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Henrik's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
157 votes

What is your favorite "data analysis" cartoon?

95 votes

What is your favorite "data analysis" cartoon?

57 votes

Famous statistical quotations

57 votes

What is your favorite "data analysis" cartoon?

41 votes

When conducting a t-test why would one prefer to assume (or test for) equal variances rather than always use a Welch approximation of the df?

40 votes

How to represent an unbounded variable as number between 0 and 1

38 votes

Regarding p-values, why 1% and 5%? Why not 6% or 10%?

34 votes

What is the minimum recommended number of groups for a random effects factor?

27 votes

Example reports for mixed-model analysis using lmer in biology, psychology and medicine?

23 votes

Post-hocs for within subjects tests?

21 votes

Post hoc test after ANOVA with repeated measures using R

20 votes

How do you "control" for a factor/variable?

19 votes

If the t-test and the ANOVA for two groups are equivalent, why aren't their assumptions equivalent?

19 votes

Can you say that statistics and probability is like induction and deduction?

18 votes

How to perform a 4 by 4 mixed ANOVA with between- and within-subjects contrasts using R?

18 votes

How to display error bars for cross-over (paired) experiments

17 votes

How to test hypothesis of no group differences?

17 votes

What is a "saturated" model?

16 votes

How do I vertically stack two graphs with the same x scale, but a different y scale in R?

15 votes

Is normality testing 'essentially useless'?

14 votes

Is there an alternative to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for tied data with correction?

13 votes

Whether to use structural equation modelling to analyse observational studies in psychology

13 votes

Measures of model complexity

13 votes

What are the differences between Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis?

13 votes

How to choose random- and fixed-effects structure in linear mixed models?

13 votes

Encoding of categorical variables (dummy vs. effects coding) in mixed models

12 votes

Finding the column index by its name in R

12 votes

Is there a way to maximize/minimize a custom function in R?

11 votes

Good resource to understand ANOVA and ANCOVA?

11 votes

Interpreting three forms of a "mixed model"

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