I thought I have to find the ...
Kaira's user avatar
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Is my data right censored or right truncated?

I have a dataset of the percent of pavement area that is cracked and time as the explanatory variable for a city's streets. Engineering principles and logic tell us that as that as time progresses, ...
Sampat Kedarisetty's user avatar
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Baseline adjustment when both pre- and post values are subject to left-censoring

Assume $X$ is a binary treatment variable, $Y$ is a continuous variable measured pre- and post-treatment $(Y_{pre}$, $Y_{post})$, and $Z$ represents the remaining covariates. Both $Y_{pre}$ and $Y_{...
andrjens's user avatar
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Estimate population variance / mean from truncated distribution with known cutoff, but without parametric assumptions

Suppose you have a sample of $N$ iid random variables $X_i$ drawn from an unknown (but finite variance) distribution but with a known upper-cutoff $K$ and therefore support $[0,1,2,...,K]$ but un-...
wolfsatthedoor's user avatar
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Survival analysis: how to account for immortal time with time-dependent exposure

I am working on a survival analysis to look at time to preterm birth (birth before 37 weeks). I have a time-dependent exposure that can occur anytime at or after 28 weeks, defined using a heaviside ...
af1234's user avatar
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Truncated count model -- including information about the number of unobserved realisations

Background Suppose we have a model such that $Y \sim \mathcal{M}(\theta)$ is a discrete random variable taking values in $[0, 1, \ldots]$. We would like to make inference about $\theta$ from a ...
Luiz Max Carvalho's user avatar
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Can I consider this as a truncated normal distribution?

I have a variable whose maximum value is fixed (maximum number of days in the observation period). In some plots, the histogram of the log-transformed variable peaks near the maximum, but not at the ...
irene's user avatar
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Do I have Left Truncation or Right Censoring in my Survival/Event History Analysis?

I am doing study that starts at a specific date, January 1st 2015, and ends on a specific date, December 31st 2015. My overarching research question revolves around modeling time between orders of ...
amarsh's user avatar
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Sampling from a truncated random effects distribution

How would one sample observations $T_{ij} = U_i + \varepsilon_{ij}$, where the distribution of $U_i, \varepsilon_{ij}$ are known and mutually independent, condition on the fact that $L_{ij} \le T_{ij} ...
Tom Chen's user avatar
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Does deleting right censoring data make it to be left truncated?

If data have right censoring and complete data, I delete the right censored ones. Does it make the data to be left truncated? And why?
Zander's user avatar
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Estimating Gamma MLE with left truncated data (using R and maxLik)

I'm trying to find the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a Gamma distributed random variable using maxLik. The following code explain what I did: ...
Charles's user avatar
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Truncated distribution $f(x;\theta)=\theta x^{-(\theta-1)}$

I'm trying to derive for p.m.f. $$f(x;\theta)=\theta x^{-(\theta-1)}$$ $x>1, \theta > 0$ the truncated distribution that excludes observations $1<X≤a$ $$f(x | X > a)=\frac{g(x)}{1-F(a)}$...
mavavilj's user avatar
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Regression with dependent variable which ranges from -1 to 1

I performed a series of Pearson correlations which give me as expected values between -1 and 1 (actually very few below zero). I'd like now to see if some factors are linked to these correlation ...
Bakaburg's user avatar
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error on truncated rms

I am computing the RMS of a sample to estimate the standar error $\sigma$ of the underlying distribution (for simplicity let say a normal distribution $N[\mu$, $\sigma$]). $ \text{RMS} = \sum_{i=1}^N ...
Ruggero Turra's user avatar
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Is it possible to model BOTH censoring and truncation in BUGS?

Survival times are often right censored and left truncated. From my experience, it does not seem like OpenBUGS allows for both. Truncation is denoted as T( , ) and censoring as C( ,). For instance, a ...
ATJ's user avatar
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Which log-likelihood is to be maximized for left-truncated count data?

What is to be done, if the count data is missing the counts on the zeros (i.e. left truncated data)? Say one wants to estimate a Poisson regression and the goal is to derive the log-likelihood to be ...
Marlon Brando's user avatar
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Estimating a censored distribution curve

I have a sample of only 142 numbers from a distribution of 3852 numbers ranging from 0 to 53, but it is censored below 35 (The values ​​exist, but I don't have access.), so I have only the values in ...
Silvio Duarte's user avatar
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How to model an uncertain (or erroneous) truncation effect on a random variable?

Let $ V_a $ be a random variable which is truncated at a value $v_c$. Therefore, the updated density function of truncated $V_a$ is given by, $$ f(v_a| V_a\leq v_c) = \frac{g(v_a)}{F(v_c)}$$ where $g(...
Shihab Khan's user avatar
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Expected value of a random variable with truncation

Let $f:[0,\infty)\to \mathbb R_+$ denote the PDF of a random variable $X$ and $c>0$ a constant. I want to evaluate the following integral: $$I(c)=\int_0^\infty{\min(x,c)f(x)dx}.$$ This can be ...
clueless's user avatar
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Truncating variable in survival analysis

this is my first time developing a survival analysis model so bare with me if the nomenclature is not on point. Basically, I'm running a Cox PH model for the length a contract is active, where 1 is ...
amestrian's user avatar
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Truncation based on two variables

I have some data, which has been constructed from multiple API pulls. Observations have an expiry date, $x_i$, which means that observations which expire before the API pull is done do not appear in ...
Oska Fentem's user avatar
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Truncation versus censoring with Kaplan-Meier

I am trying to run Kaplan-Meier on a rather odd dataset and am having difficulty determining whether I should be truncating or censoring my data. I have looked at the other feeds, including this very ...
Janth's user avatar
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Truncation of distance matrix

Given a sample $\textbf{X}_1$,...,$\textbf{X}_n\in\mathbb{R}^p$ from an arbitrary distribution with distribution function $F$ we can calculate the pairwise Mahalanobis distances between the sample ...
ricsirke's user avatar
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Right truncation and right censoring

Is is possible for a survival data to be **right truncated and right censored **. If so, please leave an example for better understanding. Thanks in advance!
user11760503's user avatar
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Right censored or right truncation and Cox model?

Suppose, a list of targeted population is invited to participate in a health program. Invitation date could vary for every individual based on eligible criteria (this criterion is the same for all). ...
JRK's user avatar
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Hypothesis test for truncated distributed random variables in Bayesian Regression

As per the recommendation, I am re-framing my questions. I am doing a Bayesian Regression where the parameters are truncated at zero ($0< \beta < \infty$, Assuming prior to follow truncated ...
Sandipan Karmakar's user avatar
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Would there exist a symmetry around the mode in a truncated uni-modal distribution (which is differentiable)?

If we truncated around the mode of an asymmetric (continuous and differentiable) unimodal distribution, would there be a symmetry around the truncation point? For example if X is generated from an ...
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